

单词 grown
grown adj.


adult ♦︎ mature ♦︎ grown ♦︎ grown-upThese words all describe a person or animal that is fully developed physically or mentally. 这些词均表示人或动物是成年的、成熟的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be mature / grown-up about sthan adult / a mature / a grown man / womana mature / grown-up child / boy / girlfully mature / grown adult fully grown or developed; behaving in an intelligent and responsible way; typical of what is expected of an adult 成年的;(心智或行为)成熟的,成人的adult monkeys长成的猴子the adult population成年人口preparing young people for adult life指导青少年做好进入成年期的准备When my parents split up, it was all very adult and open.我父母离异时,事情处理得很成熟、公开。OPP juvenile young , childish childish adult


[countable] Children must be accompanied by an adult.儿童必须要有成人陪同。The fish return to the river as adults in order to breed.这种鱼长成后游回河中产卵。Why can't you two act like civilized adults?你们俩为什么就不能表现得像有教养的成年人那样呢? OPP child , minor child
mature /məˈtʃʊə(r), məˈtjʊ(r); NAmE məˈtʃʊr, məˈtʊr/ (of a child or young person) behaving in a sensible way, like an adult; (of a person, tree, bird or animal) fully grown and developed (儿童或年轻人)明白事理的,成熟的;(人、树、鸟或动物)长成的,发育完全的Jane is very mature for her age.简年龄不大,却很成熟。He shows a mature and sensible attitude.他显出一副深谙世事的态度。a mature oak / eagle / elephant成熟的橡树/鹰/象 OPP immature childish see also mature old 2 , sensible wise maturity


[uncountable] He has maturity beyond his years.他过于老成。 OPP immaturity
NOTE 辨析 Adult or mature? Adult most often refers to physical development; mature most often refers to mental development. * adult常指身体长成,mature常指心智成熟an adult male成年男性adult education (= for adults, not children) 成人教育a mature conversation / attitude (= sensible, not childish) 明事理的交谈/态度 Adult is also, but less often, used to describe mental development, and mature to describe physical development. 但少数情况下adult也可指心智成熟,mature也可指身体长成She dealt with it in a very adult way (= in a sensible way, as an adult should).那件事她处理得很成熟。a mature fish (= fully grown) 长成的鱼
grown [only before noun](of a person) mentally and physically an adult (人)成熟的,长大的It's pathetic that grown men have to resort to violence like this.成年人还这样诉诸暴力,真是可悲。The little girl she remembered was now a grown woman.她记忆中的小女孩已出落成一个大姑娘了。 ˌgrown-ˈup (of a person) mentally and physically an adult; suitable for or typical of an adult (人)成熟的,成年的;适合成人的;成年人特有的What do you want to be when you're grown-up?你长大后想做什么?She has a grown-up son.她有个已成年的儿子。 ˈgrown-up


[countable] If you're good you can eat with the grown-ups.你要是听话就可以跟大人一起吃饭。 OPP child child
The word grown-up is often used by and to children. * grown-up常为儿童用语或与小孩交谈时使用Wow, look at you! You look so grown-up!哇!看看你,看上去多成熟!Ask a grown-up to help you cut this shape out.让大人帮你剪出这个形状。




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