

单词 express
express adj.
clear2 (sb's express wish) fast (an express train/service)
express verb


It is clear to me that... 我很清楚⋯clear instructions 清晰的说明clear blue water 清澈碧蓝的水sunnya clear blue skysureAre you clear on that point?clear ♦︎ explicit ♦︎ plain ♦︎ express ♦︎ accessible ♦︎ unambiguous ♦︎ intelligible ♦︎ comprehensible ♦︎ lucidThese words all describe speech or writing that is easy to understand and does not cause any confusion. 这些词均表示语言文字清晰易懂的、明确无疑的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配clear / explicit / unambiguous about sthclear / plain / accessible / intelligible / comprehensible to sbclear / explicit / express instructions / directionsa clear / an accessible / a lucid styleclear / plain / intelligible / comprehensible language / Englishto make sth clear / explicit / plain / accessible / intelligible / comprehensible (to sb)to make yourself clear / explicit / plainto make it clear / explicit / plain that...quite clear / explicit / plain / accessible / unambiguous / intelligible / comprehensibleperfectly clear / plain / intelligible / comprehensible clear easy to understand and not causing any confusion 清晰易懂的;明白清楚的;不含混的She gave me clear and precise directions.她给了我清晰而准确的指示。Your meaning needs to be crystal clear.你的意思要非常清楚。You'll do as you're told. Is that clear?叫你做什么你就去做什么,明白吗?This behaviour must stop! Do I make myself clear?(= used when you are angrily telling sb what they should do).这种行为必须停止!我讲得够清楚了吧?OPP unclear unclear , confusing confusing clearly


She explained everything very clearly.她把一切都解释得很明白。
explicit / /ɪkˈsplɪsɪt/ / (rather formal) saying sth clearly in a way that is easy to understand; said, done or shown in an open or direct way, so that there is no doubt (说话)清晰易懂的,直截了当的;不隐晦的The author is quite explicit about her political bias.作者她对自己的政治偏见毫不隐晦。The reasons for the decisions should be made explicit.应该直截了当给出决定的理由。She made some very explicit references to my personal life.有几处她很直白地提到了我的私生活。 Explicit is also used to talk about books, films, language and pictures that describe or show sex in a clear and detailed way. * explicit还用于谈及书、电影、语言和图片清楚、具体地描述或展示性的内容sexually explicit films / material / language有露骨性爱场面的电影;赤裸裸描述性爱的材料/语言 Explicit language always refers to sex, even if the word 'sexually' is not used. If you want to talk about language that is clear and easy to understand, use clear, plain or unambiguous. * explicit language(露骨的语言)总是与性有关,即使没有用sexually这个词。要表示语言清楚不含混,可以用clear、plain或unambiguous。 explicitly


He made this point much more explicitly in his next speech.他在他下一次的演讲中将这一点讲得更加清楚。
plain easy to understand 易于理解的;清楚的;浅白的He made it plain that we should leave.他明确表示要我们离开。Her intentions were plain enough.她的意图再清楚不过。Teachers should encourage students to write in plain English.教师应鼓励学生用平白的英文写作。 see also plain plain adj. 2 plainly


The agreement plainly states that all damage must be paid for.协议明确规定,一切损坏必须赔偿。
express (formal) (of a wish or aim) clearly and openly stated (愿望或目的)明确的,明白表示的It was his express wish that you should have his gold watch after he died.他明确表示死后把金表留给你。I came here with the express purpose of speaking with the manager.我特意来这里与经理面谈。 expressly


She was expressly forbidden to touch my papers.已经明确禁止她动我的文件。
accessible / /əkˈsesəbl/ / (especially written) easy for most people to understand (对大多数人)易懂的,容易理解的Her poetry is always very accessible.她的诗歌总是十分浅白。The programme tries to make science more accessible to young people.这项计划试图使科学更容易为年轻人所了解。 unambiguous / /ˌʌnæmˈbɪgjuəs/ / clear in meaning, especially because it can only be understood in only one way 意思清楚的;明确的;无歧义的The message was clear and unambiguous: get out of town.意思很清楚:滚出城去。OPP ambiguous misleading unambiguously


The essential information should be displayed clearly and unambiguously.关键信息应当清楚明白地显示。
intelligible / /ɪnˈtelɪdʒəbl/ / (rather formal) that can be understood 能懂的;可理解的The child's speech was barely intelligible.那个小孩子的话很难懂。OPP unintelligible confusing intelligibly


You need to be able to write clearly and intelligibly.你要能写得清晰易懂。
comprehensible / /ˌkɒmprɪˈhensəbl/ / (rather formal) that can be understood 能懂的;可理解的The novel is easily comprehensible to the average reader.那本小说一般读者都容易读懂。OPP incomprehensible confusing NOTE 辨析 Intelligible or comprehensible?These words are very similar and in most cases you can use either. Intelligible is used slightly more to talk about sb's speech or language; comprehensible is used slightly more for ideas, actions and processes. 这两个词意思很接近,在多数情况下可通用。intelligible稍多用于形容人的谈话或语言; comprehensible稍多用于形容想法、行动或过程。 lucid / /ˈluːsɪd/ / (especially written) (especially of sb's writing) clearly expressed and easy to understand (尤指行文)表达清楚的,易懂的She writes in a very lucid style.她的写作风格非常明晰易懂。It was a lucid account of the main facts of the case.这是对该案件主要事实清楚的表述。


 See also the entry for quick 另见quick条fast ♦︎ quick ♦︎ high-speed ♦︎ brisk ♦︎ supersonic ♦︎ expressThese words all describe things and people moving or doing things with speed. 这些词均表示迅速的、敏捷的、快速的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达迅速的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be fast / quick at doing stha fast / supersonic speeda fast / quick / brisk movement / pace / walk / runquick / brisk footstepsa fast / quick reader / worker / learner / rhythma fast / a high-speed / an express train / linka fast / a high-speed computer / modema fast / an express bus / coach / lanevery / quite / fairly fast / quick / brisk fast moving or able to move with speed; able to do sth with speed; producing or allowing fast movement 迅速的;敏捷的;头脑灵活的;可供快速运动的She loves driving fast cars.她喜欢开快车。Are you a fast reader with the ability to retain the key points?你能不能在速读的同时记住要点?These are complex programs needing very large and fast computers.这些程序很复杂,需要运行速度快的大型计算机。It's a very fast road and people do not realize what speed they are doing.这是条快车道,人们没有意识到自己的速度有多快。OPP slow slow fast


Don't drive so fast!别把车开这么快!I can't go any faster.我不能走得更快了。
quick moving or doing sth fast 敏捷的;迅速的He's a very quick worker.他干起活来特别快。The kids were quick to learn.那些孩子学东西很快。She was quick (= too quick) to point out the mistakes I'd made.她总迫不及待地挑我的错。Her quick hands suddenly stopped moving.她敏捷的双手突然停下不动了。Try to be quick! We're late already.尽量快点!我们已经晚了。 OPP slow slow quickly


She walked away quickly.她迅速走开了。
NOTE 辨析 Fast or quick? Fast is the usual word when you are talking about travelling, especially in a vehicle. * fast通常指行进的速度快,尤指车辆的速度快a quick car/road Don't drive so quickly! A person who is able to do sth with speed may be fast or quick. * fast和quick均可形容人动作迅速或头脑灵活a fast / quick reader / worker / runner / thinker / learner / brain阅读速度快的人;干活快的工人;跑得快的人;思维敏捷者;学东西快的人;灵活的头脑However, fast is not used in other expressions when sb does sth in a short time. 不过,fast不用于其他表示迅速、敏捷的用法中The kids were fast to learn. Try to be fast! We're late already.  See also the entry for quick 另见quick条
ˌhigh-ˈspeed [usually before noun] that travels, works or happens very fast 高速的;高效率的;迅速的We are talking about a network of modern highways, high-speed trains, airports and air routes.我们谈的是一个由现代高速公路、高速列车、机场和空中航线组成的网络。There should be a large market for cheap high-speed modems.便宜的高速调制解调器应该有很大市场。A police officer was injured during a high-speed chase across two counties.一名警察在跨越两郡的高速追逐中受了伤。 brisk moving fast, especially on foot (尤指步履)快的,敏捷的We went for a brisk walk before lunch.我们午饭前步履轻快地散了会儿步。They set off at a brisk pace.他们迈着轻快的步伐上路了。 briskly


He walked briskly down the street.他步履轻盈地沿街而行。
supersonic /ˌsuːpəˈsɒnɪk, ˌsjuːpəˈsɒnɪk; NAmE ˌsuːpərˈsɑːnɪk/ faster than the speed of sound 超声速的Until then, no aircraft was capable of supersonic flight.直到那时,任何飞机都不能作超声速飞行。 express [only before noun] travelling very fast; sent or done very quickly 特快的;快速的;快递的An express coach runs once an hour from the airport.快速长途汽车每小时一班,由机场开出。We provide express delivery services seven days a week.我们每天都提供快递服务。Express is used to talk about transport and other services. * express用以描述交通和其他服务行业。


'Hello!' she said. “喂!”她说。I can't say I blame her. 我不能说是她不对。We'll finish in, let's say, three months. 比方说,三个月我们就能完成。 See also the entries for declare and show 3 另见declare条和show条第3义say ♦︎ talk ♦︎ express ♦︎ put ♦︎ voice ♦︎ air ♦︎ phraseThese words all mean to let people know how you feel or what you think by speaking. 这些词均表示用言语表达、表述。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to express / voice / air your thoughts / opinions / views / concernsto express / put / phrase sth clearlyto talk / express yourself / air sth openlyto talk / express yourself freely say (said, said) [transitive, intransitive] to give an opinion on sth 表达,表述(见解)Say what you like (= although you disagree) about her, she's a fine singer.随你怎么说,反正她是个优秀歌手。I'll say this for them, they're a very efficient company.我要为他们说句公道话,他们公司的效率的确很高。Anna thinks I'm lazy-what do you say (= what is your opinion)?安娜认为我懒惰-你说呢?It's hard to say what caused the accident.很难说造成事故的原因是什么。I can't say I blame her for resigning (= I think she was right).她辞职了,我不能说她不对。I wouldn't say they were rich (= in my opinion they are not rich).我认为他们并不富裕。'When will it be finished?' 'I couldn't say (= I don't know).'“什么时候能够完成?”“说不好。” talk [intransitive, transitive] to say things, especially in order to express feelings or ideas; to say things that are/are not sensible 说话;谈论;说,讲(有理、无理的话)Stop talking and listen!别说话了,注意听!He talked excitedly of his plans.他兴奋地谈起自己的计划。She talks a lot of sense.她讲得很在理。You're talking nonsense!你胡说八道! See also the entry for talk 另见talk条 express [transitive] (rather formal) to show or make known a feeling, opinion or idea by words, looks or actions 表示,表达,表露(感情、意见或想法)Teachers have expressed concern about the emphasis on testing.教师对偏重考试的问题表示担忧。Perhaps I have not expressed myself very well.也许我没把自己的意思表达清楚。She expresses herself most fully in her paintings.她在画作中把自己的感情表现得淋漓尽致。 Express is often followed by a noun describing a feeling or emotion. * express后面常接表示感觉或感情的名词to express (your, my, etc.) dissatisfaction / fear / horror / gratitude / desire表达(你的、我的等)不满/担忧/惊恐/感激/欲望 Say and talk cannot be used in this way. Use express yourself to talk about saying what you think or feel so that people understand, or with by, through or in to talk about showing your feelings in a particular way, such as through art or poetry. * say和talk不能这样用。express yourself指表达自己的思想感情以使别人明白,或与by、through或in连用,指以某种形式(如通过艺术或诗歌等)来表现自己的感情。 see also expression expression 1 put [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to express or state sth in a particular way (以某种方式)说,表达She put it very tactfully.她的话说得很巧妙。Put simply, we accept their offer or go bankrupt.简单地说吧,我们要么接受他们的条件,要么破产。I was, to put it mildly, annoyed (= I was extremely angry).委婉点地说,我很不高兴。He was too trusting-or, to put it another way, he had no head for business.他太轻信人了-或者换个说法,他没有商业头脑。She had never tried to put this feeling into words.她从未试图把这种感情说出来。 voice [transitive] (rather formal) to tell people your feelings or opinions about sth 表示,表达,吐露(感情或意见)A number of parents have voiced concern about their children's safety.一些家长对子女的安全表示担心。 air [transitive] (rather formal) to express your opinions publicly 公开发表(意见)The weekly meeting enables employees to air their grievances.每周的例会使雇员有机会诉说委屈。NOTE 辨析 Voice or air?You can voice an opinion to one person, but if you air an opinion, you are usually sharing it with many people, at a meeting for example. * voice可指向一个人表达意见,而air通常指向众人公开发表意见,如在会议上。 phrase [transitive] to say or write sth, arranging the words in a particular way (以某种方式)表达,措辞,推敲I agree with what he says, but I'd have phrased it differently.我赞同他说的话,但我会以不同的方式来表述。




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