

单词 fault
fault noun
fault (It was your fault.) crack (a fault line) defect (a technical fault) weakness2 (in spite of his faults) at fault guilty adj.


fault ♦︎ responsibility ♦︎ blame ♦︎ guiltThese are all words for the fact of being responsible for sth wrong or bad that has happened. 这些词均表示责任、过错、过失。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the responsibility / blame / guilt for sth(not) without fault / responsibility / blame / guiltto admit your fault / responsibility / your guiltto bear the responsibility / blame / guilt for sthto accept / share / absolve sb from / shift the responsibility / blame / guiltto take / shoulder / carry / lay / place / put / attribute the responsibility / blameto deny responsibility / your guiltthe fault / responsibility / blame / guilt lies with sbthe fault / responsibility / blame rests with sb fault [uncountable] (especially spoken) the fact of being responsible for sth wrong or bad that has happened 责任;过错;过失Why should I say sorry when it's not my fault?不是我的错为什么要我道歉?It's nobody's fault.谁都没有错。It was his fault that we were late.我们迟到要怪他。It's your own fault for being careless.你粗心大意是你自己的过失。Many people live in poverty through no fault of their own.很多人生活贫困并非他们自己有什么过错。I think the owners are at fault (= responsible) for not warning us.我认为业主没有提醒我们是有责任的。 see also at fault guilty responsibility [uncountable] (rather formal) the fact of being responsible for sth wrong or bad that has happened 责任;过错;过失The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake.银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing.无人声称对爆炸事件负责。We must all bear some responsibility for what happened.对所发生的事我们都得负一定的责任。 see also responsible guilty NOTE 辨析 Fault or responsibility?These words have the same basic meaning but the patterns and collocations are different. Fault is usually used in the phrases my/your/his/her/our/their/sb's (own) fault or sb is at fault. 这两个词基本意思相同,但用法和搭配不同。fault通常用在短语my/your/his/her/our/their/sb's (own) fault或sb is at fault中It was his responsibility that we were late. I think the owners are at responsibility. People typically accept/share/admit/claim/deny responsibility for sth. * responsibility的用法通常为accept/share/admit/claim/deny responsibility for sthThe bank refuses to accept fault for the mistake. The bank refuses to accept that it is at fault for the mistake.银行拒绝为这一错误承担责任。He refused to accept that the mistake was his fault.他拒绝承认这一错误的责任在他。 blame [uncountable] responsibility for sth wrong or bad that has happened; saying that sb is responsible for sth, even if they are not 责任;过错;指责She put the blame on me.她归罪于我。The government will have to take the blame for the riots.政府将不得不对骚乱承担责任。Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong?为什么出了事总让我背黑锅?A person often gets/takes/accepts/bears/shoulders the blame for sth, even if they are not really the person who did it. Somebody can lay/pin/place/put the blame on sb for sth by saying that they did it, even if they did not. * get/take/accept/bear/shoulder the blame for sth指某人为某事承担责任或承受指责,即使某事并非其所为。lay/pin/place/put the blame on sb for sth指把某事归咎于某人,即使某事并非其所为。 OPP credit praise noun see also blame blame verb , to blame guilty , blameless innocent guilt [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) the fact that sb has done sth illegal; blame or responsibility for sth wrong or bad that has happened 犯罪;罪责;责任;罪过His guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution.他的罪行已被控方证实确凿无疑。Do you think this statement amounts to an admission of guilt?你认为这份声明是否等于承认犯错?People typically admit their own guilt, or establish or prove sb else's guilt. * admit与guilt搭配指承认自己有罪,establish或prove与guilt搭配指证实别人有罪。 OPP innocence innocent see also guilty guilty


crack ♦︎ fissure ♦︎ crevice ♦︎ cleft ♦︎ chink ♦︎ faultThese are all words for a long, narrow opening in sth hard. 这些词均表示硬物上的裂缝、裂口、裂纹。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a crack / fissure / crevice / cleft / chink / fault in stha narrow crack / fissure / crevice / cleft / chinka long crack / fissure / clefta crack / fissure opens crack [countable] a line on the surface of sth hard where it has broken but not split into separate parts; a narrow space or opening 裂纹;裂缝;缝隙This cup has a crack in it.这杯子有一道裂痕。Cracks began to appear in the walls.墙壁开始出现裂缝。She peeped through a crack in the curtains.她透过窗帘的缝隙窥视。The door opened a crack (= a small amount).门开了一条缝。 see also crack break verb 1 fissure / /ˈfɪʃə(r)/ / [countable] (technical 术语) a long deep crack in sth, especially in rock or in the earth (尤指岩石或土地中深长的)裂缝,裂隙fissures in the ocean floor海底的裂缝 fissured


fissured rock / terrain裂隙岩体/地面
crevice / /ˈkrevɪs/ / [countable] a narrow crack in a rock or wall (岩石或墙壁的)裂缝,裂隙,裂口Most of the year the insects are hidden in rock crevices.一年中的大部分时间昆虫都藏在岩石缝隙中。 cleft [countable] a natural opening or crack, for example in the ground or in rock, or in part of the body (地面、岩石或身体上自然形成的)裂口,裂缝a cleft in the rocks / hills岩石/山体的裂缝the cleft in his chin他下巴上的凹陷 chink [countable] a narrow opening in sth, especially one that lets light through (尤指光线可进入的)裂口,缝隙,裂缝a chink in the curtains窗帘的缝隙I noticed a chink of light under the door (= a small area of light shining through a narrow opening).我注意到门下透出一道光线。NOTE 辨析 Crack or chink? Crack is a more general word than chink. * crack含义比chink广。You can say 可以说a crack / chink in the curtains窗帘的缝隙and 以及The door opened a crack.门开了一条缝。but not 但不说The door opened a chink. You can have 可以说a chink of light一道光线but not 但不说a crack of light fault [countable] a place where there is a break that is longer than usual in the layers of rock in the earth's crust (地壳岩层的)断层the San Andreas fault圣安德烈亚斯断层a fault line断层线


defect ♦︎ fault ♦︎ flaw ♦︎ virus ♦︎ bug ♦︎ glitch ♦︎ imperfectionThese are all words for sth that is wrong with sth or in the way it has been made, which means it is not perfect or does not work properly. 这些词均表示缺陷、瑕疵、毛病。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a defect / a fault / a flaw / a virus / a bug / a glitch / an imperfection in stha small / minor defect / fault / flaw / bug / glitch / imperfectiona major / serious defect / fault / flawa temporary fault / flaw / glitcha technical / mechanical defect / fault / flaw / glitcha structural / design defect / fault / flawa computer / software fault / virus / bug / glitchto have a defect / a fault / a flaw / a virus / a bug / a glitch / an imperfectionto detect a defect / fault / flaw / virusto look for / discover a defect / fault / flaw / bugto identify / correct a defect / fault / flaw defect / /ˈdiːfekt, dɪˈfekt/ [countable] something that is wrong with a machine, system or part of the body, which means that it is not perfect or unable to work properly (机器、系统或身体部位的)缺陷,瑕疵,毛病The manufacturer is responsible for any defects that may cause damage.生产商对产品可能造成损坏的任何瑕疵都负有责任。Vulnerable people are going short of money because of defects in the payment system.因为支付系统的缺陷,依赖支付系统的人渐感手头吃紧。The drug is widely known to cause birth defects.众所周知,这种药会导致胎儿先天缺陷。 see also defective wrong 2 fault [countable] something that is wrong with sth that has been made or created such as a machine or system, which means that it is not perfect or unable to work properly (机器或系统等的)缺陷,毛病,故障The book's virtues far outweigh its faults.这本书的优点远远大于其不足。There seemed to be some fault with the cooling system.制冷系统好像出了点毛病。The healthcare system, for all its faults, is far better than ever before.这个医疗体系虽然有不少缺点,但比过去好多了。The fire was caused by an electrical fault.这次火灾是电路故障引起的。If a fault develops in the equipment, you can call us 24 hours a day.如果设备出了故障,你24小时都可以打电话找我们。 see also faulty wrong 2 NOTE 辨析 Defect or fault?In many cases you can use either word. 在许多情况下这两个词可以通用a technical / mechanical / structural / design defect / fault技术/机械/结构/设计缺陷A fault can only exist in sth that has been made or created by people, but it can be permanent or temporary, can be present from the beginning or develop later. A defect can exist in part of the body, although it is always present from birth. * fault仅存在于人制作或创造的事物中,可以是永久或暂时的,可以从一开始就存在或后来才出现。defect可指先天的身体缺陷birth / congenital / genetic defects先天/遗传性缺陷birth/congenital/genetic faults A defect of any kind exists from the beginning and cannot develop later. It might be repaired, but will not just go away, and cannot be called 'temporary'. 任何类型的defect都是从一开始就存在,不可能后来才出现。它有可能被弥补或修正,但不会自行消失,不能称之为“暂时的”If a defect develops in the equipment... We're hoping this is just a temporary defect. flaw [countable] a fault in sth that means that it is not correct or does not work properly 错误;缺陷;毛病There are some very basic flaws in his argument.他的论点中有一些根本性的错误。Engineers have detected serious design flaws.工程师已经检测出一些严重的设计缺陷。 flawed


a flawed argument有谬误的论点
virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ / [countable] instructions that are deliberately hidden in a computer program and are designed to cause problems or destroy data in a computer system (计算机程序中的)病毒Most viruses can only spread if you open an email attachment.大多数病毒只有在打开电子邮件附件时才会感染。My computer has caught some kind of virus, and it won't let me log on to the Internet.我的计算机中了毒,不能上网了。anti-virus software (= software that finds and destroys viruses in a computer system) 杀毒软件 bug [countable] (rather informal) a fault in a machine, especially in a computer program or system (机器)故障;(尤指计算机程序或系统的)缺陷,漏洞The latest software is full of bugs.这种最新软件有大量程序错误。My computer's really slow at the moment-it must be some kind of bug.我的计算机现在速度特别慢,一定是出了什么故障。 glitch [countable] (informal) a small problem or fault that stops sth from working properly, especially for just a short time (尤指暂时性的)小故障,小毛病It was only a temporary glitch but it could have put people's lives in danger.这虽然是个暂时性的小毛病,但却可能威胁到人的生命。 imperfection /ˌɪmpəˈfekʃn; NAmE ˌɪmpərˈfekʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a small fault in sth, especially in the appearance of sth, that spoils it slightly and makes it less beautiful or perfect (尤指外表上的)小缺点,瑕疵The only slight imperfection in the painting is a scratch in the corner.这幅油画唯一的小瑕疵是边角上有道划痕。Nature is full of imperfection.大自然充满了不完美之处。 see also blemish mark imperfect


All our sale items are slightly imperfect.我们所有的特价商品都略有瑕疵。


the weakness in this argument/approach/proposal 这个论点/方法/建议的不足之处We all have our weaknesses. 我们都有各自的弱点。weakness ♦︎ fault ♦︎ inadequacy ♦︎ frailty ♦︎ vice ♦︎ failing ♦︎ flawThese are all words for sth that is wrong with a person's character. 这些词均表示性格上的弱点。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a weakness / a fault / inadequacies / a vice / a failing / a flaw in sb / sthdespite / in spite of sb's weaknesses / faults / inadequacies / failings / flawssb's own weaknesses / faults / inadequacies / frailties / vices / failingssb's only weakness / fault / vicea great weakness / fault / vice / failinga serious weakness / fault / vice / flawmoral weakness / faults / inadequacy / failingshuman weakness / faults / frailty / failingspersonal weakness / inadequacy / failingsto have weaknesses / faults / a vice / failings / a flaw weakness [countable, uncountable] a weak point in sb's character (性格上的)弱点,缺点,不足She admits that her love of luxury is one of her greatest weaknesses.她承认爱好奢华是她最大的弱点之一。You need to be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses.你要了解自己的优缺点。He regarded asking for help as a sign of weakness.他认为求助于人是软弱的表现。OPP strength strength , strength benefit noun 1 fault [countable] something that is wrong or not perfect in sb's character (性格上的)弱点,缺点,不良点We all have our faults.我们都有各自的弱点。She was prepared to overlook his faults.她已经做好准备,对他的缺点视而不见。I love her for all her faults (= despite her faults).尽管她有这么多缺点,我还是爱她。She is blind to all her son's faults.她对儿子的缺点一概视而不见。NOTE 辨析 Weakness or fault?A fault is often more serious than a weakness. A weakness is often a weak point that people see in themselves; a fault is usually sth that they see in other people. * fault常比weakness更严重。weakness常指自己的弱点,fault通常指他人的不足。 inadequacy / /ɪnˈædɪkwəsi/ / [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a weakness in sb's character that means they are not as good as they should or could be (性格上的)弱点,缺陷She had to face up to her own inadequacies as a mother.她不得不正视自己作为母亲的不足。The prime minister's personal inadequacy contributed to the fall of the government.首相的个人缺陷导致了政府的垮台。 frailty / /ˈfreɪlti/ / [uncountable, countable, usually plural] (formal) weakness in sb's character or morals, especially considered as a natural human characteristic (尤指人性中的)弱点,懦弱,软弱He has shown enough evidence of human frailty.他的表现足以证明人性的懦弱。We are all subject to the frailties of human nature.我们都受制于人性的种种弱点。 vice [countable] a bad or immoral quality in sb's character; sth bad or immoral that sb does 邪恶;恶行;不道德行为Of his many vices, his cruelty was the worst.他作恶多端,尤以残暴为甚。 (humorous) The occasional cigar is my only vice.我唯一的罪过是偶尔抽支烟。OPP virtue A virtue is a particular good quality or habit. * virtue指美德Patience is not one of her virtues, I'm afraid.恐怕她不具有耐心这一美德。 failing [countable, usually plural] a fault or weakness in sb's character, especially where they fail in the care or duty they owe other people (性格上的)弱点,缺点(尤指因此不能履行义务)She was well aware of her own failings.她非常了解自己的弱点。 flaw [countable] a weakness in sb's character (性格上的)弱点,缺点The hero's fatal flaw is ambition.主人公的致命弱点是野心太大。Flaw is used especially to talk about the faults of characters in books and plays. A character's fatal flaw is a weakness that causes their own failure or destruction. * flaw尤指书和戏剧中人物的缺点,fatal flaw指导致失败或毁灭的致命弱点。


guilty ♦︎ responsible ♦︎ to blame ♦︎ at fault ♦︎ in the wrongThese words all describe sb who has done sth wrong or illegal. 这些词均表示犯有过失的、有罪的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配responsible / to blame / at fault for sthto feel guilty / responsible / to blameto consider / hold sb guilty / responsible / to blame / at faultclearly guilty / responsible / to blame / at faultentirely / partly / partially responsible / to blame / at fault guilty proved in court to have done sth illegal; having done sth wrong 有罪的;有过失的The jury found the defendant not guilty.陪审团裁决被告无罪。My lawyer urged me to plead guilty (= say in court that I was guilty of a crime).我的律师劝我认罪。Under the UK judiciary system, everyone is innocent until proved guilty.依照英国的司法体系,在被证明有罪之前每个人都是清白的。Who was the guilty party (= the person who was mainly responsible) in the affair?在那件事上,谁是有过错的一方?We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives.我们每个人一生中都有过自私自利的过错。OPP innocent , not guilty innocent see also guilt fault noun responsible [not before noun] having done sth wrong; having caused a bad situation 做错事;把情况搞糟Who's responsible for all this mess?是谁弄得这么乱的?Everything will be done to bring those responsible to justice.将竭尽全力把罪魁祸首绳之以法。Smoking is responsible for over 90% of deaths from lung cancer.因肺癌而死亡者超过90%是吸烟所致。 see also responsibility fault noun to ˈblame


responsible for a bad situation (对糟糕的情况)负有责任For once, the government was not to blame.就这一次不是政府的责任。If anyone's to blame, it's me.如果有人应该承担责任,那就是我。Modern intensive farming methods are largely to blame for this loss of habitat.动植物没有了栖息地,这主要归咎于现代集约式的耕作方法。To blame is used especially in negative statements and questions, and when deciding how to share out the blame for a situation between a number of people or things. * to blame尤用于否定句和疑问句,以及在多人或多方面因素中如何判定各方责任的情况。 see also blame fault noun , blame blame verb
ˌat ˈfault


responsible for a bad situation; wrong in a particular thing that you have done (对糟糕的情况)负有责任;有过错I think it's the law that's at fault.我认为这是法律的过错。The manager was at fault in refusing to listen to her initial concerns.经理拒绝听取她一开始提出的顾虑,是有责任的。 see also fault fault noun
in the ˈwrong


responsible for an accident or mistake; arguing against sb who is right about sth, while you are wrong (在事故或错误中)有过错,应承担责任;(争论中)理亏The motorcyclist was clearly in the wrong.骑摩托车的人显然负有责任。You're just trying to put me in the wrong (= prove that I am to blame), aren't you?你就是想怪罪我,是不是?Why do you keep on arguing when you must know you are in the wrong?你明知道自己不占理,怎么还吵个没完?Responsibility, blame or fault can be shared: sb/sth can be partly responsible/to blame/at fault. You cannot be partly in the wrong In the wrong is used in situations where one person is wrong and the other is right. * responsibility、blame或fault所指的责任可以是部分的,可以说be partly responsible/to blame/at fault(负有部分责任),不说partly in the wrong。in the wrong用于一人有错而另一人正确的情况。 OPP in the right




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