

单词 lot
lot noun
lot (the first lot of visitors) future (her lot in life) land2 (a building lot)


 See also the entry for cargo 另见cargo条lot ♦︎ batch ♦︎ shipment ♦︎ load ♦︎ consignmentThese are all words for a group or quantity of people, things or goods. 这些词均表示一组、一群、一批、一套。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a large / small shipment / load / consignmentto order / receive / send / deliver a batch / shipment / load / consignment lot [countable + singular or plural verb] (especially BrE, rather informal) a group or set of people or things (人)一组,一群;(物品)一批,一套The first lot of visitors has / have arrived.首批游客已经到达。I have several lots of essays to mark this weekend.这个周末我有几批作文要批改。Shall I put this lot (= these things) with the others?我把这些东西跟其他的放在一起可以吗? (informal, spoken) What do you lot (= people) want?你们这帮人想要怎么样?In this meaning, it is not possible to say 'a lot of sth'. A lot of visitors means 'many visitors', not 'a group of visitors'. Instead of a, use this, that, the last, the other, etc. before lot. * lot表达此义时不能用于a lot of sth结构,比如a lot of visitors表示“许多游客”而不是“一群游客”。lot前面可以用this、that、the last、the other等,但不能用a。 batch [countable] a number of people or things that are dealt with as a group; an amount of food, medicine or goods produced at one time (人或物)一批;(食品、药物或商品)一批生产的量Each summer a new batch of students tries to find work.每年夏天都新增一批学生要找工作。We deliver the goods in batches.我们分批交货。Shall I make another batch of cookies?我是否要再做一批曲奇饼? shipment [countable] (rather formal) products or materials that are sent from one place to another, especially between different countries or over long distances (尤指国际间或长途运输的)一批货物,一批物资They are trying hard to locate the missing arms shipment.他们正千方百计要查出运输中丢失的那批军火的下落。There is to be a new EU directive on shipments of hazardous waste.欧盟即将发布关于有害废物运输的新指令。Shipment is often used to talk about an amount of weapons or drugs that are being sent somewhere. * shipment常指运输的一批武器或毒品。 see also ship take verb 1 load [countable] (often in compounds 常构成复合词) the total quantity of things or people that can be carried in sth, especially a vehicle (尤指交通工具的)装载量,容纳量The plane took off with a full load.飞机满载起飞。He put half a load of washing in the machine.他把要洗的衣物放进洗衣机,分量是洗衣机容量的一半。They ordered three truckloads of sand.他们订购了三卡车沙子。When it is used with a plural noun, load can take a plural verb. 与复数名词连用时,load后面可接复数形式的动词A busload of tourists has / have arrived.坐满一辆巴士的一批游客已经到达。 see also load fill verb consignment / /kənˈsaɪnmənt/ / [countable] (rather formal) a quantity of goods that are to be delivered somewhere 装运的货物;运送物A consignment of medicines is on its way now.一批药物正在运送途中。The consignment leaves tonight from Heathrow.这批货物今晚从希斯罗机场起运。NOTE 辨析 Shipment or consignment? Shipment is a slightly more general word than consignment and can be used to talk about goods or waste products. It emphasizes that the products have been sent (although not necessarily by sea), especially over a long distance or between countries; consignment is used to talk about goods, which may have been sent over a long or short distance, and emphasizes that they are intended for a particular person, company or place. * shipment比consignment含义略宽,可指运输货物或废品,强调物品已付运,但不一定是经海上运输,尤指长途或国际间运送;consignment指运输货物,可以是长途或短途运送,强调为个人、公司或地方运送。


future ♦︎ fate ♦︎ destiny ♦︎ fortune ♦︎ lot ♦︎ doomThese are all words for the things that happen or will happen to a person, family, country, etc. and cannot be avoided. 这些词均表示命运、际遇、前途。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a grim future / fate / destiny / lota / sb's tragic fate / destiny / lot / doomsb's certain / inevitable / ultimate fate / destiny / doomto meet your fate / destiny / doomto accept your fate / destiny / lotto avoid / escape your fate / destiny future [countable, uncountable] what will happen to sb/sth at a later time; the possibility of being successful at a later time 将来发生的事;前景;前途;前程His future is uncertain.他前途未卜。This deal could safeguard the futures of 2 000 employees.这笔生意可以保障2 000名雇员今后的生活。She has a great future ahead of her.她前程远大。I can't see any future in this relationship.我不觉得这段关系将来会有什么好结果。 fate [countable, usually singular] the things, especially unpleasant things, that will happen or have happened to sb/sth 命中注定的(坏)事;命运的安排The fate of the ship's captain is unknown.那艘船的船长命运未卜。He had no idea what fate was in store for him.他不知道等待他的将是什么样的命运。Each of the managers suffered the same fate.每一个经理的命运都是如此。The government had abandoned the refugees to their fate.政府抛弃了难民,让他们听天由命。From the moment the hijackers took over the plane, their fate was sealed (= their future was certain).从劫机者劫持飞机的那一刻起,他们的命运就已经注定了。 fated


[not usually before noun] We were fated never to meet again.我们注定了永远不能再相见。
destiny / /ˈdestəni/ / [countable, usually singular] the things that will happen to sb/sth, especially an important thing that cannot be avoided 命运;天命;天数The destinies of five nations were decided at the peace conference.五个国家的命运在和平会议上决定了。She set up her own business because she wanted to be in control of her own destiny.她开办了自己的公司,因为她想要掌握自己的命运。He was convinced that sooner or later he would fulfil his destiny.他坚信迟早他会完成自己的使命。 destined


[not before noun] He was destined for a military career, like his father before him.他命中注定要步父亲的后尘,过戎马生涯。We seemed destined never to meet.我们似乎是命中注定无缘相见。
fortune [countable, usually plural, uncountable] the good and bad things that happen to sb/sth; what will happen to a person in the future 前景;际遇;(个人的)命运,前途The share price tends to follow the changing fortunes of the film industry.股价往往随着电影业的浮沉而涨跌。Her family business suffered a reversal of fortune when public taste changed.公众的品味改变后,她家族生意的命运发生了逆转。The fortune teller said she could tell my fortune by looking at the lines on my hand.那个算命的女人说她可凭着看我的手纹替我算命。 lot [singular] (especially BrE) a person's luck or situation in life 运气;命运;生活境况She was feeling very dissatisfied with her lot.她对自己的命运感到不满。 (formal) It fell to her lot (= became her responsibility) to organize the Christmas party.筹办圣诞聚会的责任落到了她的身上。He threw in his lot with the pirates (= decided to join them and share their successes and problems).他决心与那些海盗共命运。 doom [uncountable] (literary) death or destruction; any terrible event that you cannot avoid 死亡;毁灭;厄运;劫数The ordinary soldiers went to meet their doom with great bravery.普通士兵英勇赴死。She had a sense of impending doom (= felt that sth very bad was going to happen soon).她预感到厄运已经逼近。Fuel shortages spelt doom (= meant the end) for such huge gas-guzzling cars.燃料短缺对这种油耗高的大型车来说是个劫数。 doomed


[not before noun] The plan was doomed to failure.这个计划注定要失败。The marriage was doomed from the start.这桩婚姻从一开始就注定要破裂。


the price of land 地价open/agricultural land 开阔地;农业用地 See also the entry for soil 另见soil条land ♦︎ lot ♦︎ ground ♦︎ space ♦︎ plotThese words all mean an area of land that is used for a particular purpose. 这些词均表示作特定用途的土地。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配(an) open land / ground / space(a / an) empty / vacant land / lot / ground / plotwaste / derelict land / grounda burial ground / plot land [uncountable] ( lands [plural]) an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose (尤指作特定用途的)地带,土地The valley provides some rich grazing land for farmers.这个峡谷为农场主提供了肥沃的牧场。It's an attractive village in the heart of the county's agricultural lands.这是个位于该县农业腹地的魅力乡村。 see also land floor 1 , land soil lot [countable] (NAmE) a piece of land that is used or intended for a particular purpose (作特定用途的)一块地,场地Some kids were playing ball in a vacant lot.一些孩子在一块空地上玩球。Building lots will cost between $100 000 and $500 000.建筑用地的价格将在10万至50万元之间。He backed the car into the parking lot.他倒车入停车场。The British English word for parking lot is car park. * parking lot(停车场)在英式英语中为car park。 ground [uncountable, countable] an area of land that is used for a particular purpose (作特定用途的)场地The kids were playing on waste ground near the school.孩子们在学校附近的荒地上玩耍。 (BrE) They're building a new football ground in the town.他们正在城里修建一个新足球场。We visited the site of an ancient burial ground.我们参观了一个古代墓地的旧址。NOTE 辨析 Land, lot or ground? Land is used for large areas of open land in the country, especially when it is used for farming. A lot is often a smaller piece of land in a town or city, especially one intended for building or parking on. Ground [uncountable] is any area of open land; a ground [countable] is an area of land designed or used for a particular purpose or activity. * land指乡村中大片的开阔地,尤指农业用地;lot常指城镇或城市里的小片土地,尤指用于建筑或停车的地块儿;ground作不可数名词时指任何开阔地,作可数名词时指用于特定用途或活动的场地。 space [uncountable, countable] a large area of land that has no buildings on it (无建筑物的)大片空地,开阔地The city has fine buildings and plenty of open space.这座城市既有漂亮的建筑又有许多开阔的空地。the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies加拿大一片片广袤的草原 plot [countable] a small piece of land used or intended for a particular purpose (作特定用途的)地块儿She bought a small plot of land to build a house.她买了一小块地盖房子。He was buried in the family plot at the cemetery.他葬在公墓中的家族墓地里。At the back of the house was a small vegetable plot.房子后面是一小块菜圃。 see also patch garden 2 NOTE 辨析 Lot or plot?Either a lot or a plot can be used for building on. Only a plot can also be used for burying people or growing vegetables. * lot和plot上面都可以盖房子,但只有plot才可用作墓地或菜圃。




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