

单词 expel
expel verb
expel (expel illegal immigrants) exclude2 (expel sb from school)


 See also the entries for evacuate and exclude 2 另见evacuate条和exclude条第2义expel ♦︎ deport ♦︎ exile ♦︎ banish ♦︎ extradite ♦︎ repatriate ♦︎ displaceThese words all mean to force sb to go to another country. 这些词均表示驱逐出境。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to expel / deport / exile / banish / extradite / repatriate sb to / from a countryto expel / deport / repatriate / displace refugeesto expel / deport / repatriate immigrantsto forcibly expel / deport / repatriate sb expel / /ɪkˈspel/ / (-ll-) [transitive] to force sb to leave a country 驱逐出境Foreign journalists are being expelled.外国记者被驱逐出境。 expulsion / /ɪkˈspʌlʃn/ /


[uncountable, countable] These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.这些事件导致一些高级外交官被驱逐出境。
deport / /dɪˈpɔːt; NAmE dɪˈpɔːrt/ [transitive] to force sb to leave a country, usually because they have broken the law or because they have no legal right to be there 把(违法者或无居留权的人)驱逐出境He was convicted of drug offences and deported.他被判犯了毒品罪被驱逐出境。 deportation /ˌdiːpɔːˈteɪʃn; NAmE ˌdiːpɔːrˈteɪʃn/


[uncountable, countable] Several of the asylum seekers now face deportation.寻求避难的人中有几个现在面临被驱逐出境。
exile /ˈeksaɪl, ˈegzaɪl/ [transitive, usually passive] to force sb to leave their country, especially for political reasons or as a punishment (尤因政治原因或作为惩罚)流放,放逐Exiled opposition leaders have made an appeal to the international community.流亡的反对派领袖已经向国际社会发出呼吁。 exile


[uncountable] to be / live in exile在流放中;过流放生活to go / be forced / be sent into exile流亡;被迫流放;被流放a place of exile流放地He returned after 40 years of exile.他流放40年后归来。 see also exile refugee
banish /ˈbænɪʃ/ / [transitive, usually passive] to order sb to leave a place, especially a country, as a punishment 放逐,流放,把⋯驱逐出境(作为惩罚)He was banished to Australia, where he died five years later.他被流放到澳大利亚,五年后在那里去世。The servants were banished from the upstairs rooms.佣人们被赶出楼上的房间。Banish is often used about events in the past. It is not often used in a modern or legal context. * banish常用来指过去发生的事件,不常用于现代语境或法律语境。 banishment


[uncountable] Lady Montague dies of grief at Romeo's banishment.蒙太古夫人因罗密欧被放逐悲伤而死。
extradite / /ˈekstrədaɪt/ / [transitive] to officially send back sb who has been accused or found guilty of a crime to the country where the crime was committed 引渡(嫌犯或罪犯)The courts have refused to extradite the suspects from Spain.法庭拒绝从西班牙引渡那几名犯罪嫌疑人。 extradition / /ˌekstrəˈdɪʃn/ /


[uncountable] The extradition of terrorist suspects will cause controversy.引渡恐怖分子嫌疑犯会引发争议。an extradition treaty引渡条约to start extradition proceedings启动引渡程序
repatriate / /ˌriːˈpætrieɪt; NAmE ˌriːˈpeɪtrieɪt/ [transitive] to send or bring sb back to their own country 遣送回国;遣返The refugees were forcibly repatriated.难民被强制遣送回国。Tourists who are injured or fall sick are repatriated.受伤或染病的旅游者会遣送回国。 repatriation


[uncountable, countable] Several refugees took part in the voluntary repatriation programme.几名难民参加了自愿遣返计划。
displace /dɪsˈpleɪs/ / [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to force people to move away from their home to another place 迫使(一群人)离开家园An estimated 50 000 people have been displaced from their homes by the conflict.大约5万人因这场军事冲突而背井离乡。 displacement


[uncountable] (formal) the largest displacement of civilian population since World War II自二战以来最大规模的平民迁移


exclude sugar from your diet 饮食中不含糖分exclude sb from a club 阻止某人加入俱乐部 See also the entries for ban verb, evacuate and expel 另见ban动词词条、evacuate条和expel条exclude ♦︎ expel ♦︎ keep sb/sth out ♦︎ drop ♦︎ shut sb/sth out ♦︎ ostracize ♦︎ blacklist ♦︎ excommunicateThese words all mean to prevent sb/sth from taking part in sth or entering a place, or to make sb leave a place. 这些词均表示阻止参加、拒之门外或驱逐。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to exclude / expel / drop / excommunicate sb from sthto exclude / expel / drop / ostracize / blacklist / excommunicate sb for sthto exclude / expel a pupil / student / childto feel excluded / ostracized exclude [transitive, often passive] to prevent sb/sth from entering a place or taking part in sth 防止⋯进入;阻止⋯参加Women are still excluded from some golf clubs.有些高尔夫球俱乐部仍拒绝接纳女会员。Large multinationals can make bids which effectively exclude local firms.大型跨国公司可以投标,这样实际上排挤了地方企业。Many local people feel excluded from decisions that affect their own community.许多当地人觉得在自己社区的决策中没有发言权。In British English, exclude can also mean to forbid a student to attend school for a time because of bad behaviour. 在英式英语中,exclude还可表示“勒令行为不端的学生停学一段时间” (BrE) Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school.被学校停学的儿童人数引起了人们越来越多的关注。In American English use expel. 在美式英语中用expel来表达此义。 OPP admit let sb in , involve include 1 exclusion / /ɪkˈskluːʒn/ /


[uncountable, countable] (rather formal) the causes of social exclusion不为社会所容的原因 (BrE) Two exclusions from one school in the same week is unusual.一所学校在一周之内就有两起令学生停学的事,这很少见。
expel / /ɪkˈspel/ / (-ll-) [transitive] to officially make sb leave a school or an organization, usually because they have broken the rules or done sth wrong (通常因犯规或犯错)把⋯开除(或除名)She was expelled from school at 15.她15岁时被学校开除了。A number of Olympic athletes were expelled for drug-taking.一些奥运会运动员因服用禁药被取消比赛资格。They were forcibly expelled from their farm by the occupying authorities.他们被那些抢占他们土地的当权者强行驱逐出农场。 expulsion / /ɪkˈspʌlʃn/ /


[uncountable, countable] The principal threatened the three girls with expulsion.校长以开除来威胁这三名女生。
ˌkeep sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(kept, kept)to prevent sb/sth from entering a place 阻止进入;把⋯阻挡在外Keep that dog out of my study!别让那狗进我的书房!They took security precautions to keep intruders out.他们采取了安全措施以阻止闯入者。The house has extra insulation to keep out the cold.这所住宅加装了隔热装置以防寒。 OPP let sb in let sb in
drop (-pp-) [transitive] to no longer include sb in a team or group (从队伍或小组中)除去She's been dropped from the team because of injury.她因伤离队了。 ˌshut sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(shutting, shut, shut)to prevent sb/sth from entering a place 阻止进入;把⋯阻挡在外Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom!妈,本老是不让我进卧室!They make sunglasses which shut out 99% of the sun's harmful rays.他们生产的太阳镜能遮挡99%的有害太阳光线。He carefully locked the door behind him, shutting out the world.他小心翼翼地把身后的门锁上,把世界关在外面。NOTE 辨析 Exclude, keep sb/sth out or shut sb/sth out? Exclude is slightly more formal and usually refers to a rule or policy which stops sb from entering a place, such as a building or event. Keep sb/sth out and shut sb/sth out are slightly more informal and usually refer to sth which physically stops sb from entering a place. Shut sb/sth out emphasizes the idea of a physical barrier, such as a door. * exclude稍正式,通常指规定或政策阻止某人进入建筑物或参加活动。keep sb/sth out和shut sb/sth out稍非正式,通常指用实质的障碍物阻挡某人进入。shut sb/sth out强调像门这样的实体障碍。
ostracize (BrE also ostracise) / /ˈɒstrəsaɪz; NAmE ˈɑːstrəsaɪz/ [transitive] (formal) (of a group of people) to refuse to let sb be a member of a social group; to refuse to meet or talk to sb (团体)排挤;排斥He was ostracized by his colleagues for refusing to support the strike.他因拒绝支持罢工而受到同事的排挤。The regime risks being ostracized by the international community.这一政权有遭到国际社会排斥的风险。 blacklist /ˈblæklɪst/ / [transitive] to put the name of sb/sth on a list of people, products or countries that an organization or government considers unacceptable or that must be avoided 将⋯列入黑名单She was blacklisted by all the major Hollywood studios because of her political views.由于她的政见,所有的好莱坞大制片公司都拒绝用她。At present, anything except specifically blacklisted substances can be dumped at sea.目前,未明令禁止的所有物质都可以倾倒进大海。The list of people, products or countries is called a blacklist. * blacklist指黑名单a blacklist of countries where illegal copying of software is thought to be widespread盛行非法复制软件的国家黑名单 excommunicate / /ˌekskəˈmjuːnɪkeɪt/ / [transitive] to punish sb by officially stating that they can no longer be a member of a Christian Church, especially the Roman Catholic Church 开除教籍(尤指天主教);绝罚The Vatican upheld its decision to excommunicate seven women who were ordained as priests last year.梵蒂冈坚持决议,开除去年接受任命的七名女司铎的教籍。 excommunication


[uncountable, countable] They were threatened with excommunication.他们受到取消教籍的威胁。




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