

单词 descent
descent noun


a family of four 四口之家the support of family and friends 亲友的支持The painting has been in our family for generations. 这幅画是我们家的传家宝。 See also the entry for background 另见background条family ♦︎ origin ♦︎ dynasty ♦︎ lineage ♦︎ blood ♦︎ descent ♦︎ ancestry ♦︎ birth ♦︎ pedigree ♦︎ roots ♦︎ parentageThese are words for all the people who are related to each other, including those who are dead. 这些词均表示家族。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配by origin / descent / birthto be of noble, Scottish, etc. origin / lineage / blood / descent / ancestry / birth / pedigree / parentageethnic / racial / social / cultural origin / descent / ancestry / pedigree / rootsAfrican, Scottish, Italian, etc. family / origin / lineage / blood / descent / ancestry / roots / parentage(of) humble / lowly family / origins / birth / roots(of) noble family / origins / lineage / blood / descent / ancestry / birth(of) unknown origin / descent / parentagemiddle-class / working-class / peasant family / origins / rootsto trace your family / origin / lineage / ancestry / pedigree / roots family [countable + singular or plural verb] all the people who are related to each other, including those who are now dead 家族Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years.有些家族在这个地区务农有几百年了。This painting has been in our family for generations.这幅画是我们家的传家宝。How far back can you trace your family tree (= a diagram that shows the relationship between members of a family over a long period of time)?你的家谱可以追溯到多少代?Heart disease runs in the family.这个家庭很多人有心脏病。 origin [countable, uncountable] ( origins [plural]) a person's social and family background 身世;出身children of various ethnic origins各族裔的儿童people of German origin德裔民众a person's country of origin (= where they were born) 某人的出生国She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth.她出身卑微,终成巨富。 see also origin source dynasty / /ˈdɪnəsti; NAmE ˈdaɪnəsti/ [countable] a series of rulers of a country who all belong to the same family; a period of years during which members of a particular family rule a country 王朝;朝代;朝;代the Nehru-Gandhi dynasty尼赫鲁—甘地王朝a Ming dynasty vase一只明代花瓶Eventually the dynasty was overthrown, and the country became a Republic.王朝最终被推翻,该国成为共和国。 dynastic /dɪˈnæstɪk; NAmE daɪˈnæstɪk/


[usually before noun] dynastic history王朝统治史
lineage /ˈlɪniɪdʒ/ / [uncountable, countable] (formal) the series of families that sb is descended from, especially when these are families of high social position that go back a long way in history (尤指历史悠久、社会地位高的)世系,宗系,血统a French nobleman of ancient lineage出身于古老世家的法国贵族 see also line series blood [uncountable] (rather formal) family origins 血统;家世;出身She is of noble blood.她有贵族血统。There is some Polish blood on his father's side.他父亲一方有波兰血统。 descent / /dɪˈsent/ / [uncountable] (rather formal) family origins 血统;家世;出身people of West Indian descent祖籍西印度群岛的民众He traces his line of descent from the Stuart kings.他的家族可追溯到斯图亚特王朝。 ancestry / /ˈænsestri/ / [countable, usually singular, uncountable] (rather formal) family origins 血统;家世;出身His eyes owed their startling blueness to his Irish ancestry.爱尔兰祖先给了他一双碧蓝的眼睛。He was able to trace his ancestry back over 1 000 years.他可追祖溯宗至一千多年前。 ancestor


[countable] His ancestors had come to America from Ireland.他的祖先从爱尔兰来到美国。a reptile that was the common ancestor of lizards and turtles作为蜥蜴和龟的共同始祖的一种爬行动物 OPP descendant son
NOTE 辨析 Blood, descent or ancestry?These are all rather formal ways of talking about sb's family origins. You trace your descent from sb, starting in the past and coming forward to the present; you trace your ancestry back to sb, starting with yourself and working back. Blood is used especially to emphasize either the high social position of sb's family, or the fact that sb is descended from a number of different families in different places. 这些词均为描述某人的血统、家世颇为正式的用语。trace one's descent from sb指对家世的追溯,从过去开始直至现在;trace one's ancestry back to sb指从自己开始回溯至先祖。blood尤用以强调某人的家族社会地位崇高,或强调某人的血统源自不同地域的几个不同家族of noble blood有贵族血统of mixed Chinese and Portuguese blood华裔和葡萄牙裔混血some Polish blood on his father's side他父系的波兰血统
birth [uncountable] a person's origin or the social position of their family, especially when this is different from their current situation, or when they are of high social position (尤指与现在不同的或高贵的)出身,门第Anne was French by birth but lived most of her life in Italy.安妮在血统上是法国人,但大部分时间住在意大利。a woman of noble birth出身贵族的女子 pedigree / /ˈpedɪgriː/ / [countable, uncountable] a person's family history or the background of sth, especially when this is impressive (尤指显赫的)家史,门第,世系She was proud of her long pedigree.她为自己源远流长的家世而自豪。The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.该产品的渊源可追溯到上个世纪。 roots [plural] the feelings or connections that you have with a place because you have lived there or your family came from there 根(指与出生地或原籍相关的情感或联系)I'm proud of my African roots.我为我的非洲血统感到骄傲。After 20 years in America, I still feel my roots are in Ireland.尽管在美国生活了20年,我还是觉得我的根在爱尔兰。 see also root source parentage /ˈpeərəntɪdʒ; NAmE ˈperəntɪdʒ/ [uncountable] the origin of a person's parents and who they are 出身;世系;家世a young American of German parentage一个年轻的德裔美国人Nothing is known about her parentage and background.她的家世和来历不明。




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