

单词 calculate
calculate verb
calculate (calculate the volume of sth) estimate (calculate that hundreds of species may be affected)


 See also the entries for count and estimate verb 另见count条和estimate动词词条calculate ♦︎ work sth out ♦︎ compute ♦︎ quantify ♦︎ figure sth out ♦︎ figure ♦︎ put a figure on sthThese words all mean to use numbers to find or express a total. 这些词均表示计算总数。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to calculate / compute / figure sth at 400, $1 000, 25%, etc.to calculate / work out / compute / quantify / figure out / figure / put a figure on how much / how many ...to calculate / work out / figure out / figure that ...to calculate / work out / compute / quantify / figure out / figure / put a figure on the cost / number / amount (of sth)to calculate / work out / compute a totalto calculate sth / work sth out / quantify sth / figure sth out exactly calculate [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal) to use numbers to find out a total number, amount, size, distance or level 计算;算出Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container.用公式计算容器的容积。The sum involved was calculated at $82 million.经计算,相关费用总额为8 200万元。It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year.据估算,去年至少流失了47 000份工作。 see also calculate estimate verb , calculation estimate noun ˌwork sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(rather informal, especially spoken) to calculate sth 计算;算出I just need a minute to work out the answer.我只需一会儿就能算出答案。I can't work this out-have you got a calculator?我算不出来,你有计算器吗?You'll need to work out how much time the assignment will take.你需要算出完成这项任务需要多长时间。
compute / /kəmˈpjuːt/ / [transitive] (formal) to calculate sth 计算The losses were computed at £5 million.损失经计算为500万英镑。NOTE 辨析 Calculate, work sth out or compute? Calculate is the most frequent of these words in written English, but work sth out is the most frequent in spoken English. It is used especially to describe small, quick calculations done by people. Compute is used in formal, written English, especially to describe calculations done by a machine. 在这些词中,calculate最常用于书面语,work sth out则最常用于口语,且尤指人工进行的小型、快速的计算。compute用于正式的书面语,尤指机器进行的计算。 quantify /ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ; NAmE ˈkwɑːntɪfaɪ/ [transitive] (rather formal) to describe or express sth as an amount or number 以数量表述;量化The risks to health are impossible to quantify.对健康的风险是无法用数量表示的。 ˌfigure sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(informal) to calculate an amount or the cost of sth 计算(数量或成本)Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?你算出旅行要花多少钱了吗?
figure [transitive] (NAmE) to calculate an amount or the cost of sth 计算(数量或成本)We figured the attendance at 150 000.我们估计有15万人参加。 see also figure estimate verb NOTE 辨析 Figure sth out or figure? Figure is only used in American English; figure sth out is used in both British and American English. However, it cannot be used with at to give a total. * figure只用于美式英语;figure sth out在美式和英式英语中均可使用。但在给出总数时,不能用figure sth out atWe figured out the attendence at 150 000. put a figure on sth


(usually used in questions and negative statements 通常用于疑问句和否定陈述) to say the exact price or number of sth 给出⋯的定价;说出⋯的准确数字It's impossible to put a figure on the number of homeless people in the country.无法确定该国无家可归者的人数。


 See also the entries for calculate and count 另见calculate条和count条estimate ♦︎ guess ♦︎ judge ♦︎ reckon ♦︎ calculate ♦︎ gauge ♦︎ figure ♦︎ extrapolateThese words all mean to form an idea of the cost, size, value, etc. of sth but without calculating it exactly. 这些词均表示估计、估算。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to estimate / guess / judge / reckon / calculate / gauge / extrapolate sth from sthto estimate / reckon / calculate sth at sthto estimate / guess / judge / reckon / calculate / figure / extrapolate that...to estimate / guess / judge / figure / calculate / gauge how much / how many / how far, etc.to estimate / guess / judge / reckon / calculate / gauge / figure sth to be sthto estimate / guess / judge / calculate / gauge the amount / value / size / distanceto estimate / guess / calculate sb / sth's ageto estimate / judge / gauge the depth estimate [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) to form an idea of the likely cost, size, value, etc. of sth, but without calculating it exactly 估计;估算Police estimated the size of the crowd at 50 000.警方估计人群约有5万人。Estimate the time it will take to complete each section.估算一下完成每一部分需要的时间。The satellite will cost an estimated $500m.估计这颗卫星将耗资5亿元。It is estimated that the project will last about four years.据估计,这项工程将历时四年。 see also estimate valuation noun guess [transitive] to find the right answer to a question or the truth about sth without knowing all the facts 猜对;猜中;猜到She guessed the answer straight away.她一下子就猜中了答案。I guessed, rightly, that the keys would be under the doormat.我猜对了,钥匙在门垫下面。You'll never guess where they've gone.你绝对猜不到他们去哪儿了。 see also guess speculation noun judge [transitive] to estimate the size, amount, etc. of sth without measuring it exactly 估计,猜测(大小、数量等)Young children are unable to judge the speed of traffic.小孩子不懂得估算车辆的速度。I judged him to be about 50.我估计他约莫50岁左右。NOTE 辨析 Estimate or judge? Estimate is used especially to talk about things such as costs, which you would have to calculate to know exactly. Judge is used more for things such as distances, depths and speeds, which you would have to measure to know exactly. People often estimate future costs and lengths of time which cannot be calculated exactly, by thinking carefully about what is likely, given the information that they have. People often have to judge distances and speeds quickly, not by thinking carefully about all the available information, but by using their past experience as a guide. * estimate尤指对须计算才能得到准确数值的事物进行估算,如cost(成本)。judge多与distance、depth、speed搭配,指对需要测量才能得出具体数据的距离、深度、速度等方面进行判定。estimate常指根据已有信息,对所需的费用和时间等不能确切计算的概念进行仔细评估。judge常指凭借经验迅速对距离和速度作出判断,而不是对所有的信息仔细考量后再作出判定。 reckon [transitive, often passive] to estimate an amount or time approximately 估算;估计The age of the earth is reckoned to be about 4 600 million years.估计地球的年龄大约为46亿年。They reckon (that) their profits were down by 30%.他们估计利润减少了30%。The trip was reckoned to take over two days.这次旅行估计要花两天多。An amount or time that is reckoned may be more approximate than one that has been estimated. * reckon对时间的估算要比estimate更准确。 calculate [transitive] to guess sth or form an opinion by using all the information available 预测;推测It's impossible to calculate the extent of his influence on her.无法估计他对她的影响有多大。Environmentalists calculate that hundreds of plant species may be affected.环保主义者预测数百种植物可能受到影响。 see also calculate calculate gauge (NAmE also gage) / /geɪdʒ/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to estimate the level or amount of sth approximately 估计,估算(水平或数量)We were able to gauge the strength of the wind from the movement of the trees.我们可以根据树的摆动估算风力强度。 see also gauge criterion noun figure [transitive] (especially NAmE, rather informal) to estimate the amount, cost or age of sb/sth, especially approximately 估计,估算(数量、成本或年龄)If we can figure roughly how much it will cost, we can decide what to do.如果我们能大致估算出费用是多少,就能决定怎么走下一步了。In American English figure can also be used to talk about calculating sth exactly. 在美式英语中,figure还可表示准确计算。 see also figure calculate extrapolate / /ɪkˈstræpəleɪt/ / [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to estimate sth or form an opinion about sth, using the facts that you have now and that are valid for one situation and supposing that they will be valid for the new one 推断;推知;推算The figures were obtained by extrapolating from past trends.这些数据是根据过去的趋势推断出来的。These results cannot be extrapolated to other patient groups.这些结果不能够推及到其他患者群。 extrapolation


[uncountable, countable] Their age can be determined by extrapolation from their growth rate.它们的年龄可以从它们的生长速度来推定。




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