

单词 disordered
disordered adj.


untidy ♦︎ messy ♦︎ cluttered ♦︎ all over the place ♦︎ disordered ♦︎ out of place ♦︎ jumbledThese words all describe places that are in a state of disorder, with things in the wrong places. 这些词均表示不整齐的、凌乱的、杂乱的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an untidy / a messy / a cluttered housean untidy / a cluttered room / deskan untidy / a disordered stateuntidy / disordered hairan untidy / a messy / a jumbled heap / pile of sthan untidy / a jumbled collection of sthcluttered / jumbled up untidy (especially BrE, sometimes disapproving) not neat or well arranged 不整齐的;凌乱的Try not to make the place untidy.尽量别把这个地方弄得乱七八糟的。The books were piled an untidy heap.书胡乱地堆放着。Your hair is a little untidy.你的头发有点乱蓬蓬的。 OPP tidy neat untidily


Her hair fell untidily about her shoulders.她的头发蓬乱地披散在肩头。
messy (rather informal, sometimes disapproving) in an untidy state with things left in the wrong place or spread around 不整齐的;凌乱的The house always looked messy.这房子看上去总是乱糟糟的。Sorry it's a bit messy in here.抱歉,这里有点儿乱。How did the place get so messy?这个地方怎么变得这么乱七八糟的? see also messy scruffy , mess mess noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Untidy or messy?In American English messy is the most frequent of these words and untidy is not used so much; in British English untidy is the most frequent in this meaning, and messy is used more in the sense of 'dirty'. 在美式英语中,messy是这组词中最常用的,untidy不太常用;在英式英语中,表达此义最常用untidy,messy更多表示“肮脏”之义。 see also messy dirty cluttered (rather informal, disapproving) (of a surface or place) filled with too many things, so that it looks untidy (表面或地方)东西多而乱的,杂乱的,凌乱的His apartment was small, cluttered and dirty.他的公寓又小又乱又脏。The study was cluttered with furniture.书房里堆满了家具。OPP uncluttered neat see also clutter mess noun 1 all ˈover the place


(informal) very untidy or completely disorganized 凌乱;狼藉;杂乱无章She arrived out of breath and with her hair all over the place.她气喘吁吁地赶到了,头发乱蓬蓬的。
disordered (rather formal) untidy because there is no order in the way things are arranged 杂乱的;混乱的;凌乱的It is likely that the universe started out in a chaotic and disordered state.宇宙初始的状态可能是混乱无序的。OPP ordered neat see also disorder mess noun 1 out of ˈplace


(usually used in negative statements 通常用于否定陈述) not in the correct place 不在适当的位置He does not like things out of place.他不喜欢东西乱放。She never has a hair out of place.她总是仪容整洁,纹丝不乱。
jumbled mixed together without any order and in an untidy way 胡乱堆放在一起的;杂乱的There was a jumbled collection of objects on the mantelpiece.壁炉台上有一堆乱七八糟的东西。The drawer was full of letters all jumbled together.抽屉里塞满了乱作一堆的信件。 see also jumble jumble verb , jumble mess noun 1




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