

单词 insincere
insincere adj.


false ♦︎ hollow ♦︎ insincereThese words all describe people saying or doing things that they do not really mean or believe. 这些词均表示表里不一的、不真诚的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配false / hollow / insincere wordsa false / a hollow / an insincere smilea false / hollow promiseto look / sound / ring false / hollowcompletely / totally false / insincere false saying or doing sth that you do not really mean or believe 表里不一的;不真诚的Come on-this is no time for false modesty.快点!这不是假谦虚的时候。She gave a tinkly little laugh, which sounded horribly false even to her own ears.她发出银铃般的轻笑,连她自己听着都觉得假极了。False is often used to describe people trying to appear more interesting, pleasant or important than they really are. * false常表示人尽量显得比真实的自己更有趣味、更友善或更重要。 hollow [usually before noun] false 表里不一的;不真诚的He gave a hollow laugh.他干笑了一声。Their appeal for an end to the violence had a hollow ring (= quality) to it.他们呼吁停止使用暴力,但并无诚意。A hollow laugh or voice sounds sad or angry rather than happy or sincere. Hollow promises, threats or words are about things that will not really happen. Something that has a hollow ring to it, or that rings hollow, does not seem sincere or real. * hollow修饰laugh或voice时指笑声或说话声听起来悲伤或愤怒,而非快乐或真诚;修饰promise、threat或word时指承诺、威胁或言辞虚张声势,不会真的落实。短语have a hollow ring to it和ring hollow表示看来不真诚、没有诚意。 insincere (rather formal) false 表里不一的;不真诚的She gave him one of her insincere smiles.她对他虚情假意地微笑了一下。Insincere is often used to describe people trying to appear kinder or more moral or religious than they really are, especially in order to help their careers, for example in politics or television. * insincere常表示人尽量显得比真实的自己更友善、更有道德或更虔诚,尤以促进自己在政界或电视界等职业领域的发展为目的。 OPP sincere deep 1 , sincere honest




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