

单词 feel sorry for sb
feel sorry for sb phrase
sorry for sb
be/feel sorry for sb


be/feel sorry for sb ♦︎ pity ♦︎ sympathize ♦︎ commiserate ♦︎ feel for sbThese words all mean to feel sad about sb else's problems. 这些词均表示怜悯、同情。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to sympathize / commiserate with sbto really feel sorry for / sympathize (with sb) / feel for sbIt's easy / difficult / hard (not) to feel sorry for sb / sympathize (with sb). be ˈsorry for sb feel ˈsorry for sb


to feel sad for sb because they are in a bad situation or sth bad has happened to them 怜悯;同情I'm sorry for those poor boys, working in that horrible place.那些男孩得在那种糟糕的地方干活,真可怜。He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her.他决定帮助简,因为他同情她。 Be/feel sorry for sb is much more frequent than the other verbs in this group, especially in everyday and spoken language. You can be/feel very/extremely/so sorry for sb, quite/rather sorry for sb or a bit/slightly sorry for sb. You can also feel sorry for yourself. This is an informal and disapproving expression. * be/feel sorry for sb比本组词汇中其他动词都更常用,特别是在日常生活和口语中。sorry前面可用very/extremely/so、quite/rather或a bit/slightly。也可以说feel sorry for yourself,这是个非正式且带贬义的说法Stop feeling sorry for yourself and think about other people for a change.别老觉得自己委屈了,也替别人想想吧。


[transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to feel sorry for sb because of their situation 同情;怜悯;可怜I pity her having to work such long hours.她的工作时间那么长,真让我同情。Compulsive gamblers are more to be pitied than condemned.对嗜赌成瘾者要多同情,少谴责。 see also pity sympathy noun
sympathize (BrE also sympathise) / /ˈsɪmpəθaɪz/ /


[intransitive] to feel sorry for sb because you understand how they feel; to show that you understand and feel sorry about sb's problems 同情I find it very hard to sympathize with him.我觉得很难去同情他。I think we can all sympathize with her dilemma.我想我们都能同情她的窘境。 see also sympathy sympathy , sympathetic sensitive 1 , empathize understand 2 NOTE 辨析 Pity or sympathize? Pity is a stronger word and is used in more serious situations. * pity语气较强且用于更严重的场合'I've got a terrible headache.' 'I can sympathize. I had one yesterday.'“我头痛得很厉害。”“我能理解。昨天我也头痛了。”I pity that poor child, left all alone without her parents.我同情那个可怜的孩子,父母不在,独自一人。If you sympathize with sb, you understand how they feel and can imagine yourself in the same situation. Pity does not suggest this understanding, and can suggest a lack of respect for sb or a feeling of being superior. * sympathize表示理解他人的感受,并能感同身受;pity不含此意,反而可能有对他人缺乏尊重或者自觉高人一等的意味He pitied people who were stuck in dead-end jobs (= and was pleased with himself because he was not stuck in a dead-end job).他怜悯那些工作没有前途的人。People will be grateful if you say I sympathize with you, but they may not be pleased if you say I pity you. 如果说I sympathize with you,对方会心存感激,但如果说I pity you,对方可能会不高兴He lied to you again and again and you just kept on forgiving him. I pity you.他一再对你撒谎,可你总是原谅他。我真可怜你。She gave me a pitying look, which just made me feel even worse.她给我一个垂怜的眼神,这反倒让我更难受。You pity a person, but you can sympathize with a person or their situation. * pity直接接表示人的名词作宾语,sympathize则先加with,再接表示人或其处境的名词作宾语I can really sympathize.我真的很理解。I can really sympathize with her.我真的很同情她。I can really sympathize with what she's going through.我真的很同情她的遭遇。
commiserate / /kəˈmɪzəreɪt/ /


[intransitive] to show sb sympathy when they are upset or disappointed about sth, for example not winning a competition or failing an exam (对他人的苦恼或失意)同情,惋惜She commiserated with the losers on their defeat.她对失败的一方表示同情。If you commiserate with sb this usually means that you say sth kind and sympathetic to them, such as 'I'm sorry' or 'Bad luck!'. * commiserate with sb通常意味着对那人说些安慰或同情的话,例如I'm sorry(我很遗憾。)或Bad luck!(运气欠佳!)。 commiseration / /kəˌmɪzəˈreɪʃn/ /


[uncountable, countable] I offered him my commiseration.我对他表示了同情。Commiserations to the losing team!落败的队伍太可惜了!
ˈfeel for sb

phrasal verb

(felt, felt) (rather informal) to have sincere sympathy for sb (发自内心地)同情,怜悯(某人)I really felt for her when her husband died.她丈夫去世时我确实同情她。I do feel for you, honestly.说真的,我确实同情你。




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