

单词 fly
fly verb
fly1 (a bird/plane flies) fly2 (A stone came flying through the window.) blow1 (Flags were flying.) drive1 (fly a plane) go2 (fly business class) hurry (flying along) take1 (The tourists were flown home.)


a bird/plane flies 鸟儿飞翔;飞机飞行A stone came flying through the window. 一块石头飞进了窗户。fly ♦︎ flutter ♦︎ glide ♦︎ soarThese words all mean to move through the air, for example in a plane or using wings. 这些词均表示在空中飞,如飞机飞行或展翅而飞。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fly / flutter / glide / soar awayto fly / glide / soar off / above / over / overhead / upto fly / glide through the airto fly / soar into the air / sky / cloudsto fly / soar high / higher fly (flew, flown) [intransitive] to move through the air or through space 飞;飞翔;飞行A wasp had flown in through the window.一只黄蜂从窗口飞了进来。It was autumn, and the birds were flying south.时值秋日,群鸟南飞。Helicopters flew to and fro overhead.直升机在头顶上方往返飞行。 see also fly go 2 flight


[uncountable] the age of supersonic flight超声速飞行时代The bird is easily recognized in flight (= when it is flying).这种鸟飞翔时很容易认出来。 see also flight flight
flutter [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of a bird or insect) to fly somewhere, moving the wings quickly and lightly (鸟或昆虫)飞来飞去,翩翩飞舞A butterfly fluttered from flower to flower.一只蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去。The birds fluttered nervously in their cage.那些鸟在笼子里不安地飞来飞去。 glide [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (of birds and aircraft) to fly using air currents, not moving the wings or using engine power (鸟和飞机)滑翔The swan spread its wings and glided gently downward.那只天鹅展开双翅轻盈地向下滑翔。He cut the engines and glided silently into the clearing.他关上发动机,无声地滑翔降落在林中空地。 soar / /sɔː(r)/ / [intransitive] (written) to fly very high in the air; to fly very quickly up into the air 高飞;翱翔;升空An eagle was soaring high above the cliffs.一只雕在悬崖上空高高翱翔。The plane was soon soaring up into the sky.飞机很快就要升空了。


a bird/plane flies 鸟儿飞翔;飞机飞行A stone came flying through the window. 一块石头飞进了窗户。 See also the entry for run 1 另见run条第1义fly ♦︎ shoot ♦︎ speed ♦︎ hurtle ♦︎ whizz ♦︎ zoom ♦︎ career ♦︎ flash ♦︎ streakThese words all mean to go or move very fast. 这些词均表示快速移动、飞奔、疾驰。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom / career / flash / streak down / across (sth)to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom / flash / streak past (sb / sth)to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / career / streak through sthto fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom along (sth)to fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / career into sthto fly / speed / hurtle / whizz / zoom / flash / streak byto fly / shoot / speed / hurtle / zoom / career off fly (flew, flown) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly and with force in a particular direction 猛然移动A large stone came flying in through the window.一块大石头飞进了窗户。David gave the door a kick and it flew open.戴维踢了门一脚,门一下子开了。The other player was sent flying by the tackle.另一名队员被那个阻截者撞开了。She flew at him with clenched fists.她攥紧拳头朝他冲过去。He flew into her arms.他扑进她的怀抱。 shoot (shot, shot) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move suddenly and quickly in a particular direction; to make sb/sth do this (朝某个方向)冲,奔,飞驰;使飞驰Flames were shooting up through the roof.火不断从房顶蹿上来。A cat shot out into the road in front of him.一只猫突然蹿到他前面的路上。He shot an arm out to stop her.他猛地伸出胳膊去拦阻她。 speed (speeded, speeded or sped, sped) (especially written) to move along very fast, especially in a vehicle (尤指驾驶或乘搭交通工具)快速前行The car sped along the road towards the village.汽车沿着公路飞速朝村庄驶去。Jock sped away on his bike.乔克飞快地骑着自行车走了。 see also speed accelerate hurtle / /ˈhɜːtl; NAmE ˈhɜːrtl/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move forward very fast, especially in an uncontrolled way (尤指失控地)飞驰,猛冲A train came hurtling through the station.一列火车从车站飞驰而过。 whizz (especially BrE) ( whiz, especially in NAmE) /wɪz/ / [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to move or go somewhere very fast, making a high continuous sound 嗖嗖地移动;飞速行驶A bullet whizzed past my ear.一颗子弹嗖的一声从我耳边飞过。He whizzed down the road on his motorbike.他骑着摩托车呼啸着沿路绝尘而去。 zoom [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to move or go somewhere very fast, often with a loud noise 快速移动,迅速前往(常伴有很大的噪音)Traffic zoomed past us.车辆从我们身边疾驰而过。He jumped into his car and zoomed off.他跳进汽车疾驶而去。 career / /kəˈrɪə(r); NAmE kəˈrɪr/ [intransitive] (especially BrE) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather formal) to move very fast in a particular direction, especially in an uncontrolled way (尤指失控地)猛冲,疾驰,飞奔The vehicle careered off the road and hit a pedestrian.那辆车冲下马路,撞上了一个行人。 flash [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move past or across sb/sth very quickly, so that you only see it for a moment 飞速移动;掠过The countryside flashed past as we sped along.我们一路疾驰,乡村景色飞掠而过。A look of terror flashed across his face.他脸上掠过惊恐的神色。 streak /striːk/ / [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move so fast that it is difficult for you to see it clearly 飞奔,疾驰(以致看不清)Some kind of animal leaped out of the grass and streaked across the meadow.不知是什么动物跃出草丛,飞快地穿过草地。


The leaves were blown everywhere. 叶子被吹得到处都是。blow out smoke from your cigarette 吸烟时吐出烟blow a whistle 吹哨子blow ♦︎ flutter ♦︎ fly ♦︎ flap ♦︎ waftThese words all mean to move or make sth move in the air. 这些词均表示吹起、飘扬、摇摆。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a flag flutters / flies / flapsto blow / flutter / flap / waft gentlyto blow / flutter / fly / flap in the wind / breeze blow (blew, blown) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to be moved by the wind, sb's breath or a movement of air; to move sth in this way (被)刮动,吹动My hat blew away in the wind.我的帽子被风吹走了。The door blew open.门被风吹开了。I was almost blown over by the force of the blast.那阵狂风刮得我快站不住了。She blew the dust off the book.她吹掉了书上的灰尘。 flutter [intransitive, transitive] to move lightly and quickly, for example in the air; to make sth move in this way (使)飘动,挥动,颤动Flags fluttered in the breeze.旗帜在微风中飘扬。Her eyelids fluttered but did not open.她的眼皮动了一下,但没有睁开眼。She fluttered her eyelashes at him (= tried to attract him).她向他送秋波。 fly (flies, flying, flew, flown) [transitive, intransitive] to display a flag, especially on a long pole; (of a flag) to be displayed in this way; (of sth light and flowing) to move around freely in the air 升,悬挂(旗);(旗)飘扬;(轻盈飘逸之物)飘动Flags were flown at half mast (= half way down the pole, as a mark of respect to sb who has died) on all public buildings.所有的公共建筑都降半旗致哀。The Japanese flag flew outside the embassy.日本国旗在大使馆外飘扬。Her hair was flying in the breeze.她的头发随风飘拂。 flap (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive] to move up and down or from side to side in the air, often making a noise; to make sth move in this way (上下或左右)拍打,拍击,摆动;(使)拍打The sails flapped in the breeze.帆在微风中摆动。Her wet skirt flapped around her knees.她湿了的裙子拍打着膝盖。The man was flapping a large white sheet.那个男人挥动着一条白色的大床单。Flap is used about sth, especially sth wide and flat, that is fixed or held at one edge. * flap用以描述一边固定或被握住的东西,尤其是宽而平的东西。 see also flap shake 1 waft /wɒft; NAmE wɑːft, wæft/ [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (of a smell or sound) to move gently through the air; to make a smell or sound move gently through the air (气味或声音)随风飘荡;使飘荡;吹拂The sound of their voices wafted across the lake.他们的声音飘过湖上传到了另一边。The scent of the flowers was wafted through the window by the breeze.花香随微风透窗而入。


drive a car 开车drive yourself too hard 把自己弄得太累drive ♦︎ fly ♦︎ steer ♦︎ manoeuvre ♦︎ handle ♦︎ pilot ♦︎ navigate ♦︎ sailThese words all mean to operate a vehicle such as a car, plane or boat. 这些词均表示驾驶交通工具。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to drive / fly / steer / manoeuvre / navigate / sail sth into / out of sthto drive / fly / steer / navigate / sail sth across / through sthto drive / steer / manoeuvre / handle / navigate a carto fly / steer / manoeuvre / handle / pilot / navigate a planeto steer / manoeuvre / handle / pilot / navigate / sail a boat / shipto learn to drive / fly / navigate / sailto drive / fly / steer / manoeuvre / pilot / navigate sth skilfullya driving / flying / sailing lesson / instructor / course / school drive (drove, driven) [intransitive, transitive] to control a vehicle with wheels such as a car or truck 驾驶;开车Can you drive?你会开车吗?Don't drive so fast!不要开这么快!He drives a taxi (= as his job).他是开出租车的。You need a special licence to drive a heavy goods vehicle.你需要有特别驾照才能开重型货车。 see also drive go verb 2 , drive flight noun fly (flies, flying, flew, flown) [intransitive, transitive] to control an aircraft in the air 驾驶飞机;操纵(飞行器)Where did you learn to fly?你在哪儿学的开飞机?She's trained to fly passenger planes, not military jets.她受过驾驶客机的训练,而不是战斗机。They deliberately flew the plane into enemy airspace.他们故意把飞机开进敌方领空。I've never flown one of these before.我以前没开过这种飞机。 see also fly go 2 steer [transitive, intransitive] to control the direction in which a boat, car or other vehicle moves 驾驶(船、汽车等);掌控方向盘The captain steered the boat into the narrow harbour.船长把船开进了狭窄的港口。Pilots need to learn to steer on the ground as well as in the air.飞行员要学会在地面上以及空中操纵飞机。 manoeuvre (BrE) (NAmE maneuver) / /məˈnuːvə(r)/ / [transitive, intransitive] to move or turn a vehicle skilfully or carefully (熟练或谨慎地)移动,转弯She manoeuvred the car carefully into the garage.她小心翼翼把车开进了车库。There was very little room to manoeuvre.几乎没有什么活动空间。 handle [transitive] to control a vehicle 控制,操纵(车辆)I wasn't sure if I could handle such a powerful car.我没有把握驾驶功率这么大的汽车。A vehicle that handles well/badly is easy/difficult to drive or control. * handle well/badly表示车辆容易/难以驾驶或操纵 [intransitive] This type of car handles well in all weather conditions.这种汽车无论天气好坏开起来都很灵便。 pilot [transitive] to fly an aircraft or guide a boat 驾驶(飞行器);领航(船只)The plane was piloted by the instructor.那架飞机由教练员驾驶。The captain piloted the boat into a mooring.船长把船驶进了泊位。 navigate / /ˈnævɪgeɪt/ / [intransitive, transitive] to find the position of a car, boat or plane that you are travelling in and the direction you need to go in, for example by using a map 导航;确定(汽车、船或飞机的)位置和方向I'll drive and you can navigate.我开车,你引路。Ships used to be navigated by the stars (= using the position of the stars to find out the position of the ship).过去船只都是根据星辰来确定航向。 sail [transitive, intransitive] to control a boat or ship with a sail 驾驶(帆船)She sails her own yacht.她驾驶自己的游艇。He managed to sail the boat between the rocks.他设法驾船在礁石间航行。I learned to sail as a child.我很小就学会了驾驶帆船。


go into the kitchen 进厨房go to China 去中国go ♦︎ fly ♦︎ travel ♦︎ come ♦︎ do ♦︎ drive ♦︎ ride ♦︎ run ♦︎ coverThese words all mean to move between different places, especially over a long distance. 这些词均表示行走、旅行,尤指长途旅行。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to go / fly / travel / come / drive / ride / run from / to sthto go / fly / travel / come / drive / ride with sbto go / fly / travel / come / do / drive / ride / cover 50 miles / 1 000 kmto go / travel / come by air / sea / boat / ship / train / carto go / travel / come / do sth / cover sth on footto go / fly / travel / come / drive east / north / south / westto go / travel / come / drive overlandto travel / come / drive a long distance go (goes, went, gone) [intransitive] to make a journey from one place to another; to do so over a particular distance 去;前往;旅行,行走(一段距离)I usually go to work by bus.我一般乘公共汽车上班。She's gone to Brazil on vacation.她去巴西度假去了。I have to go to Rome on business.我得到罗马出差。Here's a list of things to remember before you go.这是你走之前要记住去做的事情清单。We had gone many miles without seeing another car.我们走了很多英里,一路都没有见到其他汽车。 Been, not gone, is used as the past participle when sb has gone to a place and come back. 表示某人去过某地并已返回,过去分词用been,不用goneShe has gone to China (= she is now in China or is on her way there).她去中国了。She's been to China (= she went to China and has now returned).她去过中国。 see also go leave 1 fly (flew, flown) [intransitive, transitive] to go on a journey in an aircraft (搭飞机)飞行,飞越When are you flying to Bangkok?你何时飞往曼谷?It was the first time I'd ever flown.那是我第一次乘飞机。She always flies business class.她搭飞机总是坐商务舱。Who was the first person to fly the Atlantic (= travel over it in an aircraft)?谁是飞越大西洋的第一人? see also fly drive 1 , fly fly 1 travel (-ll-, NAmE -l-) [intransitive, transitive] to go from one place to another, especially over a long distance (尤指长途)行走,旅行;游历I spent a year travelling around Africa.我花了一年时间周游非洲。Here are some tips on how to keep healthy while you're travelling.以下是一些旅行时保持健康的小窍门。He went travelling (= spent time visiting different places) for six months.他在外旅行了六个月。We travelled the length and breadth of (= all over) the country.我们游遍了全国。Children under five travel free.五岁以下儿童免费乘坐。 see also travel travel noun , traveller passenger come (came, come) [intransitive, transitive] to make a journey to a place; to make a journey of a particular length, in a particular type of vehicle, etc. 来(到);(乘某种交通工具)到达,抵达People came from all over the world to settle here.人们从世界各地来这里定居。How far have you come?你从多远的地方来的?He came to England by ship.他坐船来到英格兰。 see also come in enter NOTE 辨析 Go or come? Go is used when speaking from the point of view of sb who is at the place where the journey starts. Come expresses the point of view of sb who is at the place where the journey ends. * go是从位于行程起点的人的角度来讲,come是从位于行程终点的人的角度来讲We're going to Australia to visit our daughter.我们要去澳大利亚探望女儿。I hope you can come to Australia to visit us.我希望你能来澳大利亚探望我们。 do (does, did, done) [transitive] to travel a particular distance or go at a particular speed; to complete a journey 走过(一段路程);(以某种速度)走完,完成(旅程)How many miles did you do yesterday?你昨天走了多少英里?My car does 40 miles to the gallon (= uses one gallon of petrol to travel 40 miles).我的汽车每耗1加仑汽油可行驶40英里。The car was doing 90 miles an hour.那辆汽车当时时速为90英里。We did the round trip (= went there and back) in under three hours.我们来回一趟用了不到三个小时。 drive (drove, driven) [intransitive, transitive] to make a journey by road, especially in a car 在公路上行进(尤指开车)Shall we drive or go by train?我们开车去还是坐火车去?We must have driven over 600 kilometres today.我们今天肯定开了600公里以上。We drove the rest of the way in silence.余下的路上我们开着车,默不作声。 see also drive drive verb 1 , drive flight noun ride (rode, ridden) [intransitive, transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) (especially NAmE) to travel in a vehicle, especially as a passenger 搭乘;乘坐The men loaded my stuff onto the pick-up and I rode with them in the cab.那几个人把我的东西放到小货车上,我和他们一同坐进驾驶室开走了。You could ride right along the coast by tram.你可以坐有轨电车沿着海边走。 (NAmE) He rides the subway every day.他每天都坐地铁。 see also ride flight noun run (running, ran, run) [intransitive](of a bus, train, etc.) to travel on a particular route (公共汽车、火车等沿特定路线)行驶The buses run every thirty minutes.那些公共汽车每三十分钟一班。He claimed that 95 per cent of trains run on time.他声称95%的火车正点行驶。The train was running late (= was not going to arrive on time).那列火车晚点了。Run is usually used to talk about how often or at what times there are buses, trains, etc. * run通常用于谈论公共汽车、火车等的班次或发车时间。 cover [transitive] to travel the distance mentioned 行走(⋯长的路程)We must have covered over 20 miles.我们一定走了20多英里。I covered a lot of ground rapidly and soon caught up with them.我快速地走了很长一段路,很快就追上了他们。


hurry ♦︎ rush ♦︎ dash ♦︎ fly ♦︎ run ♦︎ hasten ♦︎ get a move onThese words all mean to go somewhere or do sth quickly, especially because you do not have enough time. 这些词均表示赶快、急忙。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hurry / rush / run / hasten to do sthto hurry / fly / run alongto rush / dash offto hurry / rush a meal hurry [intransitive, transitive] to do sth more quickly than usual because there is not much time; to make sb do sth more quickly; to move quickly in a particular direction 赶快,急忙(做某事);催促(某人);(朝某方向)迅速移动You'll have to hurry if you want to catch the train.你要想赶上那趟火车就得抓紧时间了。I wish the bus would hurry up and come.我希望公共汽车能快点来。Hurry up! We're going to be late.快点!我们要迟到了。The kids hurried to open their presents.孩子们急忙拆开礼物。A good meal should never be hurried.美餐绝不能狼吞虎咽。I don't want to hurry you but we close in twenty minutes.我并不想催你,但是我们再过二十分钟就要关门了。He picked up his bags and hurried across the courtyard.他拎起提包匆匆穿过院子。In spoken English hurry can be used with and plus another verb, instead of with to and the infinitive, especially to tell sb to do sth quickly. 在口语中,hurry可以与and连用再加另一个动词,表示叫某人赶紧做某事,而不用hurry to do句式Hurry and open your present-I want to see what it is.赶快拆开你的礼物-我想看看是什么。 see also hurried quick hurry


[singular] Take your time-there's no hurry.慢慢来,不用急。What's the hurry? The train doesn't leave for an hour.急什么?火车还有一个小时才开呢。Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now-I'm in a hurry.对不起,我现在没有时间管这个,我忙着呢。Why are you in such a hurry to sell?你为什么这么急着要卖掉?
rush [intransitive, transitive] to move or to do sth with great speed, often too fast; to do sth or make sb do sth without thinking about it carefully 迅速移动;急匆匆(做某事);(使)仓促行事We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush.我们时间很多,用不着太匆忙。I've been rushing around all day, trying to get everything done.我一整天忙得团团转,想把所有的事都做完。People rushed to buy shares in the company.人们争相抢购这家公司的股票。We don't want to rush into having a baby.我们不急着要孩子。Don't rush me. I need time to think about it.别催我,我需要时间考虑一下。I'm not going to be rushed into anything.我不会草率行事的。 rush


[singular] Shoppers made a rush for the exits.购物者冲向出口。I can't stop-I'm in a rush.我不能停下来,我忙着呢。What's the rush?干吗这么急匆匆的?'I'll let you have the book back tomorrow.' 'There's no rush.'“我明天就把书还给你。”“不着急。”
dash [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to go somewhere very quickly 急奔;急驰;猛冲She dashed off to keep an appointment.她急匆匆赶去赴约。 (informal) I must dash (= leave quickly), I'm late.我得赶紧走,来不及了。 dash


[singular] When the doors opened, there was a mad dash for seats.门一开,人们便疯狂地朝座位奔去。We waited for the police to leave, then made a dash for it (= left quickly in order to escape).我们等警察离开后便迅速逃走。
fly (flew, flown) [intransitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to go or move very quickly 疾驰;疾行;快速移动The train was flying along.火车飞驰着。She gasped and her hand flew to her mouth.她倒抽了一口气,连忙用手捂着嘴。 (informal) It's late-I must fly (= leave quickly).来不及了,我得赶紧走。NOTE 辨析 Dash or fly? Dash is always used to talk about people. * dash的主语一定是人The train was dashing along. Fly is more often used to talk about things. Both words can be used informally in the phrase I must dash/fly, meaning 'I have to leave.' * fly多用于谈论事物。两个词都可以用在非正式短语I must dash/fly中,表示“我得赶紧走了”。 run (running, ran, run) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to hurry from one place to another 迅速赶往;匆忙跑(到另一处)I've spent the whole day running around after the kids.我这一整天都跟在孩子们后面跑来跑去。 hasten / /ˈheɪsn/ / [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to say or do sth without delay 急忙进行;赶紧说(或做)She saw his frown and hastened to explain.看到他皱起眉头,她赶紧解释。He has been described as a 'charmless bore'-not by me, I hasten to add.他被说成是“讨厌鬼”-不是我说的,我赶忙加上一句。In literary language hasten can also mean 'to do or go somewhere quickly'. 在文学语言中,hasten还表示“赶忙做某事”或“赶到某地” [intransitive] (literary) We hastened back to Rome.我们急忙赶回罗马。 see also haste speed noun get a ˈmove on


(getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) (informal, spoken) used to tell sb to hurry 赶紧,快点(用于催促某人)Get a move on! We'll miss the bus.快点儿!我们要赶不上公共汽车了。We'd better get a move on if we don't want to be late.如果不想迟到,我们就得抓紧了。


take your things with you 把你的东西带上take sb home 领某人回家take your books off the table 把你的书从桌子上拿开I passed him the rope and he took it. 我把绳子递给他,他接了过去。take a job/bribes/sb's advice 接受一份工作/贿赂/某人的建议take an opportunity 把握机会take the blame 承担过错的责任He took the painting for a genuine Van Gogh. 他误以为这幅画是凡•高的真迹。take drugs 吸毒 See also the entry for get 3 另见get条第3义take ♦︎ bring ♦︎ deliver ♦︎ ship ♦︎ carry ♦︎ transport ♦︎ fly ♦︎ ferry ♦︎ leaveThese words all mean to move sth from one place to another. 这些词均表示将某物运走、运输、运送。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to take / bring / deliver / ship / carry / transport / fly / ferry sb / sth to / from sb / sthto take / bring / ship / carry / transport / fly / ferry sb / sth back / hometo take / bring sb / sth with youto take / bring / deliver / carry / transport / ferry sb / sth by car / rail / truck, etc.to take / bring / deliver / transport sb / sth by air / sea / land take (took, taken) [transitive] to move or carry sth with you from one place to another 携带;拿走;取走Take this to the bank for me, would you?请替我把这个送到银行去好吗?My things had already been taken to my room.我的东西已经拿到了我的房间。Think about what you need to take for the trip.想想你这次行程需要带的东西。All she had taken was her passport and driving licence.她只带了护照和驾照。Should I take him a gift?我是否应该给他带件礼物?You can also take a person somewhere. * take也可指将某人带到某处。 See also the entry for take 2 另见take条第2义 bring (brought, brought) [transitive] to have or carry sb/sth with you when you come to a place 将⋯带到某处;带来;取来Remember to bring your books with you.别忘了把书带来。The ferries brought tourists in their hundreds.渡轮载来数百名游客。I've brought something to show you.我带了件东西来给你看。Bring a present for Helen.给海伦带件礼物来。Bring Helen a present.给海伦带件礼物来。NOTE 辨析 Take or bring? Take is used from the point of view of the person who is going somewhere with sth; bring is used from the point of view of sb who is already in the place the person is going to. * take是从带着某物去某处的人的角度讲,bring是从已在目的地的人的角度讲。 deliver [transitive, intransitive] to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere 递送;传送;交付;运载Leaflets have been delivered to every household.传单已经发送到每家每户。to have groceries / flowers / packages delivered把杂货/鲜花/包裹送递出She delivered the kids on time at their father's house.她准时把孩子们送到他们的父亲家。We promise to deliver within 24 hours.我们承诺在24小时内送到。 see also delivery delivery ship (-pp-) [transitive] to send sb/sth by ship or by another means of transport 船运;运输;运送The company ships its goods all over the world.公司把货物运往世界各地。He was arrested and shipped back to the UK for trial.他被捕后被押解回英国受审。 see also shipment , shipping delivery , shipment lot carry [transitive] (often used in the progressive tenses 常用于进行时) to take sb/sth from one place to another, especially in a vehicle (尤指用交通工具)运输,运送,输送The boat can carry up to five people.那条船最多可以载五人。The truck was carrying illegal drugs worth up to $2 million.那辆卡车上载有价值高达200万元的非法毒品。 transport [transitive, often passive] to take sb/sth from one place to another in a vehicle (用交通工具)运输,运送,输送Too many goods are currently being transported by road.现在经由陆路运输的货物太多了。The animals are transported in trucks, often without being fed or watered for days.那些动物用卡车运送,经常好几天都不给喂食和给水喝。 see also transport delivery noun NOTE 辨析 Carry or transport? Carry is used especially to talk about people; transport is used especially to talk about goods. When transport is used to talk about people or animals, it can suggest that they are being treated like goods. * carry尤指运送人,transport尤指运送货物。当transport用于谈论人或动物时,意味着人或动物被当成货物般对待。 fly (flew, flown) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to transport goods or passengers in a plane 空运(货物或乘客)The stranded tourists were finally flown home.受困的旅客终于由飞机送返家园。He had flowers specially flown in for the ceremony.他特地为这个典礼空运来鲜花。 ferry [transitive] (usually used with an adverb or preposition 通常与副词或介词连用) to take people or goods from one place to another in a boat or other vehicle, especially for a short distance or as a regular service (用船或其他交通工具)运送(人或货物);渡运,摆渡(尤指短途或作为常规服务)He offered to ferry us across the river in his boat.他提出我们可以坐他的船渡河。You really don't have to ferry us around while we're in town.我们在城里时,你真的不需要用车接我们到处逛。 leave (left, left) [transitive] to deliver sth and then go away 递送;递交;投递Someone left this note for you.有人给你送来这张便条。Someone left you this note.有人给你送来这张便条。Common collocates of leave in this meaning are letter, note, card, etc., parcel, package, etc. and present/gift. 表达此义时,leave的常见搭配词有letter、note、card、parcel、package、present和gift等。




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