

单词 find
find verb
find1 (find that sth is true) find2 (Look what I've found!) find3 (find a cure for cancer) find4 (I can't find my keys.) exist (insects found in tropical countries) regard (find sth hard to believe)


find that sth is true 发现某事属实Look what I've found! 看我发现了什么!find a cure for cancer 寻找癌症疗法I can't find my keys. 我找不到我的钥匙了。find ♦︎ find out (sth) ♦︎ hear ♦︎ discover ♦︎ learnThese words all mean to become aware of sth or get some information about sb/sth. 这些词均表示发现、得知、获悉。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to find out / hear / learn about sthto hear / learn of sthto find / find out / hear / discover / learn that...It was found / discovered that...to find out / hear / discover / learn how / what / why...to find / discover sb / sth to be / have, etc. sthto find out / discover / learn the facts / truth / secret / identityto be surprised / saddened / shocked / delighted / pleased / interested to find / hear / discover / learn sthto quickly / eventually find / discover / learn sth find (found, found) [transitive] to become aware that sth is true after you have tried it, tested it or experienced it 发现(某事属实)I find (that) it pays to be honest.我发现老实人不吃亏。The report found that 30% of the firms studied had failed within a year.这份报告称,受调查的公司有30%在一年内倒闭了。We found the beds very comfortable.我们发现这些床非常舒适。Her blood was found to contain poison.她的血液中发现有毒素。 see also finding conclusion ˌfind ˈout ˌfind ˈout sth

phrasal verb

(found, found)to get some information about sb/sth by asking, reading, researching or being told 查明,弄清(情况)She'd been seeing the boy for a while, but didn't want her parents to find out.她和这个男孩约会已有一段时间了,但不想让父母知道。Did your sister ever find out about it?你妹妹清楚那事吗?I haven't found anything out about him yet.我还没有发现有关他的什么情况。Can you find out what time the meeting starts?你能查清楚会议什么时候开始吗?We found out later that we had been at the same school.我们后来才得知我们是校友。She was determined to find out the truth.她决心查明真相。
hear (heard, heard) (not usually used in progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) [intransitive, transitive] (especially spoken) to become aware of sth, especially news about a person, because sb tells you about it 听说,得知(尤指有关某人的消息)Haven't you heard? She's resigned.你没听说吗?她辞职了。'He's being promoted.' 'So I've heard.'“他要升职了。”“我听说了。”I was sorry to hear about your accident.获悉你遭遇意外,我很难过。We had heard nothing for weeks.我们好几个星期都没得到任何消息了。I was delighted to hear your good news.得知你的好消息我很高兴。 discover [transitive] (not usually used in progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to find out about sth or to find some information about sth, often sth surprising or shocking 了解到,认识到,查明(令人吃惊之事)It was a shock to discover that he couldn't read.得知他不识字真令人震惊。We never did discover why she gave up her job.我们一直弄不清楚她为什么辞职。He was later discovered to be seriously ill.后来才了解到他患了重病。It was later discovered that the diaries were a fraud.后来查明这些日记是伪造的。 discovery


[countable, uncountable] He was shocked by the discovery that she had been unfaithful.发现她不忠,他非常震惊。
learn (learnt, learnt or learned, learned) [intransitive, transitive] (not usually used in progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) (rather formal) to become aware of sth by hearing about it from sb else or by reading about it; to gradually change your attitudes about sth so that you behave in a different way 得知;获悉;意识到;(从⋯中)吸取教训I learned of her arrival from a close friend.我从一个好友那里听说她到了。We were very surprised to learn that she had got married again.我们听说她又结婚了,感到很惊讶。I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes.我肯定她会从错误中吸取教训。I soon learned not to ask too many questions.我很快就意识到不能问太多问题。


find that sth is true 发现某事属实Look what I've found! 看我发现了什么!find a cure for cancer 寻找癌症疗法I can't find my keys. 我找不到我的钥匙了。find ♦︎ discover ♦︎ come across sb/sth ♦︎ catch ♦︎ turn sth up ♦︎ unearth ♦︎ come upon sb/sth ♦︎ stumble on/upon/across sb/sthThese words all mean to become aware of the existence or location of sb/sth by chance. 这些词均表示意外或偶然地发现。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to find / discover / come across / catch sb doing sthto find / discover / unearth the remains (of sth)to find / discover a fault / wreckto find / discover / stumble upon a bodyto happen to find / discover / come across sthto find / discover / stumble upon sth by accident find (found, found) [transitive] to become aware of the existence or location of sb/sth unexpectedly or by chance (意外或偶然地)发现Look what I've found!看我发现了什么!We've found a great new restaurant near the office.我们在办公室附近发现了一家很棒的新餐馆。A whale was found washed up on the shore.一头鲸被发现冲到了岸上。I didn't expect to come home and find him gone.我没料到回家后发现他不见了。 find


[countable] This is an important archaeological find.这是个重大的考古发现。
discover [transitive] to be the first person to become aware that a particular thing or place exists; to find sb/sth that was hidden or that you did not expect to find (第一个)发现;(出乎意料地)找到,发觉Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii.人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。Police discovered a large stash of drugs while searching the house.警方搜查这栋房子时发现里面藏有一大批毒品。He was discovered hiding in the shed.人们发现他原来藏在棚屋里。She was discovered dead at her home in Leeds.她被发现死在位于利兹的家里。 see also discoverer explorer discovery


[countable, uncountable] All these were chance discoveries made by scientists engaged in other investigations.所有这些都是从事其他研究的科学家偶然发现的。The discovery of a child's body in the river has shocked the community.在河里发现了一具孩子的尸体,令社区居民大为震惊。
ˌcome aˈcross sb/sth

phrasal verb

(came, come) [no passive] to meet or find sb/sth by chance, especially while you are looking for or doing sth else (偶然)遇见,碰见,发现I came across children sleeping under bridges.我偶然发现了睡在桥下的孩子。She came across some old photographs in a drawer.她在抽屉里偶然发现了一些旧照片。 see also encounter meet 2
catch (caught, caught) [transitive] to find or discover sb doing sth, especially sth wrong 当场发现;(尤指)逮到(别人做坏事)I caught her smoking in the bathroom.我撞见她在盥洗室里抽烟。He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home.在他家里发现藏有制造炸弹的设备。Mark walked in and caught them at it (= in the act of doing sth wrong).马克走了进去,把他们逮了个正着。You've caught me at a bad time (= at a time when I am busy).你现在来找我可不是时候。 ˌturn sth ˈup

phrasal verb

to find sth after spending time searching (经搜寻)找到,发现Our efforts to trace him turned up nothing.我们辛辛苦苦跟踪他,却一无所获。If I turn anything up, I'll let you know.如果我发现什么,会告诉你的。You often turn sth up as part of a general search when you do not know in advance exactly what you might find. * turn sth up常指事先不知道到底能找到什么,只是泛泛地搜查,结果发现了某事物。
unearth /ʌnˈɜːθ; NAmE ʌnˈɜːrθ/ [transitive] to find sth in the ground by digging; to find or discover sth by chance or after searching for it, especially sth that has been hidden for a long time 发掘;使出土;(偶然或经搜寻)找到,发现(尤指长久隐藏的事物)Police have unearthed a human skeleton.警方挖掘出一具人骨。I unearthed my old diaries when we moved house.我们搬家时我偶然发现了自己以前的日记。The newspaper has unearthed some disturbing facts.报纸揭发了一些令人不安的真相。 ˈcome upon sb/sth

phrasal verb

(came, come) [no passive] (rather formal) to meet or find sb/sth by chance 偶然遇见;偶然发现Jamie came upon her unawares.杰米意外地遇见她。He was on vacation in Italy when he came upon the engravings in a local market.他在意大利度假时在当地市场偶然发现了这些版画。
ˈstumble on sb/sth ˈstumble across sb/sth ˈstumble upon sb/sth

phrasal verb

to find or meet sb/sth by chance, especially when this has surprising or serious consequences 意外发现,偶然遇见(尤指因此带来令人吃惊或严重的后果)He was killed after he stumbled on a cocaine factory.他偶然发现了一家生产可卡因的工场,不久后便遇害。


find that sth is true 发现某事属实Look what I've found! 看我发现了什么!find a cure for cancer 寻找癌症疗法I can't find my keys. 我找不到我的钥匙了。find ♦︎ establish ♦︎ identify ♦︎ determine ♦︎ ascertain ♦︎ discoverThese words mean to become aware of sth by searching, studying or thinking carefully. 这些词均表示经寻找、研究或思考后发现、查明、得出。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to establish / identify / determine / ascertain what / how / when / where / why / whether...to establish / ascertain that...It was established / ascertained that...to find / establish / identify / determine / ascertain / discover the causeto find / establish / identify / determine / discover the correlationto find / establish / identify / discover a connectionto find / identify / discover a solutionto find / discover the answerto find / discover a cureto establish / ascertain the facts find (found, found) [transitive] to become aware of sb/sth by searching, studying or thinking carefully (经寻找、研究或思考)发现,查明,得出Scientists are still trying to find a cure for cancer.科学家仍在努力寻找治疗癌症的方法。I'm having trouble finding anything new to say on this subject.在这个课题上要提出什么新看法,我觉得挺困难的。Have they found anyone to replace her?他们找到了代替她的人没有?Can you find me a hotel?你能给我找一家旅馆吗? establish [transitive] (rather formal) to find or prove the facts of a situation 查实;确定;证实Police are still trying to establish the cause of death.警方仍在努力确定死因。They have established that his injuries were caused by a fall.他们已证实他是摔伤的。We need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting.我们需要查实枪击发生时她身在何处。 identify [transitive] (rather formal) to find a connection, cause or solution to a problem by studying the matter carefully (经研究)找到,发现(关联、原因或解决办法)Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer.科学家发现了饮食与癌症之间的关联。As yet they have not identified a buyer for the company.迄今为止他们还没有为公司找到买主。They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system.他们正试图弄清现行制度的弊端所在。You usually identify sth by first thinking of a possible connection, cause, etc. and then looking for evidence to prove or disprove it. * identify通常指首先考虑可能的关联、原因等,然后寻找证据证明是对是错。 see also identify identify determine [transitive] (formal) to find the facts about sth; to calculate sth exactly 查明;测定;准确算出An enquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident.已展开调查以确定事故原因。Computer models help to determine whether a particular area is likely to flood.计算机模型有助于测定某特定地区是否可能发生洪水。 ascertain /ˌæsəˈteɪn; NAmE ˌæsərˈteɪn/ [transitive] (formal) to establish the facts of a situation 查明;弄清It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.必须要弄清楚,这些计划要合法。NOTE 辨析 Establish or ascertain? Ascertain is an even more formal way of saying establish. However, establish is usually only used in the context of official or scientific investigations; ascertain can also be used when you are trying to find out about sb's personal intentions and feelings, although it is still very formal. * ascertain比establish还要正式。不过,establish通常只用于官方调查或科学研究的语境;ascertain亦可指弄清某人的个人意图和感情,但这种用法依然很正式Could you ascertain whether she will be coming to the meeting?请你弄清楚她来不来开会好吗?Could you establish whether she will be coming to the meeting. discover [transitive] to be the first person to become aware that a particular thing or place exists by searching, studying or thinking (经寻找、研究或思考)第一个发现Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS.全世界的科学家都在努力寻找治疗艾滋病的方法。 discovery


[countable, uncountable] Researchers have made some important new discoveries.研究人员已有一些重大的新发现。the discovery of antibiotics in the 20th century20世纪抗生素的发现


find that sth is true 发现某事属实Look what I've found! 看我发现了什么!find a cure for cancer 寻找癌症疗法I can't find my keys. 我找不到我的钥匙了。find ♦︎ locate ♦︎ trace ♦︎ track sb/sth down ♦︎ search sb/sth out ♦︎ sniff sb/sth outThese words all mean to discover where sb/sth is, or get sb/sth back after looking for them/it. 这些词均表示找出某人或某物的所在位置或找到、找回。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to find sth / locate sth / track sth down / search sth out for sb / sthto find / trace / track down the killer / locationto locate / trace / track down / sniff out sb's whereaboutsto find / locate / trace / track down the missing ...to finally / eventually find / locate / trace / track down sb / sth find (found, found) [transitive] to get back sb/sth that was lost or missing after looking for them/it 找到;找回I can't find my keys.我找不到我的钥匙了。Can you find my bag for me?你能帮我找到我的包吗?The child was eventually found safe and well.那孩子最终找到了,安然无恙。He went through the drawers but found nothing.他仔细查找了抽屉,但一无所获。I wanted to talk to him but he was nowhere to be found.我想和他谈谈,但哪儿也找不到他。 locate /ləʊˈkeɪt; NAmE ˈloʊkeɪt/ [transitive] (rather formal) to find the exact position of sb/sth 找出⋯的准确位置;确定⋯的准确地点The mechanic located the fault immediately.机修工立即找到了出故障的地方。Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors.救援飞机正在努力搜查失踪水手的下落。 see also location place noun 1 trace [transitive] to find or discover sb/sth that has disappeared by looking carefully for them/it, often by looking for evidence of places where the person or thing has previously been 追查出;追踪到We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。We have not been able to trace the original letter.我们未能找到信件的原本。 see also trace sign noun 1 ˌtrack sb/sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

to find sb/sth after spending time searching in several places 搜寻到;跟踪找到;追查到The police have so far failed to track down the attacker.警方至今未能追捕到攻击者。I finally tracked the reference down in a book of quotations.我终于在一本引语书中查到了那条引文。
ˌsearch sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to look for sb/sth until you find them/it 找出;查到;搜寻到Fighter pilots searched out and attacked enemy aircraft.战斗机驾驶员发现敌机后便进行攻击。
ˌsniff sb/sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to find sb/sth by using your sense of smell; to find sb/sth by looking or asking questions 嗅出;看出;探问出The dogs are trained to sniff out drugs.这些狗是经过训练的嗅毒犬。Journalists are good at sniffing out a scandal.记者善于发现丑闻。


exist ♦︎ find ♦︎ occur ♦︎ prevail ♦︎ liveThese words all mean to be present in a place or situation. 这些词均表示存在。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to exist / be found / occur / prevail in / among sthto still exist / be found / occur / prevailto never exist / be found / occur exist [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to be real; to be present in a place or situation 存在;实际上有Does life exist on other planets?其他星球上有生命存在吗?The problem only exists in your head, Ben.这个问题不过是你的想象,本。 see also existence life 1 find (found, found) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) used to say that sth exists and is noticeable in a particular place (在某处)存在;见于These flowers are found only in Africa.这些花仅见于非洲。You'll find this style of architecture all over the town.全城各处都能见到这种风格的建筑。 occur / /əˈkɜː(r)/ / (-rr-) [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses, used with an adverb or preposition 不用于进行时,与副词或介词连用) (rather formal) to exist in a place or be present as a part of sth 存在于;出现在Lemurs occur in the wild only in Madagascar.狐猴仅存在于马达加斯加的野生环境中。Sugar occurs naturally in fruit.水果天然含糖分。 occurrence / /əˈkʌrəns; NAmE əˈkɜːrəns/


[uncountable] The document addresses the occurrence of arsenic in drinking water.该文件谈到要如何解决饮用水中出现砷的问题。
prevail /prɪˈveɪl/ / [intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (formal) to exist or be very common at a particular time or in a particular place (在某时期或某处)普遍存在,盛行We were horrified at the conditions prevailing in local prisons.地方监狱的普遍状况让我们震惊。 see also prevalent general adj. 1 live [intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to be alive, especially at a particular time (尤指在某时期)活着He's the greatest player who ever lived.他是世上最杰出的运动员。When did Handel live?亨德尔是什么时期的人? see also life life 1 2


 See also the entry for think 另见think条regard ♦︎ call ♦︎ find ♦︎ consider ♦︎ describe ♦︎ see ♦︎ view ♦︎ count ♦︎ reckon ♦︎ look at sthThese words all mean to think or talk about sb/sth in a particular way. 这些词均表示认为、视为、看待。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to regard / consider / describe / see / view / count / look at sb / sth as sthto regard / consider / see / view / look at sb / sth from a particular point of viewto regard / see / view / look at sb / sth with sthto find / consider / see / reckon sb / sth to be sthto consider / reckon that...to regard / consider / describe / see / view / count / reckon yourself (as) sthgenerally / widely / usually / still regarded / considered / seen / viewed / reckoned as sthno longer regarded / considered / seen / viewed as sthto regard / consider / describe / see / view / look at sb / sth differentlyto consider / describe / see / view / look at sb / sth objectivelyto regard / consider / view sb / sth favourably / positively regard [transitive] (rather formal) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way 认为;视为;看待Her work is very highly / well regarded.她的工作受到高度评价。Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.当时认为死刑既不人道也不道德。I had come to regard him as a close friend.我已渐渐把他当成密友。They regarded people outside their own village with suspicion.他们对外村人持怀疑态度。 call [transitive] to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics 把⋯描述成;认为⋯是;把⋯看作I wouldn't call German an easy language.我不认为德语是一门容易学的语言。Are you calling me a liar?你是说我撒谎吗?He was in the front room, or the lounge, or whatever you want to call it.他当时在客厅,或者说是在起居室,你随便叫它什么都行。Would you call it blue or green?你认为它是蓝色还是绿色?I make it ten pounds forty-three you owe me. Let's call it ten pounds.我算下来你欠我10英镑43便士,就算作10英镑吧。 find (found, found) [transitive] to have a particular feeling or opinion about sth 认为;感到;觉得You may find your illness hard to accept.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。You may find it hard to accept your illness.你可能觉得难以接受自己患病。I find it amazing that they're still together.他们还在一起,这使我很是惊讶。She finds it a strain to meet new people.她和生人见面总感到局促不安。 consider [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to think of sb/sth in a particular way 认为;视为;看待Who do you consider (to be) responsible for the accident?你认为谁对这起事故负有责任?Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired.你没被解雇,算是万幸。These workers are considered (as) a high-risk group.这些工人被视为高风险人群。 see also consider consider NOTE 辨析 Regard or consider?These two words have the same meaning, but they are used in different patterns and structures. In this meaning consider must be used with a complement or clause: you can consider sb/sth to be sth or consider sb/sth as sth, although very often the to be or as is left out. 这两个词含义相同,但用于不同的句型和结构。表达此义时,consider必须与补语或从句连用,可用consider sb/sth to be sth或consider sb/sth as sth,不过to be或as常省略不用He considers himself an expert.他认为自己是专家。They are considered a high-risk group.他们被视为高风险人群。You can also consider that sb/sth is sth and again, the that can be left out. 用consider that sb/sth is sth亦可,that同样可以省略The Home Secretary will release prisoners only if he considers it is safe to do so.内政大臣只有在他认为这样做是安全时才会释放囚犯。 Regard is used in a narrower range of structures. The most frequent structure is regard sb/sth as sth; the as cannot be left out. * regard可用的句型结构较少,最常见的结构是regard sb/sth as sth,as不能省略I regard him a close friend. You cannot regard sb/sth to be sth or regard that sb/sth is sth However, regard (but not consider in this meaning) can also be used without a noun or adjective complement but with just an object and adverb or adverbial phrase. 不能说regard sb/sth to be sth或regard that sb/sth is sth。不过,regard亦可不与名词或形容词补语连用,而只与宾语和副词或副词短语连用,consider表达此义时则不能这样用sb / sth is highly regarded某人/某事受到高度评价regard sb / sth with suspicion / jealousy / admiration以怀疑/妒忌/赞赏的眼光看待某人/某事 describe [transitive] (always used with as 总是与as连用) to say that sb/sth has particular qualities or characteristics 把⋯描述成;认为⋯是;把⋯看作Jim was described by his colleagues as 'unusual'.吉姆被同事称为“非常人”。The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.据描述,该男子个子高,深色皮肤,大约20岁。 see also describe describe NOTE 辨析 Call or describe?These words have the same meaning but they are used in different patterns. Call is used with a noun or adjective complement, without as. 这两个词含义相同,但用于不同句型。call与名词或形容词补语连用,不带asI wouldn't call German as an easy language. Noun complements are much more frequent with call than adjective complements: you can say 'I wouldn't call German easy.', but it would be more usual to use the noun phrase 'an easy language'. Describe is used with as and an adjective or noun phrase. 名词补语比形容词补语更常与call连用:可以说I wouldn't call German easy,但更常用名词短语an easy language。 describe与as和形容词或名词短语连用Jim was described by his colleages unusual. Adjectives are more frequent with describe than nouns: longer noun phrases are possible, but with simple nouns use call. 形容词比名词更常与describe连用。较长的名词短语可与describe连用,但简短的名词则与call连用Jim was described by his colleagues as an unusual man.同事认为吉姆是个不寻常的人。Are you describing me as a liar? see (saw, seen) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have an opinion of sth 认为;看待I see things differently now.现在我看问题的方法不一样了。Try to see things from her point of view.试着从她的角度去看问题。Lack of money is the main problem, as I see it (= in my opinion).依我看,主要问题是缺钱。The way I see it, you have three main problems.依我看,你有三个主要问题。 view [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way 认为;视为;看待When the car was first built, the design was viewed as highly original.这车问世时,其设计被认为是独具匠心。How do you view your position within the company?你如何看待自己在公司中的位置?You should view their offer with a great deal of caution.你应当非常谨慎地看待他们的提议。View has the same meaning as regard and consider but is slightly less frequent and slightly less formal. The main structures are view sb/sth as sb/sth (you cannot leave out the as) and view sb/sth with sth. View is the most natural choice for a general question: How do you view...? You can also say 'How do you regard...?', although this is less frequent; it is not usual to say How do you consider...? in this meaning. * view与regard和consider意思相同,但不太常用,也稍显不正式,主要用于view sb/sth as sb/sth(as不能省略)和view sb/sth with sth这两种结构。在一般疑问句中选用view是最自然的说法,如How do you view ...?也可以说How do you regard ...?,但较不常用;表达此义时一般不说How do you consider ...?。 count [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think of sb/sth in a particular way; to be thought of in this way 认为;视为;看待;算作I count him among my closest friends.我把他视为最亲密的朋友之一。I count myself lucky to have known him.和他相识,我觉得很幸运。For tax purposes that money counts / is counted as income.那笔钱算作收入,需要纳税。 reckon [transitive, usually passive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (especially BrE, rather informal) to regard sb/sth as sb/sth 认为;视为;看待Children are reckoned to be more sophisticated nowadays.普遍认为现在的孩子比过去世故。It was generally reckoned a success.大家都认为那是一次成功。 see also reckon think ˈlook at sth

phrasal verb

to consider or view sth in a particular way (用某种方式)看待,考虑Looked at from that point of view, his decision is easier to understand.从那个角度看,他的决定比较容易理解。It all depends on how you look at it.这一切都取决于你怎么看待它。Look at it this way:...用这样的方式来看⋯Look at sth is used especially when you are considering the different ways in which a situation can be considered. * look at sth尤用于可用不同方式看待某种情况时。 see also look at sth consider




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