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flow noun ⇨ flow (a continuous flow of refugees/traffic) ⇨ current (the flow of blood from the wound)flow verb ⇨ flow flow noun flow ♦︎ stream ♦︎ tide ♦︎ trickleThese are all words for the movement of people or things in one direction. 这些词均表示流动、人流、车流。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a flow / stream (of sb / sth) into / through sth◆a steady / constant flow / stream / trickle◆a continuous / endless flow / stream◆to halt / control the flow / tide◆to go / swim against the flow / tide■ flow [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a steady and continuous movement of people or things in one direction 流;流动◆There was a continuous flow of refugees across the border.难民接连不断地穿过边境。◆We need further measures to increase traffic flow (= make it move faster).我们需要采取进一步的措施以提高交通流量。■ stream [countable] a long series or line of sth, especially people or vehicles, moving in a continuous flow (尤指)人流,车流◆I've had a steady stream of visitors.我不断有客人来。◆Cars filed past in an endless stream.汽车川流不息,鱼贯而过。ⓘ A stream can also be a large amount of sth or number of things that arrive or happen one after another. * stream亦可指一连串、接二连三的事情。 see also stream ⇨ flood noun 2 , stream ⇨ surge verb NOTE 辨析 Flow or stream?The flow of people or vehicles is the fact of them moving; a stream of people or vehicles is a long series or line of them, coming one after another. In many cases you can use either word, but in some only flow can be used. * flow指人或车在移动这个事实;stream指一长队人或车接二连三地过来。在许多情况下这两个词可以通用,但有些情况下只能用flow◆a continuous flow / stream of people连续不断的人流◆to increase traffic stream ■ tide [countable, usually singular] a large amount or number of sth that is increasing or moving in one direction and may be difficult to control (难以控制的)浪潮◆There is anxiety about the rising tide of crime.犯罪率日益增长,令人忧虑。◆Measures have been taken to stem the tide (= stop it from getting worse) of pornography.已采取措施遏制淫秽品泛滥的势头。◆The 1830s saw a tide of emigrants leave Europe for Australia.19世纪30年代,大批欧洲人移民澳大利亚。■ trickle [countable, usually singular] a small amount or number of sth coming or going slowly 稀疏缓慢来往的东西◆As a result of the civil war, the steady trickle of immigration became a flood of refugees.内战致使原本稳定稀疏的移民人数变成大批难民涌入。 current noun current ♦︎ flow ♦︎ circulation ♦︎ passageThese are all words for the movement of sth, such as a liquid, a gas or electricity. 这些词均表示液体、气体或电等的流动。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆against / with the current / flow◆a current / the flow / the circulation / the passage of water / air◆a current / the flow / the passage of electricity◆the flow / circulation of blood◆air currents / circulation◆a constant current / flow / circulation◆a steady current / flow◆a free flow / passage■ current [countable] an amount of water or air that moves continuously in one direction, especially through a larger amount of water or air in which there is less movement; the movement of electricity in one direction, for example through a wire (尤指随着大量相对静止的水或气团移动的)水流,气流;电流◆He swam to the shore against a strong current.他逆着急流游向岸边。◆Changes in ocean currents can have drastic effects on marine life.洋流的改变对海洋生物有严重的影响。◆Birds use warm air currents to help their flight.鸟利用暖气流助飞。◆He leaped as though a powerful electric current had passed through him.他跳了起来,好像身体通过一股强大的电流。◆Measure the current flowing through the wire.测量通过电线的电流。■ flow [uncountable, countable, usually singular] the steady and continuous movement of liquid, air or electricity in one direction 液体流;气流;电流◆She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound.她试图止住伤口流血。◆The whole operation depends on a steady flow of electricity.整个操作取决于稳定的电流。 see also flow ⇨ flow verb ■ circulation /ˌsɜːkjəˈleɪʃn; NAmE ˌsɜːrkjəˈleɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the movement of blood around the body; the movement of air, gas or water around an area or inside sth such as a system or machine 血液循环;(气或水在某范围的)流动,循环◆People with poor circulation are more likely to suffer from the condition.血液循环不畅的人更容易患此症。◆The design of the shoe allows for a greater circulation of air around the foot, keeping it cool.这种鞋的设计使得脚周边有更多空气流通,保持凉爽。 see also circulate ⇨ flow verb ■ passage [uncountable] (formal) the action of light, liquid, gas or electricity going across, through or past sth (光、液体、气或电的)穿过,穿越◆Large trees may obstruct the passage of light.大树可能阻挡光线穿过。◆The operation will allow free passage of fluid in and out of the organ.手术将使得体液自由进出那个器官。 flow verb ➡ See also the entry for ⇨ trickle 另见trickle条flow ♦︎ run ♦︎ pour ♦︎ stream ♦︎ circulate ♦︎ spew ♦︎ pump ♦︎ cascade ♦︎ spurt ♦︎ gushThese words can all be used when a liquid or gas moves from one place to another, especially in large quantities. 这些词均表示液体或气体涌流、喷出、倾泻。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to flow / pour / stream / spew / pump / cascade / spurt / gush out◆to flow / run / pour / stream / spew / pump / spurt / gush out of sth◆to flow / run / pour / stream / spew / pump / cascade / spurt / gush from sth◆to flow / run / pour / stream / cascade / spurt / gush into sth◆to flow / run / pour / stream / circulate / pump / cascade / spurt / gush through sth◆to flow / run / pour / stream / cascade / gush down (sth)◆to flow / circulate / pump (sth) around / round sth◆to be flowing / running / streaming / gushing with sth◆water flows / runs / pours / streams / circulates / cascades / spurts / gushes◆blood flows / runs / pours / streams / circulates / pumps / cascades / spurts / gushes◆tears flow / run / pour / stream / gush◆adrenalin flows / pours / pumps◆a waterfall pours / cascades / gushes◆light flows / pours / streams / cascades◆smoke pours / streams / spews◆to flow / run / circulate freely / slowly■ flow [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, gas or electricity) to move steadily and continuously in one direction (液体、气体或电)流,流动◆It's here that the river flows down into the ocean.这条河就在这里汇入海洋。◆This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs.这可以防止空气直接涌入肺部。◆The current flowing in a circuit is measured by connecting an ammeter.连接上安培计可以测量电路里的电流。 see also flow ⇨ current noun ■ run (running, ran, run) [intransitive](of a liquid) to flow; to send out a liquid (液体)流淌,流动;流出液体◆The tears ran down her cheeks.泪水顺着她的脸颊淌下来。◆Who left the tap running?谁没关水龙头?◆Your nose is running.你流鼻涕了。◆The smoke makes my eyes run.烟熏得我直流眼泪。ⓘ If sth is running with sth, it is covered with liquid. * be running with sth指被液体覆盖、流满◆His face was running with sweat.他汗流满面。 ■ pour [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, smoke or light) to flow quickly in large amounts (液体、烟或光)涌流,倾泻,喷发◆Blood was pouring from the wound.血从伤口里涌出来。◆Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof.黑色浓烟从屋顶滚滚冒出。◆The kitchen door opened and light poured into the hallway.厨房门开了,灯光一下子把门厅照亮了。■ stream [intransitive, transitive] (when there is no object an adverb or preposition is used 不带宾语时与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, gas, smoke or light) to flow quickly and continuously; to make a liquid or gas do this (液体、气体、烟或光)流泻,流动,流出;使(液体等)流出◆Sunlight streamed through the windows.阳光洒进窗内。◆Her head was streaming with blood.她头上流着血。◆The exhaust streamed black smoke.排气管里冒出黑烟。■ circulate / /ˈsɜːkjəleɪt; NAmE ˈsɜːrkjəleɪt/ [intransitive, transitive](of a liquid or gas) to move continuously around a place or system; to make a liquid or gas do this (液体或气体)环流,循环;使(液体或气体)循环◆The condition prevents blood from circulating freely.这种病阻碍了血液的循环畅通。◆Cooled air is circulated throughout the building.冷气在整座大楼循环。 see also circulation ⇨ current noun ■ spew /spjuː/ / [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (especially of smoke or flames) to flow out quickly in large amounts; to make smoke or flames do this (尤指烟或火焰)喷出,涌出;使(烟或火焰)喷出◆Flames spewed from the aircraft's engine.飞机发动机喷出火焰。◆Massive chimneys were spewing out smoke and flames.一座座高大的烟囱冒着烟和火焰。■ pump [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to flow in a particular direction as if it is being forced by a pump (液体)涌出,涌流,奔流◆Blood was pumping out of the wound on his shoulder.血从他肩头的伤口喷出。■ cascade / /kæˈskeɪd/ / [intransitive] (written) (of liquid) to flow downwards in large amounts (液体)倾泻而下,流注◆Water cascaded down the mountainside.水从山坡倾泻而下。■ spurt [intransitive, transitive] (when there is no object an adverb or preposition is used 不带宾语时与副词或介词连用) (of liquid, gas or flames) to burst or pour out suddenly in a fast stream; to produce a sudden fast stream of liquid, gas or flames (液体、气体或火焰)喷出,冒出;使(液体等)喷出◆Blood was spurting from her nose.血从她的鼻子里汩汩流出来。◆The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.火山把团团热气和灰喷向高空。▸ spurt noun [countable] ◆a spurt of blood一股急速喷出的血■ gush / /gʌʃ/ / [intransitive, transitive] (when there is no object an adverb or preposition is used 不带宾语时与副词或介词连用) (of a liquid) to flow out suddenly and quickly in large amounts; (of a container or vehicle) to suddenly let out large amounts of a liquid (液体)喷出,涌出;(容器或车辆)大量泄出(液体)◆Water gushed out of the pipe.水从管子中涌出。◆The tanker was gushing oil.油箱在大量喷油。 |