

单词 inspiration
inspiration noun
inspiration (draw your inspiration from sth) example2 (an inspiration to us all) incentive (the inspiration behind Saturday's victory)


inspiration ♦︎ creativity ♦︎ vision ♦︎ ingenuity ♦︎ originality ♦︎ imagination ♦︎ inventivenessThese are all positive words for the ability to have exciting new ideas or to create new things. 这些词均含褒义,表示创造力、独创力、创新力。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配great inspiration / creativity / vision / ingenuity / originality / imagination / inventivenessto have inspiration / ingenuity / originality / imaginationto lack / be lacking in inspiration / vision / ingenuity / originality / imaginationto show creativity / ingenuity / originality / imagination / inventivenessto use your ingenuity / imagination inspiration / /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ / [uncountable] the process that takes place when sb sees or hears sth that causes them to have exciting new ideas or makes them want to create sth new, especially in art, music or literature 灵感Looking for inspiration for a new dessert? Try this recipe.你正在寻找制作新甜品的灵感吗?试试这个做法吧。Both poets drew their inspiration from the countryside.两位诗人都从乡村得到了灵感。Dreams can be a rich source of inspiration for an artist.梦境可以成为艺术家灵感的丰富源泉。 creativity / /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ / [uncountable] the ability and imagination to create sth new or a work of art 创造力My job does not give me much scope for creativity.我的工作没给我多少发挥创造力的机会。 see also creative creative vision [uncountable] the ability to think about or plan the future with great imagination and intelligence 想象力;眼力;远见卓识a leader of great vision有远见卓识的领袖He's a competent politician but he lacks vision.他是个合格的从政者,但缺乏远见。 see also visionary visionary noun ingenuity / /ˌɪndʒəˈnjuːəti; NAmE ˌɪndʒəˈnuːəti/ [uncountable] the ability to invent things or solve problems in clever new ways 独创力;聪明才智;心灵手巧There is always a solution, so long as you are prepared to use your ingenuity.只要愿意运用你的聪明才智,总会找到解决的办法。 see also ingenious creative originality /əˌrɪdʒəˈnæləti/ / [uncountable] the ability to have interesting new ideas; the quality of being new and interesting in a way that is different from anything that has existed before 独创力;独创性;创意His originality as a painter lies in his representation of light.他作为画家的独创性在于对光的表现。Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill.创造力和独创性比专门技术更为重要。 see also original creative , individuality identity imagination [uncountable] the ability to have exciting new ideas 创造力;创作力His writing lacks imagination.他的文章缺乏想象。With a little imagination you can create a delicious meal from yesterday's leftovers.稍微动点脑筋,就能用前一天的剩菜剩饭做出一顿美味佳肴。 see also imaginative creative inventiveness [uncountable] the ability to create new things or have new ideas; the quality of being new and creative 创新力;新意;创意the inventiveness of modern advertising现代广告的创意 see also inventive creative


give an example of sth 举例Her courage is an example to us all. 她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。example ♦︎ model ♦︎ ideal ♦︎ role model ♦︎ embodiment ♦︎ epitome ♦︎ inspiration ♦︎ archetypeThese are all words for a person or thing that is considered to be a good example of sth. 这些词均表示榜样、楷模。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an example / a model / the embodiment / the epitome / the archetype of sthan example / inspiration to sb example [countable] (approving) a person or their behaviour that is thought to be good for others to copy 榜样;楷模;模范Her courage is an example to us all.她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve.她为残疾人能有所作为树立了光辉典范。He is a captain who leads by example.他是个以身作则的队长。 see also example influence noun , exemplify represent 2 model [countable] (approving) a person or thing that is considered an excellent example of sth 模范;典型Her essay was a model of clarity.她的文章是明白晓畅的范例。He's a model student.他是模范生。 Model is always used in the phrase a model of sb/sth or like an adjective before another noun. * model总是用在短语a model of sb/sth中,或像形容词一样置于另一名词前a model farm (= one that has been specially designed to work well) 模范农场 see also model model noun ideal / /aɪˈdiːəl/ / [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that you think is perfect 完美的人(或事物)It's my ideal of what a family home should be.这是我心目中完美的家庭住宅。Ideal is often used with possessive pronouns such as my, his or her. * ideal常与my、his、her等物主代词连用。 ˈrole model [countable] a person that you admire and try to copy 楷模;行为榜样We need positive role models for young men to aspire to.我们要树立正面典型人物,激励年轻人有志效仿。 embodiment / /ɪmˈbɒdimənt; NAmE ɪmˈbɑːdimənt/ [countable, usually singular] (formal) a person or thing that represents or is a typical example of an idea or quality (体现一种思想或品质的)典型,化身He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman.他是成功青年企业家的典型。Embodiment can be used to talk about a positive or a negative idea. * embodiment可以指正面的典范,也可以指负面的典型。 see also embody represent 2 epitome /ɪˈpɪtəmi/ / [singular] (formal, especially written) a perfect example of a person or quality (人或品质的)典型,典范Her clothes are the epitome of good taste.她的衣着体现了高品味。Epitome is almost always used in the phrase the epitome of sb/sth. It is often used to talk about how people look or behave. Although many examples of epitome show good qualities, this is not always the case: a common phrase is the epitome of evil. * epitome几乎总是用于短语the epitome of sb/sth中,常指外表或行为的典范。尽管许多epitome的例句显示为好品质的典范,但是也有例外,常用的短语the epitome of evil就是一例。 see also epitomize represent 2 inspiration / /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ / [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that makes you want to be better or more successful 鼓舞人心的人(或事物)Her charity work is an inspiration to us all.她的慈善工作激励着我们大家。 see also inspire inspire archetype / /ˈɑːkitaɪp/ / [singular] (rather formal, written) the most typical or perfect example of a particular kind of person or thing 典型She is the archetype of an American movie star.她是典型的美国影星。Archetype is not usually used with words that describe qualities, like kindness or style: it is more often used with concrete nouns to talk about how people and things match what we expect from a person or thing of a particular class, profession or type. * archetype通常不与kindness或style等表示品性的词连用,而较常与有实在意义的名词连用,指某人或某事物符合人们对某一阶层、职业或类型的认识。


 See also the entry for bribe 另见bribe条incentive ♦︎ motivation ♦︎ stimulus ♦︎ impetus ♦︎ inspiration ♦︎ inducementThese are all words for sth that encourages sb to do sth or to develop more quickly, or is the reason why sb does sth. 这些词均表示激励因素、刺激或动机。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inspiration for sththe incentive / stimulus / impetus / inducement to sththe motivation / impetus / inspiration behind sththe incentive / stimulus / impetus / inducement to do stha strong incentive / motivation / impetus / inducementa powerful incentive / stimulus / impetus / inducementthe main incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inspirationa new incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetusan extra incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inducementthe necessary motivation / stimulus / impetus / inducementsufficient incentive / motivation / inducementto provide / give (sb / sth) the incentive / motivation / stimulus / impetus / inspiration / inducementto offer an incentive / an inducement incentive / /ɪnˈsentɪv/ / [countable, uncountable] something that encourages you to do sth, especially because you will get sth in return (尤指使人得到回报的)激励,刺激,鼓励There are no incentives for people to save fuel.没有措施鼓励人们节约燃料。The government has created tax incentives to encourage investment.政府已出台了税收优惠措施以鼓励投资。There is little incentive for firms to increase the skills of their workers.公司严重缺乏提高员工技能的推动力。OPP disincentive A disincentive is sth that makes you less willing to do sth, especially because you will not gain much if you do. * disincentive指降低做某事意愿的因素,尤其是因为做了也没有太多回报A sudden fall in profits provided a further disincentive to investors.利润突然下降使投资者进一步退缩。 motivation / /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃn; NAmE ˌmoʊtɪˈveɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] the reason why sb does sth or behaves in a particular way; sth that makes sb want to be successful 动机;动力What is the motivation behind this sudden change?这种突然转变背后的动因是什么?I soon understood his motivation in inviting me.我很快明白了他邀请我的原因。He's intelligent enough but he lacks motivation.他很聪明,但缺乏积极性。 see also motivate inspire , motivate make 4 , motive reason motivational


(formal) an important motivational factor重要的促进因素
stimulus /ˈstɪmjələs/ / (plural stimuli / /stimulaɪ/ / ) [countable, usually singular] (rather formal) something that helps or encourages sb/sth to start or to develop better or more quickly 促进因素;激励因素;刺激物Books provide children with ideas and a stimulus for play.书不仅给孩子们提供想法,而且使他们玩得更有意思。He stressed the value of public investment as a stimulus to growth.他强调了公共投资对刺激经济增长的价值。 see also stimulate inspire impetus / /ˈɪmpɪtəs/ / [uncountable, singular] something that encourages a process or activity to develop more quickly 动力;推动;刺激The debate seems to have lost much of its initial impetus.辩论似乎没有开始时那么大的冲劲了。Each new rumour added a fresh impetus to the smear campaign.每一个新谣言都给诽谤攻击增添了新助力。NOTE 辨析 Stimulus or impetus? Stimulus is often used to talk about starting things off; impetus is used to talk about how things develop: processes or activities can gain/maintain/lose impetus, or they can gain added/new/further/fresh impetus. Stimulus is a more formal word, often used in academic or business contexts; impetus is often used in journalism or broadcasting when discussing trends and developments. * stimulus常指事情启动的推动力,impetus指事情发展的助力。可用gain/maintain/lose impetus表示过程或活动获得、保持或失去推进力;added/new/further/fresh impetus指新的推进力。stimulus较正式,常用于学术或商业语境;impetus常用于讨论趋势和发展的新闻报道或广播节目中。 inspiration [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that is the reason why sb creates or does sth 启发灵感的人(或事物);使人产生动机的人(或事物)He says my sister was the inspiration for his heroine.他说我姐姐是他的女主人公的原型。Clark was the inspiration behind Saturday's victory.克拉克是星期六那场胜利的灵魂人物。 see also inspire inspire inducement /ɪnˈdjuːsmənt; NAmE ɪnˈduːsmənt/ [countable, uncountable] something, especially money, that is given to sb to persuade them to do sth, especially sth that they would not normally do 引诱,刺激,诱因(尤指钱)The higher payments were offered as an inducement.提高酬金被用作一种刺激手段。There is little inducement for them to work harder.没有什么动力能促使他们加把劲工作。 see also induce make 4




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