

单词 interfere with sth
interfere with sth phrase


block plans 阻碍计划的实施block the drain 堵塞下水道block sb's exit 挡住某人的去路 See also the entries for disrupt and hold sb/sth up 另见disrupt条和hold sb/sth up条block ♦︎ interfere with sth ♦︎ handicap ♦︎ inhibit ♦︎ hamper ♦︎ hinder ♦︎ obstruct ♦︎ hold sb/sth backThese words all mean to prevent sth from happening, developing or making progress. 这些词均表示妨碍、阻挠、阻碍。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to hamper sb / hinder sb / hold sb back from (doing) sthto block / interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder / obstruct / hold back progressto block / interfere with / handicap / inhibit / hamper / hinder / hold back growthto block / interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder / obstruct developmentto block / interfere with / inhibit / hinder / obstruct a processto interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder / obstruct sb's workto block / interfere with / inhibit / hamper / hinder sb's ability (to do sth)to inhibit / hamper / hinder / hold back the recovery of sb / sthto block / hamper / hinder / obstruct an investigationto block / hamper / hinder sb's effortsto seriously interfere with / handicap / inhibit / hamper / hinder sb / sthto deliberately block / hinder / obstruct sthto greatly / significantly / severely handicap / hamper / hinder block [transitive] to prevent sth from happening, developing or making progress, especially by using official rules or procedures (尤指以官方的规章或程序)妨碍,阻碍The proposed merger has been blocked by the government.建议中的合并计划已经遭政府叫停。The new rules would effectively block protesters' attempts to assert their rights.这些新规章将大大妨碍抗议者的维权努力。 interˈfere with sth

phrasal verb

to prevent sth from succeeding or happening as planned 妨碍;干扰She never allows her personal feelings to interfere with her work.她从不让自己的个人感情妨碍工作。Poor language skills can seriously interfere with communication.语言能力不佳会严重妨碍交流。 interference


[uncountable] We will not allow any interference with the normal democratic processes.我们绝不允许对正常的民主进程有任何干扰。
NOTE 辨析 Block or interfere with sth?People usually block things such as plans or efforts deliberately. Things usually interfere with sth without anyone particularly intending them to. * block通常跟plan、effort等词搭配,指蓄意妨碍、阻碍。interfere with sth通常指并非有意妨碍、干扰。
handicap / /ˈhændikæp/ / (-pp-) [transitive, usually passive] to be a disadvantage which makes it more difficult for sb to do or achieve sth 妨碍;阻碍British exports have been handicapped by the strong pound.英镑坚挺,影响了英国的出口。The team was handicapped by the loss of their key striker early in the game.开场没多久就失去了主力前锋使球队处于不利的地位。 see also handicap obstacle inhibit / /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ / [transitive] (formal) to prevent sth from happening or developing as quickly or as much as it would normally do 阻止,阻碍,抑制(正常的发展或进度)A lack of oxygen may inhibit brain development in the unborn child.缺氧可能阻碍胎儿大脑的发育。Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug.酒精大大地抑制了药效。 hamper [transitive] to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or achieve sth 妨碍;阻止;阻碍High winds hampered the rescue attempt.大风阻碍了救援行动。Our efforts were severely hampered by a lack of money.资金不足使我们的努力大打折扣。OPP help help verb 2 hinder [transitive] to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or achieve sth, often by delaying progress 阻碍,妨碍,阻挡(从而拖慢进度)These killings have seriously hindered progress towards peace.这些杀戮事件严重阻碍了和平进程。Some teachers felt hindered by a lack of resources.有些教师因资源不足而感到困难重重。OPP help help verb 2 see also hindrance obstacle NOTE 辨析 Handicap, hamper or hinder?If a person, project or process is handicapped, it is difficult for them to make progress or to achieve sth because of a weakness or disadvantage, such as lack of money or equipment, rules and regulations, etc. If sb is hindered or hampered in doing sth, making progress may also be difficult because of a weakness or disadvantage, or there might be some outside person or factor which actively makes progress difficult, for example bad weather or people who do not cooperate with them. * handicap指人、项目或进程因为某个缺点或不利条件而受阻,如资金或设备不足、规章制度的限制等。hinder和hamper既可以指因某个缺点或不利条件而受阻,也可以指因局外人或外在因素而使进展困难,如天气不好或有人不合作。 obstruct / /əbˈstrʌkt/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to deliberately prevent sb from doing sth or from making progress 故意妨碍;刻意阻挠They were charged with obstructing the police in the course of their duty.他们被指控妨碍警察执行公务。He accused terrorists of attempting to obstruct the peace process.他谴责恐怖分子企图阻碍和平进程。 hold sb/sth back

phrasal verb

to prevent or slow down the progress or development of sb/sth 妨碍进展;拖慢进度Do you think that mixed ability classes hold back better students?你认为把能力参差的学生混在一班会妨碍高水平学生的进步吗?They are determined that nothing should hold back the negotiations.他们决意什么也不能阻挡谈判的进行。OPP encourage encourage 3




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