

单词 halt
halt verb
stop2 (halting traffic) stop3 (halt production)
halt noun


stop talking 停止说话a car stops/stop a car 汽车停下来;停车stop the bleeding 止血stop ♦︎ park ♦︎ halt ♦︎ pull up ♦︎ pull (sb/sth) overThese words all mean to no longer move or to make a vehicle no longer move. 这些词均表示停止、停下或停车。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to stop / park / halt a carto stop / park a bus / cab / vehicleto stop / halt (a) train / traffica car stops / parks / pulls up / pulls overa bus / cab / vehicle stops / pulls upa driver stops / parks / pulls up / pulls overa train stops / halts stop (-pp-) [intransitive, transitive](of a vehicle or person) to no longer move; to make a vehicle or its driver no longer move or drive (车辆或人)停止,停下;使(车辆或司机)停下Ann stopped in front of the house.安在那所房子前面停了下来。This train doesn't stop at Royston.这列火车在罗伊斯顿不停站。We stopped for the night in Port Augusta.我们中途在奥古斯塔港停留过夜。He was stopped by the police for speeding.他因超速驾驶被警察截住了。 park [intransitive, transitive] to leave a vehicle that you are driving in a particular place for a period of time 停车;泊车You can't park here.此处不准停车。A red van was parked in front of the house.一辆红色面包车停在了房子前。 halt /hɔːlt, BrE also hɒlt/ [intransitive, transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to stop moving; to make sb/sth stop moving, especially by ordering them to do so 停止;停下;(尤指以命令)使停下'Halt!' the Major ordered (= used as a command to soldiers).“立定!”少校发出命令。The police were halting traffic on the parade route.警察正阻止车辆在游行路线上行驶。Halt is used especially about people walking, trains and traffic, especially in contexts where sb/sth is forced or ordered to halt. * halt尤用来表示让行人、train和traffic停下,尤用于被迫或奉命停止的语境。 ˌpull ˈup

phrasal verb

(of a vehicle or its driver) to stop (车辆或司机)停车,停止He pulled up at the traffic lights.他在红绿灯处停了车。
ˌpull ˈover ˌpull sb/sth ˈover

phrasal verb

(of a vehicle or its driver) to move to the side of the road in order to stop or let sth pass; (of the police) to make a driver or vehicle move to the side of the road (车辆或司机)驶向路边停靠(或让车);(警察)使(司机或车辆)停靠路边She saw the ambulance coming up behind her and pulled over.看到救护车从后面驶来,她把车驶向路边避让。She was pulled over by police for bad driving.由于她违规驾驶,警察让她把车停到了路边。


stop talking 停止说话a car stops/stop a car 汽车停下来;停车stop the bleeding 止血stop ♦︎ suspend ♦︎ halt ♦︎ stem ♦︎ put a stop to sthThese words all mean to make sth end or finish. 这些词均表示使结束、使终止。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to stop / suspend / halt / stem the flow (of sth)to stop / halt / stem the progress / development / advance / expansion / spread / decline / slide (of sth)to stop / suspend / halt / put a stop to plans / an activity / a practiceto stop / suspend / halt productionto effectively / temporarily stop / suspend / halt / stem sthto abruptly / immediately stop / suspend / halt sth stop (-pp-) [transitive] to make sth end or finish 使结束;使终止Doctors couldn't stop the bleeding.医生们止不住血。The referee was forced to stop the game because of heavy snow.由于下大雪,裁判被迫终止了比赛。This violence has got to be stopped.必须结束这种暴力行为。Measures must be taken to stop the spread of the virus.必须采取措施阻止病毒的传播。 OPP start begin suspend / /səˈspend/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to officially stop sth for a time; to prevent sth from being active or used for a time 暂停;中止;使暂停发挥作用(或使用)The company has decided to suspend production at the plant.该公司已决定让这家工厂暂停生产。The constitution was suspended as the fighting grew worse.鉴于战斗趋于激烈,宪法暂停实施。OPP continue continue 1 suspension


[uncountable, singular] These events have led to the suspension of talks.这些事件导致了谈判延期。
halt /hɔːlt, BrE also hɒlt/ [transitive] to stop sth from continuing or developing 使停止;使停下The trial was halted after the first week.第一周结束后,审判暂停。The strike effectively halted production at the factory.罢工使该厂的生产实际上陷于停顿。 stem (-mm-) [transitive] to stop sth from spreading or increasing further, especially the flow of sth 阻止;封堵;遏止The cut was bandaged to stem the bleeding.为伤口进行了包扎止血。The government had failed to stem the tide of factory closures.政府没能控制住工厂纷纷倒闭的势头。 ˌput a ˈstop to sth


(putting, put, put)to take action to make sth end or finish, especially sth bad 终止,停止(尤指不好的事情)There are no simple measures that will put a stop to the violence overnight.一夜之间结束这些暴力事件绝非易事。


stop ♦︎ halt ♦︎ standstillThese are all words for a situation in which activity has stopped. 这些词均表示活动的停止、终止、停顿。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a / an abrupt / sudden / complete / total stop / halt / standstilla / an brief / unscheduled / immediate stop / haltto come / bring sth to a stop / halt / standstillto draw / jolt / screech / shudder / skid to a stop / halt stop [countable] an act of stopping; an act of stopping the movement or progress of sth; the state of being stopped 停止;终止;停留;阻止The trip included an overnight stop in Brussels.这次旅行包括在布鲁塞尔停留过夜。Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed.资金核查期间工作暂停。It is time to put a stop to the violence.现在是结束这场暴力活动的时候了。 see also stop station halt / /hɔːlt, BrE also hɒlt/ [singular] (rather formal, especially written, especially business 尤用于商业) a stop 停止;终止;停留;阻止The car skidded to a halt.汽车滑行了一段后停了下来。Strikes have led to a halt in production.罢工使生产陷于停顿。The economy seems to be grinding to a halt.经济似乎渐渐陷入瘫痪状态。They decided it was time to call a halt to the project (= stop it officially).他们决定要叫停这项工程了。NOTE 辨析 Stop or halt?A stop is likely to be gentler than a halt and is more likely to be planned. * stop比halt可能要温和一些,更有可能是计划好的a lunch stop午餐休息时间a stop for refreshments停下来吃点东西a lunch halt a halt for refreshments You can have a grinding/shuddering halt when a vehicle or work stops suddenly; things can grind to a halt or a vehicle can jolt/lurch/scream/skid to a halt. 车辆或工作突然停止可以用have a grinding/shuddering halt(渐渐停下来;剧烈抖动后停下来)。事物可以grind to a halt(渐渐停下来),车辆可以jolt/lurch/scream/skid to a halt(猛地一颤/突然前倾/嘎吱一声/滑行了一阵后停下来)a grinding/shuddering stop grind to a stop jolt/lurch/scream/skid to a stop You can bring a vehicle or work to a stop/halt or it can come to a stop/halt by itself. You can put a stop to (= take action to stop) sth you think is wrong or call a halt to (= decide to stop) sth that you think is not worth doing. 停下车辆或停止工作用bring ... to a stop/halt,车辆或工作停下来则用come to a stop/halt。停止错误的事情用put a stop to,停止不值得做的事情则用call a halt toIt's time to put a halt to the violence. It's time to call a stop to the project. standstill /ˈstændstɪl/ / [singular] (especially written, especially business 尤用于商业) a situation in which all activity or movement has stopped 停止;停顿;停滞The security alert brought the airport to a standstill.安全警戒使机场陷入停顿状态。Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.北行车道的交通完全堵塞。 see also at a standstill still adj.




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