例句 |
drag verb ⇨ drag (I'm sorry to drag you all this way in the heat.) ⇨ pull 1 (Police dragged protesters away.) ⇨ drag your feet ⇨ take your time drag verb drag ♦︎ rush ♦︎ haul ♦︎ hustle ♦︎ bundle ♦︎ pack sb offThese words all mean to take or send sb somewhere, especially quickly, roughly, or to somewhere they do not want to go. 这些词均表示把某人带往某处,尤指以快速、粗暴或强行的方式。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to drag / haul / hustle / bundle sb off / away (from sth)◆to drag / rush / haul / hustle / bundle sb out of sth◆to rush / haul / hustle / bundle sb into sth◆to drag / haul yourself somewhere■ drag (-gg-) [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to make sb/yourself go somewhere that they/you do not really want to go to; to move yourself slowly and with a lot of effort 迫使(某人)前往;缓慢而费力地移动(或行进)◆I'm sorry to drag you all this way in the heat.对不起,这么热的天硬拉着你跑了这一路。◆It's time you dragged yourself away from that computer!到时间了,你该离开那电脑了!◆I dragged myself out of bed and got a glass of water.我吃力地从床上爬起来,喝了一杯水。■ rush [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to take or send sb somewhere in a great hurry 快速运输;速送◆Ambulances rushed the injured to hospital.救护车迅速将伤者送往医院。■ haul / /hɔːl/ / [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to force sb to go somewhere they do not want to go, especially by pulling them; to move yourself somewhere slowly and with a lot of effort 强迫(某人)前往;拽走;缓慢而费力地移动(或行进)◆A number of suspects have been hauled in for questioning.几个嫌疑犯被带进来接受讯问。◆She hauled him back onto the dance floor.她把他拉回了舞池。◆Laura hauled herself up from the sofa.劳拉费劲地从沙发上站起来。◆The creature began to haul itself out of the water.那动物开始缓缓从水中挣脱出来。NOTE 辨析 Drag or haul?There is more of a sense of physical force being used with haul than with drag. You usually haul yourself somewhere when an upward movement is involved; it is used especially with up and out. * haul比drag需要更大的力量。haul yourself通常指使身体向上运动,尤与up和out连用。■ hustle [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to make sb move forward quickly by pushing them in a rough or aggressive way 推搡;猛推◆He grabbed her arm and hustled her out of the room.他抓住她的胳膊,把她推出了房间。◆I was hustled into a waiting car.我被推搡进一辆等候着的汽车。■ bundle [transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to push or send sb somewhere quickly and roughly 匆匆送走;推搡◆Bodyguards quickly bundled the President into the car.几名保镖迅速将总统拥进汽车。◆They bundled her off on the next train.他们匆匆把她送上了下一列火车。NOTE 辨析 Hustle or bundle?There is often more aggression and force shown with hustle than with bundle. A person might be bundled somewhere in order to protect or hide them. * hustle比bundle更粗暴,bundle可以是为保护或藏匿而匆匆送走某人。■ ˌpack sbˈoff phrasal verb (informal) to send sb somewhere, especially because you do not want them with you 把⋯打发走◆He was packed off to a boarding school at the age of seven.七岁时他就被打发到一所寄宿学校去上学。 pull1 verb pull a cart 拉车pull the plug out 把插头拔掉pull sb's hair 揪某人的头发pull ♦︎ drag ♦︎ draw ♦︎ haul ♦︎ tow ♦︎ trail ♦︎ tugThese words all mean to move sth in a particular direction, especially towards or behind you. 这些词均表示拖、拉。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆to pull / drag / draw / haul / tow / trail / tug sb / sth along / down / towards sth◆to pull / drag / draw / haul / tow / trail sb / sth behind you◆to pull / drag / draw / haul a cart / sledge / sled◆to pull / draw a coach / carriage◆to pull / haul / tow a truck◆horses pull / draw / haul sth◆dogs pull / drag / haul sth■ pull [transitive] to hold sth and move it in a particular direction; to hold or be attached to a vehicle and move it along behind you 拖;拉;牵引◆Pull the chair nearer to the table.把椅子往餐桌边拉近些。◆She took his arm and pulled him along roughly.她抓起他的胳膊,粗暴地把他拽走了。◆I quickly pulled on my sweater.我迅速套上毛衣。◆They use oxen to pull their carts.他们用牛拉车。OPP push ⇨ push 1 ■ drag (-gg-) [transitive] to pull sb/sth in a particular direction or behind you, usually along the ground, and especially with effort and difficulty (尤指吃力地沿地上)拖,拉,拽◆I dragged the chair over to the window.我把椅子拖到窗前。◆Police dragged protesters away from the embassy entrance.警察把抗议者从大使馆入口拖走。◆The sack is too heavy to lift-you'll have to drag it.这个大袋子太重,没法抬-你得拖着它走。◆Dogs drag the sledges for hundreds of miles across the snow.狗拖着雪橇在雪地里走好几百英里。■ draw (drew, drawn) [transitive] (written) to move sb/sth by pulling them/it gently; to pull a vehicle such as a carriage 轻拖;牵引;拉(车)◆He drew the cork out of the bottle.他把瓶塞拔了出来。◆I drew my chair closer to the fire.我把椅子向火旁拉近了些。◆I tried to draw him aside (= for example in order to talk to him privately).我设法把他拉到一边。◆a horse-drawn carriage马车■ haul / /hɔːl/ / [transitive] to pull sb/sth to a particular place with a lot of effort (用力)拖,拉,拽◆He reached down and hauled her up onto the ledge.他俯身把她拉上了窗台。◆Fishermen were hauling in their nets.渔夫正在收网。◆The trucks were hauled by steam locomotives.这些敞篷车厢由蒸汽机车拖行。NOTE 辨析 Drag or haul?You usually drag sth behind you along the ground; you usually haul sth towards you, often upwards towards you. * drag通常指把身后的东西拖在地上前行,haul通常指把东西向上拉到身边来◆He reached down and dragged her up onto the ledge. Dragging sth often needs effort, but hauling sth always does. You can say 'I hauled the chair over to the window', but only if it is a very heavy chair that is hard to move. * drag常需要用力,而haul则必须用力。可以说I hauled the chair over to the window,但只有椅子很重、难以搬动时才可以这么用。 ■ tow / /təʊ; NAmE toʊ/ [transitive] to pull a car, boat or light plane behind another vehicle, using a rope or chain (用绳索)拖,拉,牵引(车、船或轻型飞机)◆Our car was towed away by the police.我们的车被警察拖走了。■ trail [transitive, intransitive] to pull sth along behind sb/sth, usually along the ground; to be pulled along in this way (通常沿地上)拖,拉;被拖行◆She trailed her hand in the cool water as the boat moved along.她把手放在清凉的水里,随着小船前行划过水面。◆The bride's dress trailed behind her.新娘的长裙拖在身后。■ tug /tʌg/ / (-gg-) [transitive] to pull sb/sth hard in a particular direction (朝某一方向用力)拖,拉,拽◆He tugged his hat down over his head.他把帽子往下拉了拉遮住脸。◆Annie appeared, tugging her little sister by the arm.安妮出现了,紧紧拉着她小妹妹的胳膊。 take your time idiom take your time ♦︎ stall ♦︎ drag your feet ♦︎ dawdle ♦︎ buy time ♦︎ procrastinate ♦︎ delayThese words all mean to be deliberately slow in doing sth or making a decision. 这些词均表示做事或决策时故意拖延时间。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆take your time / stall over sth■ take yourˈ time idiom (took, taken)to use as much time as you need without hurrying 从容不迫;慢慢来◆There's no rush-take your time.别着急,慢慢来。ⓘ Take your time is often used in an ironic way to say that you think sb is late or too slow in doing sth. * take your time常用于讽刺,指别人迟到或做事慢腾腾◆You certainly took your time getting here.你真是姗姗来迟啊! ■ stall verb [intransitive] (rather formal) to avoid making a decision or giving a definite answer, in order to gain time 故意拖延(以争取时间)◆They are still stalling on the deal.他们仍在拖时间,不急于达成协议。◆'What do you mean?' she asked, stalling for time.“你这是什么意思?”她问道,故意拖延着时间。■ drag your ˈfeet idiom (-gg-) (rather informal) to be deliberately slow in doing sth or in making a decision 故意拖拉;故意延迟(作出决定)◆They've been dragging their feet on settling the claim.他们一直拖着不解决这项索赔要求。■ dawdle verb [intransitive] to take a long time to do sth or go somewhere, especially by walking slowly 拖延;磨蹭;慢步而行◆Stop dawdling! We're going to be late!别磨蹭了,我们快迟到了!◆They dawdled along by the river, laughing and talking.他们沿着河边闲逛,谈笑风生。■ buy ˈtime idiom (bought, bought)to do sth in order to delay an event or decision 拖延时间(以阻延事件或决策)◆The negotiators kept the gunman talking to buy time for the hostages.谈判者不断让持枪歹徒说话,以便为人质争取时间。ⓘ Buying time is often seen as a clever thing to do, rather than sth that is disapproved of. * buy time常被视为聪明之举,而非贬义。■ procrastinate /prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt; NAmE proʊˈkræstɪneɪt/ verb (disapproving) to leave sth that you should do until a later time, usually because you do not want to do it (常因不愿做某事而)拖延,耽搁◆People were dying of starvation while governments procrastinated.饥民正挣扎在死亡线上,而政府行动却拖拖拉拉。ⓘ Procrastinating usually involves finding other, often unimportant, things to do, in order to avoid what you really should be doing. * procrastinate常指找别的一些较不重要的事做,以避免做真正应做之事。■ delay verb [intransitive] (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) to not do sth until a later time 延迟;延期◆Don't delay-call us today!别拖延了,今天就给我们打电话!◆We can't delay much longer.我们不能再拖延了。 see also delay ⇨ delay , delay ⇨ hold sb/sth up ▸ delay noun [uncountable] ◆There's no time for delay.没有时间拖延了。◆Report it to the police without delay (= immediately).赶快将此事报告警方。 |