

单词 heat
heat noun
heat1 (the heat of the sun) heat2 (the heat in the factory) emotion (in the heat of the argument) pressure1 (feel/take the heat) round (a qualifying heat) heating (The heat wasn't on and the house was freezing.)
heat verb


the heat of the sun 太阳的炽热the heat in the factory 工厂里的高温heat ♦︎ warmthThese are both words for the state or quality of being hot or warm. 这两个词均表示热度。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配the heat / warmth of / from sthgentle / body heat / warmthto feel the heat / warmththe heat / warmth of the sun heat [uncountable, singular] the state or quality of being hot He could feel the heat of the sun on his back.他感觉到太阳照射在背上的温热。Heat rises.热气上升。The fire gave out a fierce heat.火焰散发出炽热。 warmth [uncountable] the state or quality of being warm, rather than hot or cold 温暖;暖和She felt the warmth of his arms around her.他双臂搂着她,她感到很温暖。The animals huddled together for warmth.那些动物依偎在一起取暖。


the heat of the sun 太阳的炽热the heat in the factory 工厂里的高温heat ♦︎ drought ♦︎ heatwaveThese are all words for hot weather or hot conditions in an enclosed space. 这些词均表示炎热天气或封闭环境的高温。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in the heat / a drought / a heatwaveduring a drought / heatwavea / the summer heat / drought / heatwave(a) terrible heat / drought heat [uncountable] hot weather; hot conditions in an enclosed space 炎热天气;(封闭空间的)高温We avoided going out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time).我们避开了在天最热的时候外出。The air shimmered in the midday heat.空气在正午的酷热中泛着微光。The heat in the factory was unbearable.工厂里的高温令人无法忍受。Products which may be damaged by heat are stored in a separate area.可能因高温受损的产品单独存放在一个地方。 drought / /draʊt/ / [countable, uncountable] a long period of time when there is little or no rain 久旱;干旱The country suffered from one of the worst droughts on record.该国遭受了有记载以来最严重的旱灾之一。Farmers are facing ruin after two years of severe drought.两年来的严重干旱让农场主面临倾家荡产的境地。 see also dry sunny heatwave / /ˈhiːtweɪv/ / [countable] a period of unusually hot weather 酷热期;热浪They said on the news the heatwave is going to continue for weeks.新闻报道说热浪将持续数周。


emotion ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ passion ♦︎ fervour ♦︎ heat ♦︎ sentimentThese are all words for sth which sb feels strongly, such as love, fear or anger. 这些词均表示强烈的情感。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达情感的强烈程度
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配with emotion / feeling / passion / fervour / heatintense / considerable / profound / strong / violent emotion / feelings / passiongreat emotion / passion / fervourhuman emotion / feelings / passionpersonal emotion / feeling / sentimentto arouse emotion / feelings / passion / fervourto stir up emotion / feelings / fervourto be full of emotion / passion / fervouremotions / feelings / passions are running high emotion [uncountable, countable] something which sb feels strongly such as love, fear or anger; the part of a person's character that consists of what they feel 强烈的情感;激情;感情She spoke with deep emotion.她说话时充满了感情。She showed no emotion at the verdict.她对这一裁定无动于衷。He lost control of his emotions.他情绪失去了控制。 see also emotional intense feeling [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a person's emotions rather than their thoughts or ideas; strong emotion (与思想或观点相对的)情感,感情;强烈情感He hates talking about his feelings.他讨厌谈自己的感受。The debate aroused strong feelings on both sides.辩论使双方都很激动。He still harboured feelings of resentment.他依旧深怀怨恨。She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless.她激动地讲述了无家可归者的苦况。 see also feel feel verb , feeling sense noun passion [countable, uncountable] a very strong feeling of love, hatred, anger, enthusiasm, etc. 强烈情感;激情He's a man of violent passions.他性情暴烈。She argued her case with considerable passion.她情绪激动地为自己的情况争辩。She killed her husband's lover in a crime of passion.她因妒成恨,杀了丈夫的情人。 see also passionate intense fervour (BrE) (NAmE fervor) /ˈfɜːvə(r); NAmE ˈfɜːrvər/ [uncountable] (written) very strong feelings about sth, especially sth you believe in strongly (尤指对深信不疑的事的)热情,热诚,狂热She kissed him with unusual fervour.她异常热烈地吻他。They were fired by religious fervour.他们充满了宗教狂热之情。 see also fervent intense heat [uncountable] strong feelings, especially of anger or excitement 强烈感情(尤指愤怒或激动)'No, I won't,' he said with heat in his voice.“不,我决不!”他激愤地说。The chairman tried to take the heat out of the situation (= to make people calmer).主席尽力平息人们的激奋情绪。In the heat of the moment she forgot what she wanted to say (= because she was so angry or excited).她太过激动,都忘记要说什么了。 see also heated intense sentiment [uncountable] (rather formal, sometimes disapproving) feelings of pity, romantic love or sadness which may be too strong or not appropriate (过度或不恰当的)伤感,多情,哀愁There is no room for sentiment in business.做生意可不能感情用事。There was no fatherly affection, no display of sentiment.没有温情脉脉的父爱流露。 sentimental


She kept the letters for sentimental reasons.由于感情上还割舍不下,她留着那些信。The ring wasn't worth much but it had great sentimental value.那枚戒指值不了几个钱,但却极有情感价值。 (disapproving) a slushy, sentimental love story庸俗缠绵的言情小说He's not the sort of man who gets sentimental about old friendships.他不是那种为旧日友情唏嘘感伤的人。


the pressures of work 工作压力the pressure to conform 守规矩的要求pressure ♦︎ stress ♦︎ tension ♦︎ strain ♦︎ demands ♦︎ heatThese are all words for the feelings of anxiety caused by the problems in sb's life. 这些词均表示生活的压力、紧张。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to be under pressure / stress / strainpressure / stress / demands / heat on sbconsiderable pressure / stress / tension / strain / demandssocial / economic / financial pressure / stress / demandsto cause stress / tension / strainto cope with the pressure / stress / tension / strain / demandsto deal with / handle the pressure / stress / tension / demandsto relieve / release the pressure / stress / tension / strainto feel the pressure / tension / strain / heatto take the pressure / strain / heatto suffer from stress / tension pressure [uncountable] ( pressures [plural]) difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve sth or to behave in a particular way 心理压力;紧张She was unable to attend because of the pressure of work.由于工作紧张,她不能出席。How can anyone enjoy the pressures of city life?怎么会有人喜欢都市生活的压力呢? see also under pressure tense stress [uncountable, countable, usually plural] pressure or anxiety caused by the problems in sb's life 精神压力;心理负担;紧张emotional / mental stress情绪/精神压力stress-related illnesses与精神压力有关的疾病Stress is often a factor in the development of long-term sickness.压力常常是患上慢性病的一个原因。She failed to withstand the stresses and strains of public life.她忍受不了公众人物生活的紧张和压力。 see also stressful stressful , stressed tense NOTE 辨析 Pressure or stress?It is common to say that sb is suffering from stress; pressure may be the thing that causes stress. 经常说suffer from stress,pressure也许是引发stress的原因。 tension [uncountable, countable, usually plural] a feeling of anxiety and stress that makes it impossible to relax (情绪上的)紧张,烦躁She was suffering from nervous tension.她当时神经紧张。Walking and swimming are excellent for releasing tensions.散步和游泳能很好地放松紧张情绪。 see also tense stressful , tense tense strain [uncountable, countable] pressure on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces 压力;重负;重压之下出现的问题(或担忧、焦虑)Their marriage is under great strain at the moment.眼下他们的婚姻关系非常紧张。These repayments are putting a strain on our finances.偿还这些债务对我们的财务状况造成压力。Relax, and let us take the strain (= do things for you).别担心,我们来帮你分担一下压力。 see also strained stressful , strained tense demands [plural] things that sb/sth makes you do, especially things that are difficult or make you tired or worried (尤指困难或使人劳累、令人烦恼的)要求the demands of children / work照顾孩子/工作中的累人的事Flying makes enormous demands on pilots.飞行驾驶对飞行员要求很高。 heat [uncountable] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻) pressure on sb to do or achieve sth 压力;逼迫The heat is on now that the election is only a week away.离选举只有一个星期了,大家开始感觉到有压力了。Can she take the heat of this level of competition?她承受得了这种水平的比赛的压力吗?


 See also the entry for stage 1 另见stage条第1义round ♦︎ leg ♦︎ lap ♦︎ hole ♦︎ game ♦︎ set ♦︎ heat ♦︎ innings ♦︎ inning ♦︎ half ♦︎ quarterThese are all words for a stage or section of a sports competition, match or race. 这些词均表示体育比赛的阶段、局、场。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配in a round / a leg / a game / a set / a heat / an innings / an inning / a half / a quarterthe first / second, etc. round / leg / lap / hole / game / set / heat / innings / inning / half / quarterthe opening round / leg / lap / hole / game / set / heat / half / quarterthe final round / leg / lap / hole / game / set / heat / quarterto play a hole / a game / an innings / a set / a half / a quarterto win a round / leg / hole / game / set / heat round [countable] a stage in a sports competition; a part of a boxing or wrestling match 比赛阶段;局;场;(拳击或摔跤比赛的)回合Norwich City are through to the third round of the FA Cup.诺里奇市打进了足总杯第三轮比赛。The fight only lasted five rounds.比赛只持续了五个回合。 leg [countable] one part of a race; one of a series of games played between the same opponents in a sports competition 一段赛程;(与同一对手进行的比赛的)一场,一局,一回合The Spanish team won the third leg.西班牙队在第三回合领先。I really believe we can turn around that 4-2 first leg deficit and win this game.我绝对相信我们能扭转第一局2:4的落后局面,赢得这场比赛。 lap [countable] one journey around a track during a race (跑道的)一圈The 800m is two laps of the track.800米要绕跑道两圈。He was overtaken on the final lap.他在最后一圈被超过。 hole [countable](in golf) a hollow in the ground that you must get the ball into; one of the sections of a golf course with the tee at the beginning and the hole at the end (高尔夫球)球洞,球座到球洞的区域The ball rolled into the hole and she had won.球滚进了洞,她赢了。an eighteen-hole golf course十八洞高尔夫球场She won by one hole.她领先一洞赢得比赛。 game [countable] a section of a match in sports such as tennis, which forms a unit in scoring (网球等比赛的)一局,一场He's levelled the second set at two games all.他第二盘把比分扳成2:2平。 set [countable] one section of a match in sports such as tennis or volleyball, which consists of a number of games or points (网球、排球等比赛的)盘,局He's 3-1 up in the third set.他第三盘以3:1领先。The final went to five sets.决赛打了五局。She won in straight sets (= without losing a set).她一盘未失拿下比赛。 heat [countable] one of a series of races or competitions, the winners of which compete against each other in the next part of the competition 预赛;分组赛She won her heat.她在预赛中获胜。He did well in the heats; hopefully he'll do as well in the final.他在预赛中成绩很好,希望他在决赛中也有出色表现。NOTE 辨析 Round or heat? Round is a more general word to describe a stage of a competition. In some sports, a long competition over a whole year can be divided into events or races which are called rounds. 表示比赛阶段时round含义更宽泛。在某些运动中,历时一整年的长期比赛可以分为数个项目或赛事,称为roundthe third round of the championship in Japan日本锦标赛的第三轮A stage of a competition in which the winners in each part compete against each other in the next part of the competition, until only two teams or players are left in the final, can be called a round or a heat. Heat is used especially to describe a race between individuals, such as in running or swimming. 决赛前的每轮淘汰赛称为round或heat。heat尤指个人之间的速度比赛,如跑步或游泳。 innings [countable](in cricket) a section of a match during which a team or individual player is batting (= hitting the ball) (板球)局,回合Bangladesh are 90 for 5 in their second innings.孟加拉队在其第二局将比分打成90:5。 inning [countable](in baseball) one of nine sections of a game in which each team has a turn at batting (棒球)局,回合The Chicago Cubs scored two runs in the first inning.芝加哥小熊队在第一局拿下两分。 half [countable] either of two periods of time into which a sports game is divided (比赛的)半场,半局No goals were scored in the first half.上半场没有得分。 quarter [countable] one of the four periods of time into which a game of basketball or American football is divided (篮球或美式足球)一节,一局Ford scored the winning touchdown early in the fourth quarter.福特在第四局早早达阵,锁定胜局。


heating ♦︎ heat ♦︎ boiler ♦︎ furnace ♦︎ heater ♦︎ radiator ♦︎ central heating ♦︎ fire ♦︎ stoveThese are all words for a piece of equipment or a system that makes a place warmer. 这些词均表示供暖设备、供暖系统。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(a) gas heating / heat / boiler / furnace / heater / central heating / fire / stove(an) electric heating / boiler / furnace / heater / fireto put / turn / leave on the heating / the heat / a boiler / a furnace / a heater / a radiator / the central heating / a fireto turn up / down / off the heating / the heat / a boiler / a furnace / a heater / a radiator / the central heating / a fireto switch on / off the heating / the heat / a boiler / a furnace / a heater / the central heating / a fireto install heating / a boiler / a furnace / a heater / a radiator / central heating / a (gas) firethe heating / the heat / a boiler / a furnace / a heater / a radiator / the central heating / a fire is on / offthe heating / the heat / a boiler / a furnace / a heater / a radiator / the central heating worksthe heating / the heat / a boiler / a furnace / the central heating breaks downa heating / boiler / furnace / central heating system heating [uncountable] (especially BrE) the process of supplying heat to a room or building; a system used to do this 供暖;供暖系统If you insulate your house properly you'll end up spending less on heating bills.如果你的房子隔热做得好,最终会节省取暖费。Who turned the heating off?谁把暖气关了?What type of heating do you have?你们用什么供暖? heat [uncountable] (especially NAmE) heating 供暖;供暖系统The heat wasn't on and the house was freezing.暖气没开,房子里冷极了。 boiler [countable] a container in which water is heated to provide hot water and heating in a building or to produce steam in an engine 锅炉;汽锅There was a gas boiler mounted on the far wall.远端那面墙上安装着一个燃气锅炉。She took the clothes to the boiler room to hang them up.她把衣服拿到锅炉房挂起来。 furnace / /ˈfɜːnɪs; NAmE ˈfɜːrnɪs/ [countable] (NAmE) a container in which heat is produced to provide hot water and heating in a building 锅炉You'll be able to turn the furnace down which means a lower heating bill.锅炉温度可以调低,这样能节省取暖费。A furnace does the same job as a boiler, but the heat is produced using air, not hot water or steam. * furnace和boiler功能相同,但是furnace利用空气,而不是水或水蒸气产生热能。 heater [countable] a machine used for making air or water warmer 加热器;炉子;热水器It is thought that the fire was caused by a gas leak from a water heater.有人认为那场火是因热水器煤气泄漏引起的。a fan heater (= that heats a place by blowing hot air out) 风扇式散热器 (NAmE) a space heater (= that heats a small room or area) 家用取暖器 radiator /ˈreɪdieɪtə(r)/ / [countable] a hollow metal device for heating rooms. Radiators are usually connected by pipes through which hot water is pumped. 散热器;取暖片The radiator in the kitchen isn't working.厨房的散热器不发热。 ˌcentral ˈheating [uncountable] (BrE) a system for heating a building from one source which then pumps the hot water or hot air through pipes all around the building 集中供热;中央供暖(系统)There is a central heating system with a radiator in each room.这里有中央供暖系统,每个房间都有散热器。Gas-fired central heating has been installed.燃气中央供暖设备已安装。 fire [countable] (BrE) a piece of equipment for heating a room 取暖器;取暖装置There's a small gas fire under the mantelpiece.壁炉下有一个小型燃气取暖器。Shall I put the fire on?我把暖气打开好吗? stove /stəʊv; NAmE stoʊv/ [countable] a piece of equipment that can burn various fuels and is used for heating rooms (用于取暖的)炉子,火炉There is no heating in the house apart from a small wood-burning stove.除了一个烧木柴的小炉子之外,房子里没有别的取暖设施。 see also stove oven


heat ♦︎ warm ♦︎ warm (sth) up ♦︎ heat (sth) up ♦︎ reheatThese words all mean to become or make sth become warmer or hotter. 这些词均表示变热或使变暖。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to heat / warm sth throughto heat / warm up / heat up / reheat soupto heat / warm / warm up a room / houseto heat / warm / reheat sth gentlyto heat sth / warm sth / warm sth up / heat sth up / reheat sth in the oven / microwave heat [transitive] to make sth hot or warm 加热;使变暖Heat the oil and add the onions.把油烧热后加入洋葱。The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.该系统产生的能量足以为几千户人家供暖。Metals expand when heated.金属受热会膨胀。Check the lasagne is heated through (= that all parts of it are hot) before serving.上餐前要检查千层面是否热透。 see also heated hot warm [transitive, intransitive] to make sb/sth warm or warmer; to become warm or warmer 使温暖;变暖和Come in and warm yourself by the fire.进来烤烤火暖和暖和吧。The alcohol warmed and relaxed him.酒精使他浑身暖和,轻松起来。As the climate warms the ice caps will melt.随着气候变暖,冰冠将融化。 see also warm hot ˌwarm sth ˈup ˌwarm ˈup

phrasal verb

(rather informal, especially spoken) to make sb/sth warm or warmer; to become warm or warmer 使温暖;变暖和I'll warm up some milk.我热点牛奶。Come in and get warmed up.进来暖和暖和。When spring comes the weather begins to warm up.春天到来时,天气开始转暖。NOTE 辨析 Warm or warm (sth) up? Warm (sth) up is slightly more informal than warm and is used more in spoken English. Warm is used more often in literary or formal writing. * warm (sth) up不如warm正式,多用于口语。warm多用于书面语。
ˌheat sth ˈup ˌheat ˈup

phrasal verb

to make sth hot or warm; to become hot or warm 加热;变暖和I'll just heat up some soup.我来热点汤。The oven takes a while to heat up.烤箱得等一会儿才能热起来。NOTE 辨析 Heat or heat (sth) up? Heat (sth) up is slightly more informal than heat and is used more in spoken English. Heat is not usually used without an object. * heat (sth) up不如heat正式,多用于口语。heat通常要带宾语The oven is heating up.烤箱正在加热。The oven is heating. Use heat in technical language or when talking about a system or process, for example a system which heats buildings. * heat用作术语或用于谈论系统或工序,如大楼的供暖系统The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes.系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。The system produced enough energy to heat up several thousand homes.
reheat / /ˌriːˈhiːt/ / [transitive] to heat cooked food again after it has been left to go cold 重新加热(凉了的熟食)Reheat the sauce carefully without boiling it.重新给酱汁加热,但小心不要煮沸了。




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