

单词 keen
keen adj.
eager (a keen gardener) be keen on sth like verb


eager ♦︎ enthusiastic ♦︎ keen ♦︎ anxious ♦︎ hungry ♦︎ avid ♦︎ mad ♦︎ zealous ♦︎ impatientThese words all describe people who want to do sth, or want sth to happen, very much. 这些词均表示热切的、渴望的、充满期待的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配eager / keen / anxious / hungry / avid / mad / impatient for sthenthusiastic / mad about sthkeen / mad on stheager / enthusiastic / keen / anxious / impatient to do stheager / keen / anxious that...an enthusiastic / a keen supporter / admireran enthusiastic / a keen / an avid collector / fana keen / an avid reader / interestvery eager / enthusiastic / keen / anxious / impatientextremely enthusiastic / keen / anxious / zealous / impatient eager very interested and excited by sth that is going to happen or about sth that you want to do 热切的;渴望的;渴求的Eager crowds waited outside the stadium.人群在体育场外焦急地等候。She is eager for (= wants very much to get) her parents' approval.她渴望得到父母的赞同。Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.班上每个人似乎都很好学。They're eager to please (= they want to be helpful).他们竭力讨好。 OPP reluctant reluctant eagerly


the band's eagerly awaited new CD这一乐队备受企盼的新唱片


[uncountable, singular] I couldn't hide my eagerness to get back home.我无法掩饰想回家的渴望。
enthusiastic feeling or showing a lot of excitement about and/or interest in sb/sth 热情的;热心的;满腔热忱的I love playing to such an enthusiastic audience.我很高兴能为这么热情洋溢的观众演奏。They gave her an enthusiastic welcome.他们热烈欢迎她。You don't sound very enthusiastic about the idea.你好像对这个主意不太感兴趣。 OPP lukewarm indifferent see also enthusiast fan enthusiastically


They responded enthusiastically to the plan.他们对这个计划反应热烈。


[uncountable, singular] I can't say I share your enthusiasm for the idea.我可不像你那样,对这个想法那么感兴趣。
NOTE 辨析 Eager or enthusiastic?Being enthusiastic can be a more generous feeling than being eager. People are often eager about things that they want for themselves. * enthusiastic所表达的情感比eager更无私。eager常指渴望得到自己想要的东西The low prices still pull in crowds of eager buyers.低廉的价格仍然吸引急不可耐的人群前来抢购。People are often enthusiastic about other people and their ideas and achievements. * enthusiastic常指对他人及他人的想法和成就表现出热情an enthusiastic welcome / reception / response热烈的欢迎;热情的接待;热烈的反应enthusiastic support / applause / praise热心的支持;热烈的掌声;热情的赞扬
keen [not usually before noun] (especially BrE, rather informal) wanting to do sth or wanting sth to happen very much 渴望;热切;热衷于John was very keen to help.约翰很热心想帮忙。We are keen that Britain should get involved too.我们盼望英国也能参与其中。I wasn't too keen on going to the party.我不太想去参加这个聚会。 Keen can also be used, especially before a noun, to describe sb who is very enthusiastic about an activity or idea. * keen用于名词前还可以指对某活动或想法非常热衷He's a keen sportsman and enjoys football, fishing and rugby.他热衷于运动,喜欢足球、垂钓和橄榄球。She takes a keen interest in politics.她对政治很感兴趣。A person who is enthusiastic about an activity might be a keen collector/fisherman/footballer/gardener/golfer/photographer/sailor/sportsman/swimmer/traveller. A person who is enthusiastic about an idea has a keen interest in sth, or is a keen supporter of sth. Keen is not used much in American English, except in the phrase keen interest; instead it is more usual to say eager to help or avid sportsman/collector/photographer, etc. 表示热衷于某种活动的人可用keen加名词的结构:a keen collector/fisherman/footballer/gardener/golfer/photographer/sailor/sportsman/swimmer/traveller(热衷于收藏/垂钓/足球/园艺/高尔夫球运动/摄影/航海/运动/游泳/旅游的人)。对某种想法表现出热心可以说have a keen interest in sth(对⋯非常感兴趣)或be a keen supporter of sth(对⋯全力支持)。keen在美式英语中不常用,仅用于短语keen interest中。表达“热衷于⋯”时通常说eager to help(乐于帮忙)或avid sportsman/collector/photographer(热衷于运动/收藏/摄影的人)等。 see also be keen on sth like verb anxious [not usually before noun] wanting sth very much 渴望;非常希望He was anxious to finish school and get a job.他渴望毕业并找一份工作。I'm anxious for her to do as little as possible.我盼她尽量少干。She was anxious that he should meet her father.她盼望他见见她的父亲。 Anxious, in this meaning, is often used when sb wants things to return to a normal condition. * anxious表达此义时常指很想回归常态He seemed anxious to return to more familiar ground.他似乎渴望回到他较熟悉的领域。She was anxious to put the past behind her / set the record straight / get the whole thing over with.她希望能够把过去抛到脑后/澄清真相/把整件事情作个了断。 anxiety


[uncountable] A couple of photographers fell over themselves in their anxiety to get a shot of her.两个摄影师煞费苦心,急于想抓拍到她的照片。
hungry having or showing a strong desire for sth, especially to achieve sth 渴望得到;渴求Both parties are hungry for power.两党都渴望掌权。We like to use small agencies that are hungry for our business.我们希望起用渴望得到我们业务的小型代理公司。People are typically hungry for change, company, excitement, information, knowledge, news, power, success and victory. * be hungry for常后接change、company、excitement、information、knowledge、news、power、success和victory。 see also hunger appetite 2 avid / /ˈævɪd/ / [usually before noun] showing great enthusiasm for sth such as a hobby (作为兴趣等)热衷的,酷爱的I have always been an avid reader.我一直酷爱阅读。If you are avid for sth you want to get it very much. * be avid for sth指渴望得到She was avid for more information.她渴望得到更多信息。In British English avid is rather a formal word and it is more usual to use keen in less formal contexts; in American English avid is the usual word. 在英式英语中,avid是个相当正式的词,在不太正式的语境中较常用keen。在美式英语中,avid是常用词。 avidly


She reads avidly.她如饥似渴地阅读。
mad [not usually before noun] (informal) liking sb/sth very much; very interested in sth 特别喜欢;痴迷;迷恋She's mad on tennis.她对网球着迷。He's always been mad about kids.他一向特别喜欢孩子。football-mad boys痴迷足球的男孩儿She's completely power-mad.她权迷心窍。 zealous / /ˈzeləs/ / (rather formal, written) showing great energy and enthusiasm in doing sth, especially because of strong moral or religious beliefs (尤指因强烈的道德或宗教信仰)热情的,热烈的,充满激情的He was a zealous reformer, utterly devoted to rooting out corruption.他是个充满激情的改革者,全力倾注于根除腐败。 zeal


[uncountable, singular] her missionary / reforming / religious / political zeal她的极大热忱;她的改革/宗教/政治热情
impatient [not usually before noun] wanting to do sth soon; wanting sth to happen soon 急于;热切期待She was clearly impatient to leave.她显然迫不及待地想离开。We are impatient for change.我们急于求变。People are often impatient for success/change, or impatient to leave/get away/escape/go home/get on. 常用的搭配有be impatient for success/change或be impatient to leave/get away/escape/go home/get on。 impatience


[uncountable] She was bursting with impatience to tell me the news.她迫不及待地要告诉我这个消息。


 See also the entry for love verb 另见love动词词条like ♦︎ love ♦︎ be fond of sth ♦︎ be keen on sth ♦︎ adore ♦︎ go for sb/sthThese words all mean to find sth pleasant, attractive or satisfactory, or to enjoy sth. 这些词均表示喜欢、喜爱。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达喜欢的程度
be fond of sth
be keen on sth
go for sb/sth
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to like / love / be fond of / be keen on / adore doing sthto like / love to do sthto like / love sth very muchI like / love / adore it here / there / when...to like / love / adore the way sb does sthto really like / love / adore / go for sb / sthto be really fond of / keen on sthto just / simply / absolutely / clearly / obviously love / adore sth like [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to find sth pleasant, attractive or satisfactory; to enjoy sth 喜欢;喜爱Which tie do you like best?你最喜欢哪条领带?How did you like Japan (= did you find it pleasant)?你觉得日本怎么样?You've got to go to school, whether you like it or not.不管你喜不喜欢,都得上学。I didn't like him taking all the credit.我讨厌他把所有功劳都归于自己。I like to see them enjoying themselves.我乐意看着他们玩得高兴。I like it in Spain (= I like the life there).我喜欢西班牙的生活。OPP dislike hate see also liking taste 1 love [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses 通常不用于进行时) to like or enjoy sth very much 喜欢;喜爱;热爱I just love it when you bring me presents!我就喜欢你送我礼物!He loved the way she smiled.他喜欢她微笑的样子。My dad loves going to football games.我父亲爱去看足球赛。 (especially NAmE) I love to go out dancing.我喜欢出去跳舞。 (informal) I'm loving every minute of this.我喜欢这样的每一分钟。 (ironic) You're going to love this. They've changed their minds again.真够烦人的,他们又改变主意了。OPP hate hate see also love taste 1 , lover fan be fond of sth


to like or enjoy sth, especially sth you have liked or enjoyed for a long time 喜欢,喜爱(尤指长期喜爱的事物)I'm particularly fond of music.我特别爱好音乐。We were fond of the house and didn't want to leave.我们喜欢这座房子,不想搬家。 see also fond loving
be keen on sth


(BrE, informal, especially spoken) (often used in negative statements 常用于否定陈述) to like or enjoy sth 喜欢;喜爱I'm not keen on spicy food.我不喜欢辛辣食物。She's not keen on being told what to do.她不喜欢别人向她发号施令。He's very keen on golf.他非常喜欢打高尔夫球。 see also keen eager
adore / /əˈdɔːr/ / [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (informal) to like or enjoy sth very much 十分喜爱;热爱Don't you just adore that dress!那件连衣裙简直让人喜欢得要命!She adores working with children.她热爱做儿童工作。OPP loathe hate NOTE 辨析 Love or adore? Adore is more informal than love, and expresses a stronger feeling. * adore不如love正式,表达一种更强烈的喜爱之情。 ˈgo for sb/sth

phrasal verb

(goes, went, gone) (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (informal) to be attracted by sb/sth; to like or prefer sb/sth 被⋯所吸引;(更)喜欢某人(或某事物)She goes for tall slim men.她喜欢身材瘦长的男人。I don't really go for modern art.我并不很喜欢现代艺术。




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