

单词 dry
dry adj.
boring (a dry debate) ironic (dry wit) sunny (hot, dry weather)


boring ♦︎ dull ♦︎ tedious ♦︎ repetitive ♦︎ monotonous ♦︎ uninteresting ♦︎ dryThese words all describe a subject, activity, person or place that is not interesting or exciting. 这些词均形容话题、活动、人或地方无趣的、乏味的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be boring / dull / tedious / uninteresting for sbboring / dull / tedious / dry subjects / booksboring / dull / tedious / repetitive / monotonous jobs / workboring / dull / tedious games / lectures / detailsa boring / dull / tedious eveninga boring / a dull / an uninteresting placea boring / dull man / woman / personrather boring / dull / tedious / repetitive / monotonous / uninteresting / dryvery boring / dull / tedious / repetitive / uninteresting / drypretty boring / dull / tedious / uninteresting boring (disapproving) not interesting; making you feel tired and impatient 无趣的;令人厌倦(或厌烦)的He's such a boring man!他那人无趣得很!Try not to make the diet boring.尽量别让饮食单调。 (BrE, informal, spoken) That film was dead boring.那部电影无聊透顶。OPP interesting interesting boredom


[uncountable] Television helps to relieve the boredom of the long winter evenings.电视有助于打发漫长无聊的冬夜。
dull (disapproving) not interesting or exciting 枯燥无味的;沉闷的;无聊的Life in a small town could be deadly dull.小镇生活可能会非常沉闷乏味。The work gets a bit dull at times.这工作有时会有点儿乏味。There's never a dull moment when John's around.只要约翰在就不会有沉闷的时候。OPP interesting interesting tedious / /ˈtiːdiəs/ / (disapproving) lasting or taking too long and not interesting, so that you feel bored and impatient 冗长的;啰嗦的;单调乏味的;令人厌烦的The journey soon became tedious.旅行不久就变得乏味起来。It was tedious, repetitive work.那是单调、重复的工作。We had to listen to all the tedious details of his operation.我们不得不听他唠叨那次行动的繁琐细节。 tedium / /ˈtiːdiəm/ /


[uncountable] (written) She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life.她渴望有什么事情能排解她日常生活中的烦闷。
repetitive / /rɪˈpetətɪv/ / (often disapproving) saying or doing the same thing many times, so that it becomes boring 重复乏味的Machines can now perform many repetitive tasks in the home.机器现在可以做许多重复乏味的家务活。 monotonous /məˈnɒtənəs; NAmE məˈnɑːtənəs/ (disapproving) never changing and therefore boring 单调乏味的a monotonous voice / diet / routine单调乏味的嗓音/饮食/日常事务New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.秘书走马灯似地换个不停,令人厌烦。 monotonously


As the clock ticked monotonously on the wall Mr Simons slowly and methodically cut up and ate his food.墙上的时钟单调地滴答作响,西蒙斯先生慢条斯理地把食物切成小块吃着。
monotony /məˈnɒtəni; NAmE məˈnɑːtəni/


[uncountable] She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life.她靠看电视来排解日常生活的烦闷。
uninteresting (disapproving) not attracting your interest or attention 不吸引人的;无趣的;无聊的The food was dull and uninteresting.食物单调得很,一点也不吸引人。OPP interesting interesting see also uninterested indifferent dry (disapproving) boring because it lacks human interest 干巴巴的;枯燥无味的Government reports tend to make dry reading.政府报告读起来往往枯燥无味。


ironic ♦︎ sarcastic ♦︎ wry ♦︎ sardonic ♦︎ satirical ♦︎ dryThese words all describe sth that is humorous or makes fun of sb/sth in a way that is not obvious or direct, especially by using words that are the opposite of what you mean. 这些词均表示讽刺的、挖苦的、嘲弄的。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达讥讽的程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an ironic / a sarcastic / a wry / a sardonic / a satirical / a dry commentironic / wry / sardonic / satirical / dry humoura sarcastic / wry / satirical / dry witan ironic / a sarcastic / a wry / a sardonic / a dry tone / smilea sarcastic / wry / sardonic / dry lookan ironic / a sarcastic / a sardonic / a dry voiceironic / wry / sardonic amusement ironic / /aɪˈrɒnɪk; NAmE aɪˈrɑːnɪk/ apparently expressing the opposite of what you really mean, especially as a joke; (of a situation) strange or amusing because it is very different from what you expect (尤指玩笑)反语的,讽刺的;(情形因出乎意料)奇怪的,好笑的He was greeted with ironic cheers from opposition MPs.反对党议员向他喝倒彩。It's ironic that she became a teacher-she used to hate school.令人啼笑皆非的是她成了教师,她过去一向厌恶上学。 ironically


He smiled ironically.他讥讽地微微一笑。Ironically, the book she felt was her worst sold more copies than any of her others.没想到,她觉得最糟糕的那本书却比她的其他任何一本书卖得都好。
irony /ˈaɪrəni/ /


[uncountable, countable] His writing is rich in irony.他的作品反讽意味浓厚。The irony is that when he finally got the job, he found he didn't like it.讽刺的是,当他最终得到那份工作时,他发现自己并不喜欢它。It was one of life's little ironies.那是人生中一个小小的嘲弄。
sarcastic / /sɑːˈkæstɪk; NAmE sɑːrˈkampːstɪk/ (usually disapproving) using words that are the opposite of what you mean in order to be unpleasant to sb or to make fun of them 讽刺的;挖苦的;嘲讽的Her tone was faintly sarcastic.她的语调略带嘲讽。There's no need to be sarcastic.没必要挖苦人。 sarcasm /ˈsɑːkæzəm; NAmE ˈsɑːrkæzəm/


[uncountable] Her voice was heavy with sarcasm.她的话里满是挖苦。
wry /raɪ/ / [usually before noun] (written, usually approving) showing that you are both amused and disappointed or annoyed; amusing in an ironic way 啼笑皆非的;挖苦的;讽刺的;揶揄的'At least we got one vote,' she said with a wry smile.“我们起码还得了一票。”她苦笑着解嘲道。The film takes a wry look at the British class system.影片对英国的阶级制度投去了嘲弄的一瞥。 wryly


to grin / smile wryly咧嘴苦笑;苦笑
sardonic / /sɑːˈdɒnɪk; NAmE sɑːrˈdɑːnɪk/ (written, disapproving) humorous in a way that shows that you think you are better than other people and do not take them seriously 嘲弄的;轻慢的;轻蔑的He looked at her with sardonic amusement.他嘲弄地看着她,感觉很好笑。 satirical /səˈtɪrɪkl/ / criticizing sb/sth by using humour to show their faults or weaknesses 讽刺的;讥讽的The cartoon appeared in a popular satirical magazine.漫画刊登在一份通俗讽刺杂志上。He is a sharp, satirical observer of the London social scene.他用锐利和讥讽的眼光观察伦敦的社会百态。 satire / /ˈsætaɪə(r)/ /


[uncountable, countable] There is a strong tradition of political satire in this country.这个国家深具政治讽刺的传统。The novel is a stinging satire on American politics.这部小说是对美国政治的尖锐讽刺。
satirize (BrE also satirise) / /ˈsætəraɪz/ /


[transitive] (rather formal) The cartoon satirizes middle-aged, middle-class liberals.这部漫画讽刺了中年的中产阶级自由派。
dry (approving) very clever and often amusing, expressed in a quiet way that is not obvious, often using irony 机敏的;含蓄幽默的;令人玩味的He was a man of few words with a delightful dry sense of humour.他话不多,幽默起来又含蓄又让人愉快。


sunny ♦︎ dry ♦︎ clear ♦︎ good ♦︎ temperate ♦︎ fine ♦︎ mild ♦︎ gloriousThese words all describe good weather. 这些词均表示天气好的、晴朗的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sunny / dry / clear / good / fine / mild / glorious weathera sunny / dry / clear / fine / mild / glorious day / morning / evening / afternoonsunny / dry / clear / good / fine (weather) conditionsa sunny / dry / mild spella dry / temperate / mild climateto remain / stay sunny / dry / fine / mild sunny (approving) with a lot of bright light from the sun 阳光充足的It was a brilliantly sunny day in June.那是6月里一个阳光明媚的日子。The outlook for the weekend is warm and sunny.预计本周末天气温暖晴朗。These plants grow best in a sunny spot.这些植物在阳光充足的地方生长得最好。Sunny is a positive word that you use when you are enjoying the sunshine. It is not used when the sun is unpleasantly hot. * sunny是个褒义词,用于指阳光令人愉快。阳光热得令人难受时则不用该词。 OPP cloudy cloudy , shady dark 1 dry with very little rain 雨少的;干旱的;干燥的weeks of hot dry weather连续几周炎热干燥的天气the dry season旱季I hope it stays dry for our picnic.我希望我们野餐时别下雨。Rattlesnakes occur in the warmer, drier parts of North America.响尾蛇出现在北美洲的温暖干燥地区。 OPP wet wet 2 see also drought heat noun 2 clear without any cloud or mist 无云(或雾)的;晴朗的The weather was bright and clear.天气晴朗,万里无云。a clear blue sky晴朗的碧空On a clear day, you can see the mountains in the distance.天气晴朗时你可以看见远处的群山。OPP cloudy , misty , foggy cloudy good (approving) good weather is the type of weather that you want, for example because it is not cold or raining (天气)好的,温和的;晴朗的Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow.咱们盼着明天好天气吧。OPP bad wet 2 temperate / /ˈtempərət/ / [usually before noun] (technical 术语) (of a climate or region) having a mild temperature, without extremes of heat or cold (气候或地区)气候温和的;温带的a country with a temperate climate气候温和的国家In winter, the birds fly from the Arctic to more temperate zones.冬天,候鸟从北极迁徙到温带地区。 fine (especially BrE, approving) bright and without rain 晴朗的;无雨的The next morning turned out fine again.第二天早上天气又转晴了。That summer saw weeks of fine dry weather.那个夏天好几周天气都很干燥晴朗。 mild not very cold, and therefore pleasant (天气)温和的;和煦的That winter was exceptionally mild.那个冬天格外温和。Most of the birds seek out milder climates during the winter months.大多数鸟儿冬天都要寻找温和的气候。Mild is used especially to talk about weather that you might expect to be cold, for example winter weather, or when you are comparing an area with another area that is colder. * mild尤用于指预计会寒冷的天气(例如冬季的天气)并不寒冷,或者把一个地区与另一个更寒冷的地区作比较。 OPP cold cold 1 , harsh harsh see also mild gentle glorious (approving) hot, with the sun shining 热的;阳光灿烂的;晴朗的They had three weeks of glorious sunshine.他们度过了三周阳光灿烂的日子。




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