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flood noun ⇨ flood 1 (The rain caused floods.) ⇨ flood 2 (a flood of calls/tears)flood verb ⇨ flood (a cellar floods) ⇨ light 2 (flooded with light) ⇨ overwhelm (flooded with requests) ⇨ soak (The river flooded the valley.) ⇨ surge (Letters came flooding in.)flood1 noun The rain caused floods. 降雨引发了洪水。a flood of calls/refugees/tears 接连不断的电话;难民潮;泪如雨下flood ♦︎ torrent ♦︎ flash flood ♦︎ tidal wave ♦︎ deluge ♦︎ tsunamiThese are all words for a very large amount of water moving quickly or in a place which is usually dry. 这些词均表示洪水、急流、洪流。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a great flood / torrent◆to cause a flood / flash flood / tidal wave / tsunami◆floods / flash floods / a tidal wave / a tsunami hit / hits sth◆a flood / tidal wave / tsunami destroys sth◆a torrent / deluge of rain■ flood [countable, uncountable] a large amount of water covering an area that is usually dry 洪水;水灾◆The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country.暴雨使全国很多地方洪水泛滥。◆The building was evacuated as flood water filled the basement.洪水灌满了地下室,楼里的居民撤离了。◆ (especially BrE) The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood).河水泛滥。 see also flood ⇨ soak verb ■ torrent / /ˈtɒrənt; NAmE ˈtɔːrənt, ˈtɑːrənt/ [countable] a large amount of water moving very quickly 急流;湍流;洪流◆After the winter rains, the stream becomes a raging torrent.冬雨过后,溪流湍急。◆The rain was coming down in torrents.大雨如注。▸ torrential /təˈrenʃl/ / adjective ◆torrential rain倾盆大雨■ ˈflash flood [countable] a sudden flood of water caused by heavy rain (暴雨引起的)暴洪◆More than 80 people were feared dead last night after flash floods, the worst in 34 years.昨夜发生了34年来最严重的暴洪灾害,80余人恐已丧生。■ ˌtidal ˈwave / /ˈtaɪdl/ / [countable] a very large ocean wave, especially one caused by an earthquake or a volcano erupting 潮汐波;潮浪;海啸◆According to one account, the explosion caused a tidal wave 65 feet high.有种说法称爆炸激起了高达65英尺的潮浪。 see also wave ⇨ wave noun 1 ■ deluge / /ˈdeljuːdʒ/ / [countable, usually singular] (especially written) a sudden very heavy fall of rain 暴雨;豪雨◆The earlier deluge had given way to more normal rain.先前的暴雨已减弱为一般的降水。■ tsunami / /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ / [countable] a very large ocean wave caused, for example, by an earthquake or a volcano erupting 海啸◆The tsunami caused immeasurable damage.海啸造成了不可估量的损失。NOTE 辨析 Tidal wave or tsunami?The correct scientific term for a very large ocean wave caused by an earthquake is tsunami or seismic sea wave. Technically, a tidal wave is caused by the pull of the moon and the sun that causes the tides. However, in popular, non-technical language, tidal wave is usually used to mean tsunami. 表示“海啸”的正确科学术语是tsunami或seismic sea wave。科学上认为,tidal wave由引发潮汐的月球和太阳的引力导致。不过,在通俗的非专业用语中,tidal wave通常用来指tsunami。 flood2 noun The rain caused floods. 降雨引发了洪水。a flood of calls/refugees/tears 接连不断的电话;难民潮;泪如雨下flood ♦︎ stream ♦︎ barrage ♦︎ shower ♦︎ battery ♦︎ torrent ♦︎ hail ♦︎ outpouring ♦︎ volleyThese are all words for the movement of a large amount of sth, or a large number of things or people that arrive or happen at the same time. 这些词均表示人或事物的一大批、一大群、一连串。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a flood / stream / torrent of words◆a flood / stream of calls◆a flood / barrage of complaints◆a stream / barrage / torrent of abuse◆a barrage / torrent / hail of criticism◆a barrage / battery / volley of questions◆floods / a torrent of tears◆a torrent / an outpouring of emotion◆a shower / hail / volley of arrows / bullets / stones◆a hail / volley of shots / fire◆a constant / continuous stream / barrage of sth◆to unleash a flood / barrage / torrent / volley of sth■ flood [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) a very large amount of sth or number of things or people that appear at the same time 大批,大量(人或事物)◆They took on temporary workers in anticipation of a flood of calls.他们预料会有大量的来电,就雇用了临时工。◆Authorities are struggling to cope with the flood of refugees.当局正在努力应付难民潮。◆The child was in floods of tears (= crying a lot).小孩哭得泪人儿似的。 see also flood ⇨ overwhelm verb , flood ⇨ surge verb ■ stream [countable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a large amount of sth or number of things that happen one after the other 一连串,接二连三,源源不断(的事情)◆She had to deal with a constant stream of enquiries.她不得不应付接连不断的询问。◆He let loose a stream of insults and obscenities.他破口大骂,吐出一连串脏话。◆The agency provided me with a steady stream of work.这个介绍所让我不断有活干。ⓘ A stream can also be a continuous flow of people or vehicles. * stream亦可指人流或车流。 see also stream ⇨ flow verb ■ barrage / /ˈbærɑːʒ; NAmE bəˈrɑːʒ/ [singular] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) a large number or amount of sth, for example questions or comments, that are directed at sb very quickly, one after the other, often in an aggressive way 接二连三的一大堆(质问或指责等)◆She had not been prepared to face this barrage of questions.她还没准备好应付这些连珠炮似的问题。■ shower [countable, usually singular] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) (written) a large number or amount of sth that falls together 一大批;一阵;一连串◆A log in the fire broke and fell, sending out a shower of sparks.火中的一根原木断裂倒下,迸发出一串火星。 see also shower ⇨ scatter verb ■ battery [countable, usually singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) a large number of things of the same type (同类的)一系列,一批,一群◆A whole battery of measures was tried in an attempt to get them to give up cigarettes.为了让他们戒烟,尝试采取了一整套措施。ⓘ Collocates of battery in this meaning include questions, tests and measures. 表达此义时,battery的搭配词有question、test和measure。■ torrent /ˈtɒrənt; NAmE ˈtɔːrənt, ˈtɑːrənt/ [countable] (usually followed by of 通常后接of) a large number or amount of words or emotion that comes suddenly and violently (话语或感情的)迸发,狂潮◆A torrent of words poured out as thoughts raced around in his head.他脑子里飞速地转着好几个念头,滔滔不绝的话语脱口而出。◆She was subjected to a torrent of abuse.她遭到了连珠炮似的谩骂。■ hail [singular] (always followed by of 总是后接of) (written) a lot of bullets, stones or arrows that fall somewhere at the same time; a lot of criticism that is directed at sb/sth 一阵弹雨(或乱石、乱箭);一阵猛烈的批评◆A passer-by was caught in the hail of bullets.一个过路人身陷弹雨之中。◆The attempt to bring in new legislation was met by a hail of criticism.订立新法规的提议遭到了猛烈的批评。■ outpouring /ˈaʊtpɔːrɪŋ/ / [countable] (written) a strong and sudden expression of feeling; a large amount of sth produced in a short time (感情的)迸发,倾泻;涌现;喷涌◆Her death prompted huge outpourings of grief.她的死令人悲恸欲绝。◆His early career was characterized by a remarkable outpouring of new ideas.他入行之初有个特点:新点子层出不穷。■ volley [countable, usually singular] a lot of bullets, stones or arrows that are fired or thrown at the same time; a lot of questions, comments or insults that are directed at sb quickly one after the other 一阵弹雨(或乱石、乱箭);一连串的质问(或评论、辱骂)◆A volley of shots rang out.一排子弹呼啸而出。◆Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd.警察朝人群头顶上方射出一排子弹。◆She faced a volley of angry questions from her mother.她遭到母亲一连串愤怒的质问。NOTE 辨析 Hail or volley?A hail of bullets, arrows, stones, shots or fire is usually considered from the point of view of the person or people it falls on: sb might be caught, killed or die in a hail of bullets. A volley is usually considered from the point of view of the people who fire it. * a hail of bullets/arrows/stones/shots/fire通常是从子弹等的攻击对象的角度来考虑,可以说be caught/be killed/die in a hail of bullets。volley通常是从开火者、弓箭手或投石者的角度来考虑。 flood verb flood ♦︎ overflow ♦︎ spill over (sth) ♦︎ burst its banksThese words all refer to rivers or containers which are so full that the contents go over the sides. 这些词均表示漫出、溢出。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a river floods / overflows / bursts its banks◆a river overflows / bursts its banks◆tears overflow / spill over■ flood [intransitive] to become filled or covered with water; (of a river) to become so full that it spreads out onto the land around it 灌满水;(河流)泛滥◆The cellar floods whenever it rains heavily.只要一下大雨地窖就淹水。◆When the Ganges floods, it causes considerable damage.恒河泛滥时往往造成严重损害。 see also flood ⇨ soak verb ■ overflow /ˌəʊvəˈfləʊ; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈfloʊ/ [intransitive, transitive](of a container or river) to be so full that the contents go over the sides (容器或河流)漫出,溢出◆The bath is overflowing!浴缸溢水了!◆ (figurative) Her heart overflowed with love.她的心里充满了爱。◆If it keeps raining the river could overflow its banks.如果雨一直不停,河水有可能涨出堤岸。■ ˌspill ˈover ■ ˌspill ˈover sth phrasal verb (spilled, spilled; BrE also spilt, spilt)to go over the sides, edge or surface of sth, especially a container 洒出,溢出(尤指容器)◆The bag was so full of presents that it was spilling over.袋子里装满了礼物,都要散落出来了。◆The tears spilled over and trickled down her cheeks.她的眼泪溢出眼眶,顺着面颊流了下来。◆A few drops of wine spilled over the edge of her glass.几滴葡萄酒溢出了她的酒杯。◆She lay with her hair spilling over the pillow.她躺着,头发披散在枕头上。■ ˌburst its ˈbanks idiom (burst, burst)(of a river) to flood suddenly or dramatically (河流)决堤◆Many sheep were swept to their deaths when the river burst its banks after rising eight feet overnight.河水在一夜之间上涨8英尺后决堤,许多羊被冲走淹死了。 light2 verb light a fire 点火well lit streets 灯火通明的街道light ♦︎ light (sth) up ♦︎ illuminate ♦︎ flood ♦︎ brightenThese words all mean to provide light to sth or to a place. 这些词均表示照亮、使明亮。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to be lit / lit up / illuminated / flooded with sth◆to light / illuminate / flood / brighten a room◆to light / illuminate the streets◆the sky lights up / brightens◆the sun lights / lights up / illuminates / floods sth◆sunlight illuminates / floods sth◆to suddenly / briefly light / light up / illuminate (sth)◆to be well / brightly / dimly / softly lighted / illuminated■ light (lit, lit) [transitive, usually passive] to give light to sth or to a place 照亮;使照明◆The stage was lit by bright spotlights.舞台上有明亮的聚光灯照明。◆Make sure you always park your car in busy, well lit streets.务必总把车停在繁忙且灯光明亮的街道上。ⓘ In literary English light can also mean to guide sb with a light. 在文学语言中,light还表示用光指引◆Our way was lit by a full moon.一轮圆月照亮了我们的路。 ▸ lighted adjective ◆scenes glimpsed through other people's lighted windows透过别人亮着灯的窗户瞥见的一些场面 OPP unlit ⇨ dark 1 ■ ˌlight ˈup■ ˌlight sth ˈup phrasal verb (lit, lit)to become bright with light or colour; to make sth bright with light or colour 放光彩;使光亮◆There was an explosion and the whole sky lit up.一声爆炸照亮了整个天空。◆The night sky was lit up with fireworks.烟花照亮了夜空。■ illuminate / /ɪˈluːmɪneɪt/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to shine light on sth 照明;照亮;照射◆Floodlights illuminated the stadium.泛光灯把体育场照得通亮。◆The earth is illuminated by the sun.太阳给地球带来光明。▸ illuminated adjective ◆There is a large garden with an illuminated pond.有个大花园,里面的池塘带灯光照明。◆The doctor examined his X-ray on an illuminated screen.医生在发光屏上查看了他的X光片。■ flood [intransitive, transitive](of light or bright colours) to spread suddenly into sth (光或颜色)照进,覆盖◆She drew the curtains and the sunlight flooded in.她拉开窗帘,阳光倾泻而入。◆She looked away as the colour flooded her cheeks.她双颊泛起了红晕,赶紧把视线转向别处。◆The room was flooded with evening light.房间里一片暮色。■ brighten [intransitive, transitive] to become or make sth lighter or brighter in colour (使)更明亮,色彩鲜艳◆The sky was beginning to brighten.天空开始泛白。◆This shampoo will brighten and condition your hair.这种洗发剂会亮发、护发。 overwhelm verb overwhelm ♦︎ swamp ♦︎ bombard ♦︎ flood ♦︎ inundateThese words all refer to things or problems that are so many or so great that sb cannot deal with them. 这些词均表示使不堪承受、使应接不暇、使疲于应付。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to overwhelm / swamp / bombard / flood / inundate sb / sth with sth◆to be swamped / bombarded / flooded / inundated with complaints / requests◆to be swamped / inundated with offers / enquiries◆to be bombarded / flooded / inundated with calls / letters◆to suddenly overwhelm / swamp sb■ overwhelm / /ˌəʊvəˈwelm; NAmE ˌoʊvərˈwelm/ [transitive] to be so bad or so great that sb cannot deal with it; to give sb more of sth than they want or can deal with 压垮;使应接不暇◆The office was overwhelmed by the volume of work that was required.该办事处需要处理的事务之多令工作人员不胜负荷。◆She thinks she knows all the answers and always overwhelms me with advice.她认为自己无所不知,总是给我各种各样的忠告,令我难以招架。 see also overwhelming ⇨ uncontrollable ■ swamp /swɒmp; NAmE swɑːmp/ [transitive, often passive] to be so great that sb cannot deal with it; to give sb more things than they can deal with 使不堪承受;使疲于应付;使应接不暇◆This is a big task and I am finding myself swamped.这是个艰巨的任务,我觉得自己无法招架。◆Radio stations have been swamped with requests to play the song.不断有人点播那首歌,令电台应接不暇。NOTE 辨析 Overwhelm or swamp?People are typically overwhelmed by the amount, number or volume of a thing; people are swamped by the things themselves- complaints, requests, offers or enquiries. * overwhelm一般指事物数量巨大,使人不堪应付,通常与amount、number或volume搭配;swamp指事情本身,如complaints、requests、offers或enquiries,使人不堪承受、疲于应付。■ bombard /bɒmˈbɑːd; NAmE bɑːmˈbɑːrd/ [transitive] to attack sb with a lot of questions or criticism, or by giving them too much information (向某人)大量提问,大肆抨击,提供过多信息◆The interviewer bombarded her with intimate questions.采访者连珠炮似地向她提出了许多涉及个人隐私的问题。◆We are bombarded daily with propaganda about what we should eat.我们每天都收到海量宣传,告诉我们应该吃什么。■ flood [transitive, usually passive] to send sth somewhere in large numbers 大量送至;挤满;拥满◆The office was flooded with applications for the job.办公室堆满了应征那份工作的求职信。 see also flood ⇨ flood noun 2 ■ inundate /ˈɪnʌndeɪt/ / [transitive, often passive] to give or send sb so many things that they cannot deal with them all 使不胜负荷;使应接不暇◆We have been inundated with offers of help.来自各方的援助多得使我们应接不暇。 soak verb soak ♦︎ dip ♦︎ drench ♦︎ wet ♦︎ flood ♦︎ moisten ♦︎ dampen ♦︎ douse ♦︎ immerseThese words all mean to make sth wet. 这些词均表示弄湿、浸湿。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达浸湿的程度dip | ➔ | wet | ➔ | soak | ➔ | flood | moisten | | | | drench | | | dampen | | | | douse | | | | | | | immerse | | | PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to soak / drench / wet / moisten / dampen / douse sth with sth◆to soak / dip / drench / douse / immerse sth in sth◆to soak / drench / douse / immerse yourself in sth◆to dip / wet / moisten / dampen a brush (in sth)◆to wet / moisten your lips◆rain soaks / drenches / floods sb / sth◆to be soaked / drenched sth with blood / sweat◆to soak / douse sth in / with petrol◆to be soaked / drenched to the skin◆to completely / totally soak / drench / immerse sth◆to thoroughly soak / drench / wet / moisten / dampen sth◆to slightly wet / moisten / dampen sth■ soak [transitive, intransitive] to make sb/sth completely wet; to put sth in liquid for a time so that it becomes completely wet; to become completely wet in this way 使湿透;浸泡;浸湿;湿透◆A sudden shower of rain soaked the spectators.突如其来的一阵雨把观众淋了个透湿。◆His shirt was soaked with blood.他的衬衫浸透了血迹。◆If you soak the tablecloth before you wash it, the stains should come out.把桌布先浸泡一会儿再洗,污迹就能去掉。◆I'm going to go and soak in the bath.我要去泡个澡。 see also soaked ⇨ wet 1 ■ dip (-pp-) [transitive] to put sth quickly into liquid and take it out again 蘸;浸◆He dipped the brush into the thick white paint.他用刷子在黏稠的白漆里蘸了一下。◆Dip your hand in to see how hot the water is.你把手伸进去看水有多热。■ drench [transitive, often passive] to make sb/sth completely wet 使湿透◆We were caught in the storm and got drenched to the skin.我们遇上了暴风雨,淋得浑身透湿。◆His face was drenched with sweat.他满头大汗。◆ (figurative) She drenched herself in perfume.她浑身洒满了香水。 see also drenched ⇨ wet 1 NOTE 辨析 Soak or drench?In some cases you can use either word. Drench is used especially when a lot of water falls on or pours down sb/sth; soak is used more often than drench when liquid comes up from underneath sth and makes it completely wet. Soak, but not drench is used when you deliberately put sth in water. 在有些情况下这两个词可以通用。drench尤指大量的水洒落或倾泻在人或物体上;soak比drench更常指液体从物体下面渗透。表示故意把某物放到水里浸泡时,要用soak而非drench。■ wet [transitive] (wetting, wet, wet or wetting, wetted, wetted)to make sth wet 使潮湿;把⋯弄湿◆Wet the brush slightly before putting it in the paint.把画笔稍微弄湿一点再去蘸颜料。◆He wet his finger to test the wind.他把手指弄湿去测试有没有风。 see also wet ⇨ wet adj. 1 ■ flood [transitive] to fill or cover a place with water; (of a river) to become so full that it spreads out onto the land around it 使灌满水;(河水)泛滥,淹没◆If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house.要是水管破裂了,整座房子就会灌满水。◆The river flooded the valley.河水泛滥淹没了河谷。 see also flood ⇨ flood noun 1 , flood ⇨ flood verb ■ moisten / /ˈmɔɪsn/ / [transitive] to make sth slightly wet 使变得潮湿;使变得湿润◆He moistened his lips before he spoke.他润了润嘴唇,然后开始讲话。◆Wash the wound gently with a piece of moistened cotton wool.用湿润的药棉轻轻擦洗伤口。 see also moist ⇨ wet adj. 1 ■ dampen [transitive] to make sth slightly wet 使变得潮湿;使变得湿润◆He dampened his hair to make it lie flat.他把头发弄湿,梳得平平的。◆Perspiration dampened her face and neck.她的脸和脖子都汗津津的。 see also damp ⇨ wet adj. 1 NOTE 辨析 Moisten or dampen? Moisten is a slightly more positive word than dampen. You moisten things that you want to be wet or that are naturally wet, such as lips or soil. You dampen things that are naturally dry such as paper, cloth or brushes. Things can also be dampened by water, rain or sweat. 与dampen相比,moisten更具积极意义。moisten表示把想要弄湿的或本该潮湿的东西给弄湿,如lips或soil。dampen则表示把原本干燥的东西弄湿,如paper、cloth或brushes。dampen的主语也可以是water、rain或sweat。■ douse / /daʊs/ / [transitive] to pour a lot of liquid over sb/sth; to soak sb/sth in liquid, especially a liquid that can catch fire and burn easily 往⋯上泼水;把⋯浸在液体里(尤指容易起火燃烧的液体)◆The horses are doused with buckets of cold water.这些马被泼了一桶桶的冷水。◆The car was doused in petrol and set alight.那辆汽车被浇上汽油点燃了。 see also douse ⇨ put sth out ■ immerse /ɪˈmɜːs; NAmE ɪˈmɜːrs/ [transitive] (formal) to put sb/sth into a liquid so that they or it are completely covered 使浸没于◆The seeds will swell when immersed in water.这些种子浸泡在水里就会膨胀。▸ immersion /ɪˈmɜːʃn; NAmE ɪˈmɜːrʃn, ɪˈmɜːrʒn/ noun [uncountable] ◆Immersion in cold water resulted in a rapid loss of heat.浸泡在冷水中导致热量迅速流失。 surge verb surge ♦︎ swarm ♦︎ pour ♦︎ flood ♦︎ stream ♦︎ pileThese words are all used when people or things move in a particular direction, especially in large numbers. 这些词均表示蜂拥、涌向。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to surge / swarm / pour / flood / stream / pile into sth◆to swarm / pour / flood / stream out of sth◆to surge / swarm / pour / stream through / across sth◆to pour / flood / stream / pile in◆people surge / swarm / pour / flood / stream / pile◆a crowd surges / swarms / pours / streams◆to come pouring / flooding / streaming in / out■ surge /sɜːdʒ; NAmE sɜːrdʒ/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move quickly and forcefully in a particular direction 涌;汹涌;涌动◆The gates opened and the crowd surged forwards.大门打开了,人群向前涌去。◆A large wave sent water surging up towards them.一个巨浪朝他们涌来。■ swarm /swɔːm; NAmE swɔːrm/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (often disapproving) (of people or animals) to move around in a large group; (of a place) to be full of people or animals (人或动物)成群地来回移动;(场所)挤满,到处是(人或动物)◆There are tourists swarming all over the island at this time of year.每年这个时候岛上到处是熙来攘往的游客。◆The museum was swarming with schoolchildren.博物馆里挤满了小学生。 see also swarm ⇨ herd noun ■ pour [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to come or go somewhere continuously in large numbers 不断涌入(或涌向)◆Letters and cards poured in with offers of support for the victims.支持受害者的信件和慰问卡源源不断。◆Commuters came pouring out of the station.通勤上班者涌出车站。■ flood [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to come or go somewhere in large numbers 大量涌入(或涌向);蜂拥◆Refugees continue to flood into neighbouring countries.难民继续不断涌入邻国。 see also flood ⇨ flood noun 2 NOTE 辨析 Pour or flood?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用◆Telephone calls came pouring / flooding in from all over the country.电话像潮水般从全国各地打进来。 Pour emphasizes that the action continues over a period of time; flood places more emphasis on the large numbers of people or things involved, especially when the numbers are so large that they cause problems. * pour强调行为持续一段时间,flood则更强调所涉及的人或事物的数目巨大,特别是因数量太大而引发问题。 ■ stream [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of people or things) to move somewhere continuously in large numbers, one after the other in a line (人或事物)鱼贯而行,一个接一个地移动◆He stared out of the window at the cars streaming along the street.他注视着窗外大街上那川流不息的车流。 see also stream ⇨ flow noun ■ pile [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (informal) (of a number of people) to go somewhere quickly without order or control (许多人)蜂拥,拥挤◆The bus finally arrived and we all piled on.公共汽车终于开来了,我们一拥而上。ⓘ Pile is used especially to talk about people getting into a vehicle. * pile尤指人们拥挤着上车。 |