

单词 head
head noun
leader1 (the head of department/state) mind (use your head) professor (the school's head) turning point (come to a head)
head verb
go1 (head for home) lead2 (head a team)


political leaders 政治领袖The company is a world leader in electrical goods. 该公司的电器产品在全世界首屈一指。 See also the entry for manager 另见manager条leader ♦︎ chairman ♦︎ head ♦︎ president ♦︎ chief executive ♦︎ chief ♦︎ managing director ♦︎ boss ♦︎ governor ♦︎ chairThese are all words for a person who is in charge of a company, organization, committee, etc. 这些词均表示公司、机构和委员会等的负责人或领导者。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a deputy leader / chairman / head / president / chief executive / chief / managing director / boss / governor / chaira vice chairman / president / chairan acting chairman / head / president / chief executive / governor / chairthe honorary chairman / president / chaira joint leader / head / president / managing directora party leader / chairman / president / chief / boss / chaira union leader / chairman / president / chief / bossa company / club chairman / president / chief executive / chief / managing director / bossa council leader / chairman / chief / boss / chairan industry leader / chairman / chief / bossto be appointed (as) leader / chairman / head / president / chief executive / chief / managing director / governor / chairto be elected (as) leader / chairman / head / president / chairto nominate sb as leader / chairman / presidentto take over as leader / chairman / head / president / chief executive / managing director / chairto serve as chairman / head / president / governor / chairto resign / stand down / step down as leader / chairman / head / president / chief executive / chief / managing director / governor / chair leader [countable] a person who leads a group of people, especially a country or organization (尤指国家或机构的)领导者,领袖,首领He resigned as leader of the Democratic Party.他辞去了民主党领袖的职务。Discuss any problems with your team leader.任何问题都要与你们的组长讨论解决。A strong leader is one who is not afraid of listening to people.有魄力的领导是不怕听取民众意见的。She's a born leader (= she has the skills needed to be a good leader).她是个天生的领袖。He was not a natural leader.他并非天生具备领导素质。 see also leadership government 2 chairman [countable] the person in charge of a committee or company; the person in charge of a meeting, who tells people when they can speak (委员会的)理事长,主席;(公司的)董事长;(会议的)主席,主持人The chairman of the company presented the annual report.公司董事长提交了年度报告。Sir Herbert took it upon himself to act as chairman.赫伯特爵士主动担任了主席。A chairman is nearly always a man. A woman who holds this position can be called a chairwoman, but this is much less frequent. The term chair (see below) can be used for a man or a woman, but usually refers to sb in charge of a committee or meeting but not a company. * chairman几乎总是男性,担任该职务的女性称作chairwoman,但该词不常用。而chair这一用语(见下面的分词条)可兼指男女,但通常指委员会或会议的主席,而非公司的董事长the committee / council / party chair委员会/地方议会/政党主席the company/industry/union/club chair head [countable] the person in charge of a group of people or an organization 负责人;领导人The Bishop is head of the Church in Kenya.在肯尼亚,主教是教会的领导人。She resigned as head of department.她辞去了部门主管的职务。It is a parliamentary democracy with a president as head of state.这是一个议会民主政体,以总统为国家元首。 see also headship management president ( President) [countable] the person in charge of some organizations, businesses, clubs or colleges (机构、企业、俱乐部或学院的)会长,董事长,主席,院长She was elected president of the student's union.她当选为学生会主席。 (especially NAmE) He was appointed as vice president of business development the following year.第二年他被任命为商务发展部副部长。The title of president for heads and senior managers in commercial organizations is more frequent in American English than in British English. * president作为商业机构负责人或高级经理这个头衔更常用于美式英语而非英式英语。 ˌchief eˈxecutive / /ɪgˈzekjətɪv/ / [countable] the person with the highest position in a company or organization, who makes decisions about how the business is run (公司或机构的)总经理,总裁The chief executive addressed the board.总经理向董事会致辞。 chief [countable] a person in a high position or the highest position in a company or organization (公司或机构的)主管,最高领导人We spoke to a former CIA chief of European operations.我们与美国中央情报局前任欧洲部最高领导人交谈过。Virgin chief, Richard Branson, may take legal action against the newspaper.维京公司最高领导人理查德•布兰森有可能会起诉这家报纸。 Chief is used as part of some official job titles, especially in American English. * chief可用于某些正式职务头衔中,特别是在美式英语中 (especially NAmE) the police / fire chief警察局长;消防队长the chief of staff总参谋长It is common in job titles for heads of government departments and other public organizations, such as the police and security services. In British English, especially in journalism, it is often rather informal. 政府部门和其他公共机构最高领导人的职务头衔中常用,比如警察和国家安全机构。在英式英语中,特别是在新闻中,这种用法常很不正式 (BrE, rather informal, journalism 新闻) Health chiefs say waiting times are down.卫生事务负责人说看病等候的时间缩短了。 ˌmanaging diˈrector [countable] (BrE) the person in charge of a company, or a division of a company, who has responsibility for the daily running of the business (公司或部门的)总裁,总经理,常务董事The firm's managing director is now under investigation for corruption.该公司总经理正在接受贪污调查。 see also manager , director manager NOTE 辨析 Chairman, president, chief executive or managing director?The chairman of a company is usually the most senior member of its board (= group of directors). President is a title given to the most senior position in some companies. The chief executive or managing director is the person in charge of making decisions about how a business, or part of a business, is run. The chief executive or managing director is often also the chairman. 在公司里chairman通常是地位最高的董事会主席;president是一些公司里最高职位的头衔;chief executive或managing director则指负责企业经营或负责部分业务的决策人;chief executive或managing director常常也是chairman。 boss [countable] (informal, journalism 新闻) a person in charge of a company or organization 老板;主事者There's been criticism of bonuses paid to top oil company bosses.石油公司大老板们的奖金一直受到批评。NOTE 辨析 Chief or boss?Both of these words are used especially in journalism to refer to the people in charge of organizations or public services. 这两个词尤用于新闻报道,指机构或公用事业的负责人industry chiefs / bosses行业大老板 Chief is used especially for the people in charge of government or public services. * chief尤指政府或公用事业的负责人Health Service chiefs医疗保健服务负责人 Boss is often used for the people in charge of particular companies and sports clubs. * boss常指某个公司或体育俱乐部的负责人a record label boss / the Sheffield United boss唱片公司老板;谢菲尔德联队老板 Boss is more informal. * boss较非正式。 governor [countable] (BrE) a person in charge of an institution, such as a prison or bank 主管;机构负责人;总裁He is a former governor of the Bank of England.他曾任英格兰银行行长。A copy of the report was sent to the prison governor.报告的一份复印件送交给了监狱长。 see also governor manager chair [singular] the position of being in charge of a meeting or committee; the person who holds this position (主持会议或委员会的)主席席位,理事长职位;(会议或委员会的)主席,理事长She takes the chair in all our meetings.我们所有的会议都由她主持。Who is in the chair today?今天谁主持?All remarks should be addressed to the chair.所有言论都应说给会议主席听。He was elected chair of the city council.他当选为市议会主席。See note at chairman (above). 参见上文中chairman的注释。


mind ♦︎ brain ♦︎ head ♦︎ soul ♦︎ spirit ♦︎ ego ♦︎ the/your subconsciousThese are all words for the part of sb which cannot be seen or touched, but which allows them to think, feel and be aware of things. 这些词均表示头脑、心灵。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the human mind / brain / soul / spirita thought enters sb's mind / headdeep in your mind / the brain / your subconscious mind [countable, uncountable] the part of a person that makes them able to be aware of things, to think and to feel 头脑;大脑There were all kinds of thoughts running through my mind.各种念头在我脑海中闪过。There was no doubt in his mind that he'd get the job.他毫不怀疑自己会得到这份工作。She was in a disturbed state of mind.她的脑子里一片慌乱。I could not have complete peace of mind before they returned.他们不回来,我心里就不踏实。 brain [countable] the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feeling The scan apparently showed no damage to the brain.扫描检查清楚显示脑部没有受到损伤。brain cells脑细胞She died of a brain tumour.她死于脑瘤。Electrodes were used to measure brain activity during sleep.用电极来检测睡眠时脑部的活动。 head [countable] the mind 头脑;大脑I sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours.我有时搞不懂你脑子里都想些什么。I wish you'd use your head (= think carefully before doing or saying sth).我希望你凡事多动动脑子。I can't work it out in my head-I need a calculator.我没法心算出来,我得用计算器。I can't get that tune out of my head.那个曲调在我头脑中挥之不去。When will you get it into your head (= understand) that I don't want to discuss this any more!你何时才能明白我不想再谈论这件事了!For some reason she's got it into her head (= believes) that the others don't like her.由于某种原因,她认定别人都不喜欢她。NOTE 辨析 Mind or head? Head is slightly more informal than mind in this meaning and is used especially to talk about thoughts and ideas that get into your head or that you can't get out of your head. 表达此义时,head较mind略非正式,尤用于短语get sth into one's head和can't get sth out of one's head中。 soul [countable] the part of a person that includes their mind, feelings and character rather than their body; the spiritual part of a person, believed to exist after death; the spiritual and moral qualities of humans in general 心灵;精神;灵魂;(人类整体的)精神状况,道德品质There was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul.她内心深处感到焦躁不安。He believed his immortal soul was in peril.他认为他不死的灵魂有堕入地狱的危险。His poetry deals with the dark side of the human soul.他的诗歌涉及人类精神世界中阴暗的一面。 spirit [countable] a soul 精神;心灵;灵魂He felt a kind of lightness in his spirit as the sun came up.太阳升起时,他内心感到一阵轻松。He is dead, but his spirit lives on.他人死了,但精神永存。You are underestimating the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties.你低估了人类克服困难的精神力量。 see also spirit ghost NOTE 辨析 Soul or spirit? Spirit is often a more positive word than soul. People talk about lost/tormented/troubled souls and the dark side of the human soul; and about sb's indomitable spirit and the power of the human spirit. When they are used to talk about the spiritual part of a person, a spirit is often considered to be separate from a living person, especially because the person has died. A soul is often considered as the spiritual part of a person who is still alive. * spirit常较soul褒义更强,从各自的搭配中可见一斑,如lost/tormented/troubled souls(迷失的/受折磨的心灵;内心烦乱),the dark side of the human soul(人类精神世界中阴暗的一面),sb's indomitable spirit(某人不屈不挠的精神),the power of the human spirit(人类的精神力量)。指人的灵魂时,spirit常被视为脱离生者而存在,尤指死者的灵魂;soul常指活着的人的灵魂。 ego /ˈiːgəʊ, ˈegəʊ; NAmE ˈiːgoʊ/ (plural egos) [countable] (psychology 心理) the part of the mind that is responsible for your sense of who you are 自我Freud introduced the idea that a part of the ego is unconscious.弗洛伊德创立的理论认为人的自我有一部分是处于无意识状态的。 see also self identity the subconscious your subconscious [singular] the part of your mind that contains feelings that you are not aware of 下意识;潜意识She buried the guilt deep in her subconscious.她把内疚深埋在潜意识中。Delving into the subconscious can be helpful in working through psychological problems.探究潜意识有时有助于解决心理问题。 see also subconscious unconscious adj.


 See also the entries for lecturer and teacher 另见lecturer条和teacher条professor ♦︎ principal ♦︎ head ♦︎ head teacher ♦︎ headmaster ♦︎ dean ♦︎ chancellor ♦︎ headmistressThese are all words for sb who has a senior position in a university, college or school. 这些词均表示大学教授、学校校长。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a school principal / head / head teacher / headmaster / headmistressa college professor / principal / deana university professor / principal / chancellora deputy principal / head / head teacher / headmaster / headmistressan associate / assistant professor / deanan acting principal / head professor [countable] a university or college teacher of the highest rank 教授He is a distinguished professor of law at the University of Illinois.他是伊利诺伊州立大学的著名法学教授。She is a former history professor.她以前是历史教授。Professor Smith史密斯教授In Britain, most university teachers are known as lecturers and the title professor is only given to the most senior teachers. In the US, there are several levels of college teachers who have the position of professor. These include assistant professors and associate professors who are equivalent to senior lecturers in Britain. An American college teacher with the highest rank is a full professor. This describes their position, but is not used as a title. 在英国,大部分大学教师称作lecturer,只有级别最高的教师才称作professor。在美国,称作professor的大学教师有不同级别,包括assistant professor(助理教授)和associate professor(副教授),后者相当于英国的senior lecturer(高级讲师)。美国大学中的full professor级别最高,但不用作称谓,只描述他们的级别。 see also professor lecturer principal [countable] the person who is in charge of a college, university or school 学院院长;大学校长;校长The college principal says he's pleased with this year's results.学院院长说他对今年的成绩很满意。The regulations have been opposed by local high school principals.这些规定受到地方高中校长们的反对。In Britain, principal is usually only used to refer to the person in charge of a college or university, but not a school. In the US, a principal is the person in charge of a school, but not a college, and can be used as a title. 在英国,principal通常仅指大学校长或学院院长,不指中学校长。在美国,principal是中学校长,而不是大学校长,可用作称谓Principal Ray Smith雷•史密斯校长 head ( Head) [countable] (BrE, rather informal) the person in charge of a school or college 校长;院长I've been called to see the Head.我接到通知去见校长。She is deputy head of Greenlands Comprehensive, a struggling inner city school.她是格林兰斯综合学校的副校长,那是内城区一所苦苦支撑的中学。 see also headship management ˌhead ˈteacher [countable] (BrE) a teacher who is in charge of a school 校长We interviewed the head teacher of the local school.我们采访了当地学校的校长。 headmaster / /ˌhedˈmɑːstə(r); NAmE ˌhedˈmæstər/ [countable] (BrE, becoming old-fashioned) a male teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school (尤指私立学校的)男校长He is a retired headmaster, living in Edinburgh.他退休前是位校长,现住在爱丁堡。 dean [countable] a person who is in charge of a university or college department; (especially at Oxford and Cambridge Universities) a person who is responsible for the discipline of students (大学的)学院院长,系主任;(尤指牛津和剑桥大学的)学监He was appointed dean of the faculty of theology at London University.他被任命为伦敦大学神学院的院长。 chancellor ( Chancellor) /ˈtʃɑːnsələ(r); NAmE ˈtʃænsələr/ [countable] the official head of a university in Britain; the head of some American universities (英国大学的)名誉校长;(某些美国大学的)校长The prime minister was shown around by the chancellor of the university.首相由大学校长带领参观。In Britain, chancellor is an honorary position (= given as an honour, without any real duties) and the person who is in charge of running a university is the vice chancellor. 在英国,chancellor是名誉职位,vice chancellor负责学校的管理。 headmistress /ˌhedˈmɪstrəs/ / [countable] (BrE, old-fashioned) a female teacher who is in charge of a school, especially a private school (尤指私立学校的)女校长She wrote to her old headmistress at Kingswood School.她给母校金斯伍德中学的老校长写了信。NOTE 辨析 Head, headmaster, head teacher or headmistress?Different schools in Britain choose different titles for the teacher in charge of the school. In general, headmaster, and especially headmistress, are becoming less frequent and rather old-fashioned. Most schools instead have a head teacher; in more informal contexts and journalism, this person is often called the head. These words are used to describe the position, but not as titles. 在英国,不同学校选用不同的名称描述校长一职。一般来说,headmaster越来越少人用且变得相当过时,headmistress更是如此。大多数学校用head teacher;在较非正式的场合及新闻报道中常用head。这些词指的都是职位,不用作称谓。
turning point


turning point ♦︎ head ♦︎ landmark ♦︎ watershed ♦︎ crisis ♦︎ crossroadsThese are all words for a time or event when an important change takes place or you make an important decision. 这些词均表示转折点、关键时刻、紧要关头。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a turning point / landmark / watershed / crisis / crossroads in stha turning point / landmark / watershed for sb / sthat a turning point / crossroadsan important turning point / landmark / watershed / crossroadsa significant / major turning point / landmark / watershedto reach a turning point / a watershed / a crisis / a crossroadsto come to a head / a crisis / a crossroadsto see sth as / represent a turning point / landmark / watershed ˈturning point [countable, usually singular] a time or event when an important change takes place, usually with the result that a situation improves 转折点;转机;转捩点The promotion marked a turning point in her career.这次提升标志着她事业上的转折点。 head [singular] the time when you are forced to deal with a situation quickly because it suddenly becomes very bad 紧要关头;危急关头The chairman's resignation finally brought matters to a head.主席的辞职最终使事情到了紧要关头。Things came to a head when several of the nurses made a formal complaint.一些护士正式投诉后,事情到了非处理不可的地步了。In this meaning head is only used in the phrases bring sth to a head or come to a head. 表达此义时,head只用于短语bring sth to a head或come to a head中。 landmark / /ˈlændmɑːk; NAmE ˈlændmɑːrk/ [countable] an event, discovery or invention that is an important stage in a process or the development of sth (标志重要阶段的)里程碑The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism.停火协定被看作是与恐怖主义斗争的重要里程碑。 watershed /ˈwɔːtəʃed; NAmE ˈwɔːtərʃed, ˈwɑːtərʃed/ [countable] (rather formal, especially written) an event or period of time when an important change takes place 转折点;分界线;分水岭The granting of the vote represented a watershed for the rights of women.获得选举权是女性争取权利的重要一步。 crisis /ˈkraɪsɪs/ / (plural crises / /ˈkraɪsiːz/ / ) [countable] a time when a problem, bad situation or illness reaches its worst point 危难时刻;病危期The fever has passed its crisis.发烧已过危险期。Their marriage had reached crisis point.他们的婚姻已到了危机关头。 crossroads /ˈkrɒsrəʊdz; NAmE ˈkrɔːsroʊdz/ [singular] a time at which you must make an important decision, especially about what to do next (尤指关乎下一步举措的)十字路口,紧要关头,关键时刻He has reached a crossroads in his career.他的事业发展到了一个十字路口。We are standing at an important crossroads in the history of Europe.我们正处于欧洲历史的紧要关头。


go into the kitchen 进厨房go to China 去中国go ♦︎ get ♦︎ head ♦︎ pass ♦︎ move ♦︎ travel ♦︎ make your way ♦︎ make for sth ♦︎ advance ♦︎ proceed ♦︎ runThese words all mean to move from one place to another. 这些词均表示去往另一地。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to go / get / pass / move / travel / make your way / advance / proceed / run from... to...to go / get / head / move / travel / make your way / advance / proceed to sb / sthto go / head / move / travel / make your way / advance / proceed / run towards sb / sthto head / make for sb / sthto go / get somewhere / make your way by bus / train / car, etc.to go / get / head / make your way / make for home go (goes, went, gone) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move from one place to another; to move somewhere in order to get to a particular place; to move in a particular way 去;(为到达某处或以某种方式)移动She went into her room and shut the door behind her.她走进自己的房间,随手关上门。She's gone to see her sister.她看她姐姐去了。Could you go and get me a towel?你能去帮我拿条毛巾吗? (NAmE) Go get me a towel.去帮我拿条毛巾。Slow down-you're going too fast.慢点儿-你开得太快了。The car went skidding off the road.汽车打滑冲出公路。 Been, not gone, is used as the past participle when sb has gone to a place and come back. 表示某人去过某地并已返回,过去分词用been,不用goneShe's gone to town (= and is there now or on her way there).她进城去了。I've just been to town (= I went to town and have now returned).我刚才去城里了。 Go is usually used from the point of view of the person who is moving somewhere. 使用go时通常从行进者的角度出发。 OPP come come 1 see also go leave 1 get (getting, got, got; NAmE spoken getting, got, gotten) [intransitive, transitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to go to or from a particular place or in a particular direction, sometimes with difficulty; to make sb/sth do this (使)到达,离开;(沿某方向)移动;艰难地移动How can we get to the other side of town?我们怎么才能到城的另一边?I don't know how he managed to get down from the roof.我不知道他是怎么设法从房顶上下来的。She got back into bed.她回到床上睡觉了。Where have they got to (= where are they)?他们去哪里了?We'd better call a taxi and get you home.我们最好叫辆出租车送你回家。 see also get get 4 head [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (rather informal) to move in a particular direction; to start going to a particular place 朝(某方向)前进;启程(前往某处)Where are we heading?我们要往哪里去?She headed for the door.她朝着门走去。The boat was heading out to sea.那条船正在出海。 pass [intransitive] (rather formal) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to go along or through a place or past a particular point 经过;穿过;通过The procession passed slowly along the street.队伍沿街缓缓行进。Bomber planes were passing overhead all night.轰炸机整夜不断从头顶飞过。 move [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to go in a particular direction, especially a short distance (尤指短距离地)移动Phil moved towards the window.菲尔朝窗户走去。We moved a little nearer.我们移近了一些。The traffic moved slowly along the highway.车辆在公路上缓慢前行。 travel (-ll-, NAmE -l-) [intransitive] to go or move at a particular speed, in a particular direction or over a particular distance (以某速度、朝某方向或在某距离内)行进,转送,传播The truck was travelling at 90 mph when it veered off the road.那辆卡车拐下道路时正以90英里的时速行进。Messages travel from the nerve endings to the brain.信息从神经末梢传送到大脑。News travels fast these days.如今消息传播得很快。 make your ˈway


(made, made) (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to go somewhere, especially slowly or when this is difficult to do (尤指缓慢或困难地)去,前往,到⋯地方去Will you be able to make your own way to the airport (= get there without help or a ride)?你能自己去机场吗?She turned and made her way home.她掉转方向回家去了。
ˈmake for sth

phrasal verb

(made, made)to move towards sth, especially when you are in a hurry or feel the need to get somewhere or get out of somewhere 向⋯移动(尤指匆忙或想要去或离开某地)People were making for the exits.人们纷纷往出口走。He advised us to get out of the city and make for the coast.他建议我们离开市区前往海边。
advance [intransitive] (rather formal) to move forwards or towards sb/sth, often in a threatening way or in order to attack 前进;推进;进逼Troops were given the order to advance.部队得到了前进的命令。They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall.夜幕降临时,他们已推进了20英里。The mob advanced on us, shouting angrily.暴民愤怒地喊叫着向我们逼近。OPP retreat withdraw 1 advance


[countable] Their advance on the city seemed unstoppable.他们向那座城市步步逼近,似乎势不可挡。
proceed /prəˈsiːd; NAmE proʊˈsiːd/ [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) (formal) to move or travel in a particular direction, especially to continue a journey 行进,前往(尤指为了继续行程)The marchers proceeded slowly along the street.游行者沿着街道缓缓行进。Passengers for Frankfurt should proceed to Gate 14.前往法兰克福的旅客请到14号登机口。 run (running, ran, run) [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to move over a surface, especially quickly, in a particular direction (尤指快速地向某处)移动The car ran off the road into a ditch.汽车冲出路面,掉进沟里。A shiver ran down my spine.我猛然感到脊背发凉。The sledge ran smoothly over the snow.雪橇在雪地上平稳地滑行。The old tramlines are still there but no trams run on them now.昔日的电车轨道还在,如今却没有电车在上面运行了。


lead a race/the world in cancer research 在比赛中领先;在癌症研究方面走在世界前列lead an expedition 率领探险队The path leads up the hill. 这条小路通往山顶。lead ♦︎ head ♦︎ preside ♦︎ chair ♦︎ spearhead ♦︎ captainThese words all mean to be in charge of sth or to be the leader of sth. 这些词均表示负责、领导。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to lead / head / captain a teamto lead / captain a (sports) sideto lead / head a (political) party / the governmentto lead / head / preside over / chair a / an commission / committee / enquiryto lead / preside over / chair a meeting / debateto lead / spearhead a campaign / fightto head / preside over a (legal) caseto jointly lead / head / chair sth lead (led, led) [transitive, intransitive] to be the leader of sth; to be in charge of sth 率领;领导;主管;掌管Who will lead the party into the next election?谁来领导这个党参加下一届选举?He led the first expedition to the North Pole.他领导了第一次北极探险活动。Top management should be seen to lead by example (= to set a good example for others to copy).高层管理人员应该以身作则。 see also leadership government 2 head [transitive] to be the head of sth; to be in charge of sth 领导;主管;掌管She has been appointed to head the research team.她受命主管研究小组。The committee will be jointly headed by two men.该委员会将由两人共同领导。NOTE 辨析 Lead or head?These two verbs can be used in very similar ways. However, a person who heads sth is the person who has the official position of being the head of it: for example, a government is headed by a prime minister, an enquiry might be headed by a judge, etc. It is usually an individual who heads sth. Sb who leads sth may also have an official position as the leader, but the verb lead emphasizes their leadership qualities. Sb who leads is the person who makes the important plans and decisions, and who other people follow. A group of people, such as an organization or a country can also lead sth. 这两个动词用法非常相似,但head指担任正式领导职务,例如政府由首相来领导,调查可能由法官来领导,等等。head的主语通常是某一个人。lead也可指担任正式领导职务,但它更强调领导素质,领导者制订重要计划或作出重要决定并得到其他人的追随。lead的主语还可以是群体,比如某个机构或国家。 preside / /prɪˈzaɪd/ / [intransitive] (formal) to be in charge of a meeting, ceremony or official process such as a trial 主持(会议、仪式、审判等);担任(会议)主席A tribunal, presided over by Lord Haskin, was established to investigate the allegations.成立了一个由哈斯金勋爵主持的特别法庭对这些指控进行调查。The Archbishop presided at a special mass in the city's cathedral.大主教在该市主教座堂里主持了一场特殊的弥撒。 chair [transitive] to be in charge of a meeting, discussion, or committee, telling people when they can speak 担任(会议、讨论或委员会的)主席;主持(会议、讨论等)Who's chairing the meeting?这次会议谁主持?Lord Stansfield will chair the committee.斯坦斯菲尔德勋爵将出任该委员会主席。 spearhead /ˈspɪəhed; NAmE ˈspɪrhed/ [transitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻) to begin or lead a campaign for sth or an attack on sb/sth 做⋯的先锋;带头做;领先突击He is spearheading a campaign for a new stadium in the town.他正发起一项运动,呼吁在城里建一座新体育场。Gardener spearheaded Britain's challenge at this year's World Championships.在今年的世界锦标赛上,加德纳率英国队发起挑战。 captain [transitive] to be the captain of a sports team or a ship 担任⋯的队长(或船长)He played in the West Indies team captained by Clive Lloyd.他效力于西印度群岛队,该队队长为克莱夫•劳埃德。He told us about the ship he had captained during the war.他向我们讲述了战争期间他任船长的那艘轮船的故事。




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