

单词 justice
justice noun


justice ♦︎ equality ♦︎ fairness ♦︎ fair play ♦︎ equityThese are all words for a situation in which all people are treated fairly. 这些词均表示公平、公正。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配justice / equality / fairness / fair play / equity for sbjustice / equality / fairness / fair play in sthstrict justice / equality / fairnesssocial / economic justice / equality / fairness / equityto ensure justice / equality / fairness / fair play / equityto guarantee justice / equality / fairness / equitya sense of justice / equality / fairness / fair play justice [uncountable] the fair treatment of people, especially in society generally (尤指整个社会的)公平,公正Our laws must be based on the principles of justice.我们的法律必须以公正为原则。Sometimes I feel that there's no justice in the world.有时候我觉得世上没有公正。OPP injustice inequality see also just reasonable equality / /iˈkwɒləti; NAmE iˈkwɑːləti/ [uncountable] the fact of being equal in rights, status and advantages in society (权利、地位、机会的)平等,均等,公平Sexual equality is an ideal that we have not yet achieved.男女平等是一种尚未实现的理想。The people were demanding full equality with their former masters.这些人正要求享有与他们原来的主人完全平等的权利。Equality of opportunity is our priority.机会均等是我们的头等大事。We need to ensure equality of opportunity in all areas of work.我们需要确保在各个工作领域都机会均等。 OPP inequality inequality see also equal reasonable fairness [uncountable] the quality of treating people equally or in a way that is reasonable 公正性;公平合理The system needs to be changed in the interests of fairness to genuine refugees.为了使真正的难民能得到公正待遇,这项制度需要进行改革。 In (all) fairness (to sb) is used to introduce a statement that defends sb who has just been criticized, or that explains another statement that may seem unreasonable. * in (all) fairness (to sb)用于引出为刚刚受到批评的人进行辩解的陈述,或者对貌似不合理的陈述进行解释In all fairness to him, he did try to stop her leaving.这不能怪他,他确实曾设法阻止她离开。 OPP unfairness inequality see also fair reasonable ˌfair ˈplay [uncountable] the fact of playing a game or doing things honestly, fairly, and according to the rules 遵守比赛规则;公平竞争As a player, he was always admired for his sense of fair play.作为一名球员,他因有公正比赛的意识而一直受人尊敬。 see also fair reasonable equity /ˈekwəti/ / [uncountable] (formal) a situation in which everyone is treated fairly and equally 公平;公正They envisaged a society in which justice and equity prevailed.他们设想出一个正义与公平大行其道的社会。OPP inequity inequality




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