

单词 fact
fact noun
fact (a story based on fact) information (some basic facts about healthy eating)


fact ♦︎ the truth ♦︎ reality ♦︎ so ♦︎ the real world ♦︎ real lifeThese words are all used to refer to a situation that you believe is true and not invented. 这些词均表示事实、现实、真实情况。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in fact / reality / the real world / real lifethe fact / truth (of the matter) is that...to face / accept / ignore the fact / the truth / realityto be based on fact / the truth fact [singular, uncountable] used to refer to a particular situation that exists; things that are true rather than things that have been invented 现实;实际情况;真实的事物I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy.我再不能对他深感不快这个事实不闻不问了。Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward.尽管她系了安全带,还是被猛然抛向前方。The fact remains that we are still two teachers short.实际情况是我们还缺少两名教师。I thought the work would be difficult. In actual fact, it's very easy.我原以为这工作会很难,事实上却很容易。The story is based on fact.这个故事取材于真人真事。It's important to distinguish fact from fiction.区别真实和虚构很重要。OPP fiction lie noun see also fact information , factual reliable 2 , the case situation the truth [singular] the true facts about sth, rather than things that have been invented or guessed 真相;实情;真实情况Do you think she's telling the truth?你认为她在讲实话吗?We are determined to get at (= discover) the truth.我们决心查出真相。I don't think you are telling me the whole truth about what happened.我认为你并没有把事情的全部真相告诉我。The sad truth is that, at 72, he is past his prime.令人遗憾的是他已72岁了,盛年不再。 see also true true reality [uncountable] the true situation and the problems that actually exist in life, in contrast to how you would like life to be 现实,实际情况(与理想相对)You're out of touch with reality.你脱离了现实。Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous.她表面上显得信心十足,实际上却紧张得要命。OPP fantasy imagination so


(especially spoken) used to refer back to sth that has already been mentioned as being true (指刚说过的事)这样,如此,确实I hear that you're a writer-is that so (= is that true)?听说你是作家,是真的吗?He thinks I dislike him but that just isn't so.他以为我讨厌他,其实不是那么回事。I might be away next week. If so, I won't be able to see you.下星期我可能外出。要是那样,我就见不到你了。The adverb so can be used in the phrases is that so? and that isn't so to ask if or deny that sth is true, or in the phrase if so, when you are not sure if sth is true or a fact, and sth else depends on it. 副词so可用在短语is that so和that isn't so中,分别用以询问和否认某事的真实性;短语if so表示说话人对某事的真实性没有把握,但要据此作出其他决定。
the ˌreal ˈworld


the situations that people have to deal with in their lives, rather than artificial or imagined situations 现实世界Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world.政治人物似乎脱离了现实世界。The expression the real world is sometimes used to refer to being outside a particular institution, such as a school or place of employment, where people are protected from some of life's difficulties. 短语the real world有时指学校、职场等特定机构以外的世界,因为在那些机构里,人们不用面对实际生活中的某些困难The purpose of school is to prepare students to go out into the real world.学校的目的是让学生做好踏入现实世界的准备。
ˌreal ˈlife


what happens in genuine situations rather than in an imaginary situation such as a story or film 真实情境中发生的事;现实生活In the movies guns kill people instantly, but it's not like that in real life.电影中人总是一中枪就马上死亡,但实际生活中并非如此。


 See also the entries for figure, news and situation 另见figure条、news条和situation条information ♦︎ data ♦︎ detail ♦︎ fact ♦︎ point ♦︎ material ♦︎ intelligence ♦︎ particular ♦︎ infoThese are all words for things about a situation, person, etc. that you know about, can find out about, or that are true. 这些词均表示信息、资料或实情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配information / data / a detail / a fact / a point / material / intelligence / particulars / info about / relating to sb / sthinformation / data / material / intelligence / info on sb / sthinformation / intelligence / the fact / the point that...(an) important information / data / detail / fact / point / material / intelligence / particular / infoaccurate / precise information / data / details / facts / intelligence / info(a) detailed information / data / facts / point / material / intelligence / particularshard information / data / facts / intelligence(a / an) further / additional information / data / details / fact / point / material / intelligence / particulars / infoto have information / data / details / the facts / intelligence / particulars / infoto collect / gather information / data / details / facts / material / intelligence / infoto get / receive information / data / details / intelligence / infoto record information / data / details / facts / infoto give (sb) information / data / details / the facts / particulars / infoto provide information / data / details / material / particulars / infoa piece of information / data / intelligence information [uncountable] things that you know, are told, or can find out about sb/sth 信息;消息;情报Do you have any information about local buses?你有本地公共汽车的信息吗?He is accused of giving false information to the police.他被指控向警方提供假情报。Information is stored on their computerized databases.信息存储在他们的电脑数据库里。For further information, contact us at the above address.欲知详情,请按上述地址联系我们。You can go to the information desk for help.你可以去服务台请求帮助。This letter is for information only.这封信仅供参考。 see also inform tell 1 data [uncountable] information that has been gathered about sth, especially when it is examined and used to find out things or to make decisions; information that is stored on a computer 数据;资料;(存储在计算机中的)数据资料They are not allowed to hold data on people's private finances.他们不得保存有关人们个人财务状况的资料。What methods are you using to interpret the data?你用什么方法解读这些数据?There is no hard data to support this theory.没有可靠的数据支持这个理论。This is just raw data (= data that has not been examined).这只是原始资料。One vital item of data was missing.一条极其重要的数据找不到了。Data is usually treated as an uncountable noun, but it is used as a plural noun in technical English, when the singular is datum. * data通常用作不可数名词,但作术语时用作复数名词,其单数形式为datum (technical 术语) These data were collected over a period of several months.这些资料是用几个月的时间收集来的。 detail [countable] a small individual piece of information about what sth is like or what needs to be done; a less important piece of information 细微之处;细节;枝节The expedition was planned down to the last detail.这次探险计划得十分周详。He stood still, absorbing every detail of his surroundings.他一动不动地站着,不放过周围环境中的每一个细微之处。Oh that's just a detail-we can deal with it later.哦,那只是个枝节问题,我们可以以后处理。Sharon will fill you in on the details (= tell you them).莎伦会详细告诉你的。 Details [plural] are information, especially pieces of practical information about a person, event, service, etc. or the complete information about sth that happened. 复数形式的details指详情,尤指关于某人、某个事件、某项服务等的实用性信息或关于发生之事的全部情况Our personnel officer will take your details (= take information about you).我们的人事主管会记下你的资料。'We had a terrible time.' 'Oh, spare me the details (= I do not want to know all the details)!'“我们倒霉透了。”“哎呀,别给我细说了!” see also detail list verb , detailed detailed fact [countable] a thing that is known to be true, especially sth that can be proved (可证实的)事实,真相First, let's look at some basic facts about healthy eating.首先,咱们看一下关于健康饮食的一些基本事实。I've asked to see all the facts and figures before I make a decision.我已要求查看全部精确资料后再作决定。I wish you'd get your facts right!我希望你别把事实搞错!The judge ordered both lawyers to stick to the facts.法官要求双方律师不要偏离事实。It's time you learnt to face the facts (= accept reality).现在该是你学会正视现实的时候了。I know for a fact that he's involved in something illegal.我肯定他卷入了非法活动。 see also fact fact , factual reliable 2 point [countable] a particular detail or fact 具体细节(或事实)Here are the main points of the news.以下是新闻摘要。Could you explain that point again?你能再解释一下那一点吗?There are one or two points that aren't yet clear.有一两点还不清楚。 material [uncountable] information or ideas used in books, etc. 素材;用以创作的材料(或构想)She's collecting material for her next novel.她在为下一部小说收集素材。 intelligence [uncountable] secret information that is collected about enemies or criminals; the people that collect this information (关于敌人或罪犯的)情报;情报人员They had obtained secret intelligence about enemy plans.他们得到了有关敌人计划的秘密情报。Intelligence sources (= people who give this information) report that a terrorist attack is highly probable.有消息称恐怖分子极有可能会发动袭击。He's head of military intelligence.他是军方情报头目。 particular [countable, usually plural] (formal) a fact or detail, especially one that is officially written down (尤指正式记下的)细节,详情The police officer took down all the particulars of the burglary.警察记下了入室窃案的详细情况。The new contract will be the same in every particular as the old one.新合同与旧合同的各项细节将完全相同。 Particulars [plural] are written information or details about a property, business, job, etc. 复数形式的particulars指关于房产、生意、工作等的书面详细资料We asked for the particulars of the house.我们索要了那栋房子的详细资料。 info /ˈɪnfəʊ; NAmE ˈɪnfoʊ/ [uncountable] (informal) information 信息;消息;情报Have you had any more info about the job yet?关于这份工作你有进一步的消息吗? Info is an informal word, often used to talk about details of sth such as a job, course or event, and often comes in printed form. Info- can also be used as a prefix in words such as infosheet and infopack. * info是非正式用语,常用以指工作、课程或事件等的资料,通常是纸本资料。info-还可用作前缀,构成infosheet(资料单张)和infopack(信息包)等词We send all potential clients an infopack.我们给所有潜在的客户都发了信息包。




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