

单词 antagonistic
antagonistic adj.
against sb/sth
be against sb/sth


against ♦︎ hostile ♦︎ opposed ♦︎ resistant ♦︎ antagonisticThese are all words that can be used when sb disagrees with sth and wants to stop or prevent it. 这些词均表示不赞成、反对。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配hostile / opposed / resistant / antagonistic to sb / sthhostile / antagonistic towards sb / sthagainst / hostile to / opposed to / resistant to the idea of sthstrongly against / hostile / opposed to sthopenly / bitterly / fiercely hostile / opposed / antagonistic be against sb/sth


[not before noun] opposing or disagreeing with sb/sth 反对;与⋯对立;违反I'm strongly against animal testing.我强烈反对用动物来做试验。Are you for or against the death penalty?你赞成还是反对死刑?If you are not with us, you are against us.你如果不支持我们,就是和我们对立。OPP for
hostile / /ˈhɒstaɪl; NAmE ˈhɑːstl, ˈhɑːstaɪl/


showing or feeling strong dislike for or opposition to sb/sth 怀有敌意的;敌对的Many of the employees were hostile to the idea of change.许多雇员强烈反对变革。The proposals have provoked a hostile response from opposition parties.这些提案激起了各反对党派的强烈不满。 see also hostility opposition


[not usually before noun] disagreeing strongly with sth and trying to stop or prevent it 强烈反对;阻挠They are totally opposed to abortion.他们坚决反对堕胎。OPP in favour of sth in favour (of sb/sth) see also opposition opposition
resistant /rɪˈzɪstənt/ /


not liking sth and trying to stop it from affecting you 抵制的;抗拒的Elderly people are not always resistant to change.上了年纪的人并不总是抗拒改变。 see also resistance opposition
antagonistic / /ænˌtægəˈnɪstɪk/ /


(formal) showing or feeling strong dislike for or opposition to sb/sth, especially a whole class of people or set of ideas (尤指对整个阶级或一套思想理论)有对立情绪的,对抗的,敌视的Marx saw these issues in terms of antagonistic class relationships.马克思把这些问题看成为对立的阶级关系。




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