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jumbled adj. ⇨ confused 2 (jumbled sentences) ⇨ untidy (a jumbled collection of objects)confused2 adjective feel confused about sth 对⋯感到困惑a confused account of sth 对某事令人费解的叙述confused ♦︎ discursive ♦︎ disjointed ♦︎ rambling ♦︎ incoherent ♦︎ woolly ♦︎ jumbledThese words all describe thought, speech or writing that does not have a clear structure. 这些词均表示思想、讲话或文字条理不清的、混乱的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆confused / disjointed / rambling / incoherent / jumbled thoughts◆disjointed / incoherent / jumbled words◆rambling / incoherent speech◆a confused / rambling account of sth■ confused (of thoughts, a description or a situation) not clear or easy to understand (思绪、描述或情况)不清楚的,混乱的,难懂的◆The children gave a confused account of the events of the previous day.孩子们把前一天发生的事叙述得颠三倒四。◆A confused situation followed the military coup.军事政变过后,局势一片混乱。■ discursive / /dɪsˈkɜːsɪv; NAmE dɪsˈkɜːrsɪv/ (formal) (of a style of writing or speaking) moving from one point to another without any strict structure (书面或口头表达方式)东拉西扯的,离题的,不着边际的◆Poetry is closer to music than to the more extended and discursive literary forms.相对于更宽泛和散漫的文学形式,诗歌更接近音乐。■ disjointed (of different things or the parts of sth) not having a clear or logical connection with each other (不同事物或某事物的不同部分)不连贯的,支离破碎的,杂乱无章的◆Disjointed words and phrases jumped out at her.她一眼就看出了词语的杂乱无章。■ rambling (disapproving) (of speech or writing) very long and confused (讲话或写作)冗长而费解的,不切题的◆The letter was long and rambling.这封信拖沓冗长,不知所云。■ incoherent /ˌɪnkəʊˈhɪərənt; NAmE ˌɪnkoʊˈhɪrənt/ (often disapproving) (of ideas or systems) not logical or well organized (想法或体系)逻辑不清的,不连贯的◆The theory was outdated and incoherent.这理论过时且逻辑不通。OPP coherent ⇨ rational ■ woolly (NAmE also wooly) /ˈwʊli/ / (of people or their ideas or statements) not thinking clearly; not clearly defined or expressed (人、思想或陈述)糊涂的,混乱的,模糊的◆The Government have been woolly about the exact meaning of their proposals.政府一直搞不清楚他们提案的确切含义。◆You should challenge any vague and woolly replies.你应当对任何含糊不清的回复提出质疑。■ jumbled / /ˈdʒʌmbld/ / (of words or thoughts) not in the correct order; confused (言语或思绪)乱糟糟的,混乱的◆She tried to rearrange her jumbled thoughts.她试着重新整理自己混乱的思绪。 untidy adjective untidy ♦︎ messy ♦︎ cluttered ♦︎ all over the place ♦︎ disordered ♦︎ out of place ♦︎ jumbledThese words all describe places that are in a state of disorder, with things in the wrong places. 这些词均表示不整齐的、凌乱的、杂乱的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an untidy / a messy / a cluttered house◆an untidy / a cluttered room / desk◆an untidy / a disordered state◆untidy / disordered hair◆an untidy / a messy / a jumbled heap / pile of sth◆an untidy / a jumbled collection of sth◆cluttered / jumbled up■ untidy (especially BrE, sometimes disapproving) not neat or well arranged 不整齐的;凌乱的◆Try not to make the place untidy.尽量别把这个地方弄得乱七八糟的。◆The books were piled an untidy heap.书胡乱地堆放着。◆Your hair is a little untidy.你的头发有点乱蓬蓬的。 OPP tidy ⇨ neat ▸ untidily adverb ◆Her hair fell untidily about her shoulders.她的头发蓬乱地披散在肩头。■ messy (rather informal, sometimes disapproving) in an untidy state with things left in the wrong place or spread around 不整齐的;凌乱的◆The house always looked messy.这房子看上去总是乱糟糟的。◆Sorry it's a bit messy in here.抱歉,这里有点儿乱。◆How did the place get so messy?这个地方怎么变得这么乱七八糟的? see also messy ⇨ scruffy , mess ⇨ mess noun 1 NOTE 辨析 Untidy or messy?In American English messy is the most frequent of these words and untidy is not used so much; in British English untidy is the most frequent in this meaning, and messy is used more in the sense of 'dirty'. 在美式英语中,messy是这组词中最常用的,untidy不太常用;在英式英语中,表达此义最常用untidy,messy更多表示“肮脏”之义。 see also messy ⇨ dirty ■ cluttered (rather informal, disapproving) (of a surface or place) filled with too many things, so that it looks untidy (表面或地方)东西多而乱的,杂乱的,凌乱的◆His apartment was small, cluttered and dirty.他的公寓又小又乱又脏。◆The study was cluttered with furniture.书房里堆满了家具。OPP uncluttered ⇨ neat see also clutter ⇨ mess noun 1 ■ all ˈover the place idiom (informal) very untidy or completely disorganized 凌乱;狼藉;杂乱无章◆She arrived out of breath and with her hair all over the place.她气喘吁吁地赶到了,头发乱蓬蓬的。■ disordered (rather formal) untidy because there is no order in the way things are arranged 杂乱的;混乱的;凌乱的◆It is likely that the universe started out in a chaotic and disordered state.宇宙初始的状态可能是混乱无序的。OPP ordered ⇨ neat see also disorder ⇨ mess noun 1 ■ out of ˈplace idiom (usually used in negative statements 通常用于否定陈述) not in the correct place 不在适当的位置◆He does not like things out of place.他不喜欢东西乱放。◆She never has a hair out of place.她总是仪容整洁,纹丝不乱。■ jumbled mixed together without any order and in an untidy way 胡乱堆放在一起的;杂乱的◆There was a jumbled collection of objects on the mantelpiece.壁炉台上有一堆乱七八糟的东西。◆The drawer was full of letters all jumbled together.抽屉里塞满了乱作一堆的信件。 see also jumble ⇨ jumble verb , jumble ⇨ mess noun 1 |