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far-reaching adj. ⇨ wide 1wide1 adjective a wide range of goods 种类繁多的商品a wide road/river/smile 宽敞的道路;宽阔的河流;灿烂的笑容 ➡ See also the entries for ⇨ diverse and ⇨ general 1 另见diverse条和general条第1义wide ♦︎ broad ♦︎ extensive ♦︎ large-scale ♦︎ mass ♦︎ sweeping ♦︎ wide-ranging ♦︎ far-reaching ♦︎ wholesaleThese words all describe sth which affects or involves a lot of people or things, or which covers a lot of different subjects. 这些词均表示广泛的、涉及面广的、覆盖面广的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a wide / a broad / an extensive range◆a broad / an extensive / a large-scale / a mass / a sweeping / a wide-ranging / a far-reaching programme◆broad / extensive / large-scale / sweeping / wide-ranging / far-reaching / wholesale changes◆a broad / an extensive / a sweeping / a wide-ranging / a wholesale review◆a wide / a broad / an extensive / a wide-ranging debate◆wide / broad / extensive / large-scale / mass support◆wide / broad / extensive / sweeping / wide-ranging powers◆a wide / a broad / an extensive / a far-reaching influence◆a wide / broad / mass appeal◆wide / broad / extensive / wide-ranging interests◆wide / broad / extensive knowledge◆extensive / large-scale / mass / wholesale destruction■ wide including a large number or variety of people or things; covering a large area 大量的;广泛的◆We stock a wide range of goods.我们备有种类繁多的货品。◆Jenny has a wide circle of friends.珍妮交友甚广。◆The museum is trying to attract a wider audience.博物馆正试图吸引更多观众。◆The festival attracts people from a wide area.这个艺术节吸引了四面八方的人。OPP narrow ⇨ limited 1 ▸ widely adverb ◆The idea is now widely accepted.这个想法现在已得到普遍认可。◆He has travelled widely in Asia.他到过亚洲很多地方旅行。■ broad including a large number or variety of people or things 大量的;涉及各类人(或物)的;广泛的◆The course caters for a broad spectrum of interests.本课程能满足各种不同的兴趣。◆We have devised a broad and balanced curriculum.我们设计的课程覆盖范围广、布局均衡。◆Having children gave her a broader outlook on life.有了孩子之后她的人生观拓宽了。◆The novel is about education in its broadest sense.广义而言,这部小说是关于教育的。OPP narrow ⇨ limited 1 see also broad ⇨ general 2 , breadth ⇨ range 2 NOTE 辨析 Wide or broad?In many cases you can use either word. However, wide is used more to talk about a selection, a choice, a variety or a range of things or people. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。但是wide较多用于形容selection、choice、variety或range◆a broad audience ◆a broad circle of friends Wide, not broad, is used to talk about things affecting a large geographical area. * wide指影响到很大的地理区域,broad不能这么用◆The festival attracts people from a broad area. Broad is used more to talk about the affect of sth on a large number of people. * broad较多指影响到很多人◆to have a broad appeal有广泛的吸引力◆to attract broad support吸引广泛的支持 Broad is also often used to talk about knowledge and education as well as in business-related contexts. * broad也常形容知识或教育,还常用于商务语境◆a broad curriculum覆盖面广的课程◆broad experience / knowledge丰富的经验;广博的知识◆There is broad support amongst clients for the new initiative.客户普遍支持这一新方案。 ■ extensive / /ɪkˈstensɪv/ / (rather formal) including or dealing with a wide range of information 广泛的;广博的◆Extensive research has been done into this disease.对这种疾病已经做了广泛的研究。◆His knowledge of music is extensive.他的音乐知识很广博。◆She has extensive experience in computers.她在计算机方面经验丰富。■ ˈlarge-scale [usually before noun] involving a large number of people or things, especially over a wide area 大规模的;大批的;(尤指)大范围的◆The proposals include large-scale investment in agriculture and industry.建议包括要大规模地投资农业和工业。◆Large areas of the forest will be cleared for ranching as part of a large-scale development plan.作为大规模的开发计划的一部分,大片森林将被清除改成牧场。 see also scale ⇨ level ■ mass [only before noun] affecting or involving a large number of people or things 大批的;数量极多的;广泛的◆Their latest product is aimed at the mass market.他们的最新产品瞄准了大众市场。◆The play was so awful that there was a mass exodus from the theatre at the interval.这部剧很糟,场间休息时大批观众离开了剧场。NOTE 辨析 Large-scale or mass?Both these words are used to talk about business and industry. 这两个词均用于商务和工业语境◆large-scale / mass production / unemployment批量生产;大批失业 Large-scale in particular is used to talk about business activities that need a lot of resources and affect a wide area. * large-scale尤用于修饰需要许多资源、影响区域广的经营活动◆a large-scale enterprise / project / operation庞大的企业/项目/公司 Mass is more often used when a lot of people are affected or involved, especially all together in one place. * mass较常指影响到同一地区的许多人的◆the mass media / market大众媒体/市场◆a mass movement / audience / protest / demonstration群众运动;大批的观众;群众性抗议;群众大游行It also collocates with words relating to the killing of large numbers of people. 与之搭配的还有与屠杀有关的词◆a mass murderer / grave杀死多人的凶手;万人坑◆weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器 ■ sweeping [usually before noun] having an important effect on a large number of people or things 影响广泛的;大范围的◆Shareholders have agreed to a series of sweeping changes in the organization of the company.股东们同意对公司组织结构进行一系列全面调整。◆Security forces were given sweeping powers to search homes.安全部队被给予入户搜查的极大权力。ⓘ Typical collocates of sweeping in this meaning are changes, reforms amd powers. 表达此义时,sweeping的常见搭配词有change、reform和power。■ ˌwide-ˈranging (written) including or dealing with a large number of different subjects or areas 覆盖面广的;内容广泛的◆The commission has been given wide-ranging powers.委员会取得的权限很广。◆The activities stimulated a wide-ranging discussion.这些活动引发了广泛的讨论。ⓘ Typical collocations of wide-ranging are those relating to discussing things and those relating to change. 常与wide-ranging搭配的词都与讨论和变化有关◆a wide-ranging debate / discussion / review广泛的争论/讨论/检讨◆wide-ranging talks包含多项议题的谈判◆wide-ranging reforms / changes / recommendations大范围的变革/改变;内容广泛的建议 ■ ˌfar-ˈreaching [usually before noun] (rather formal) likely to have a lot of influence or many effects 影响深远的;影响广泛的◆The decision by the European Court will have far-reaching consequences.欧洲法庭的裁决将产生影响深远的后果。■ wholesale /ˈhəʊlseɪl; NAmE ˈhoʊlseɪl/ [only before noun](especially of sth bad) happening or done to a very large number of people or things (尤指坏事)大规模的◆Localized tensions had developed into wholesale slaughter.区域性紧张局势发展成大规模的杀戮行为。 |