

单词 olect_calm_0


calm ♦︎ soothe ♦︎ appease ♦︎ placate ♦︎ pacify ♦︎ calm sb downThese verbs all mean to make sb feel more relaxed and less anxious, excited, angry or upset. 这些动词均表示使安静、安抚、宽慰。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to calm sb / soothe sb / appease sb / placate sb / pacify sb / calm sb down with sthto calm / soothe your nervesto soothe / appease your conscience calm [transitive] to make sb/sth become quiet and more relaxed, especially after strong emotion or excitement (尤指情绪激动或兴奋过后)使平静,使镇静Have some brandy; it'll calm your nerves.喝点白兰地吧,能放松你的神经。 calming


His presence had a calming influence.有他在场起到了稳定情绪的作用。
soothe / /suːð/ / [transitive] to make sb who is anxious, upset or nervous feel calmer and more relaxed 安慰;抚慰;劝慰The music soothed her for a while.音乐让她稍微安静了一会儿。He soothed my worries by promising that we could visit whenever we wanted.他答应我们可以随时拜访,这减轻了我的忧虑。 soothing


He placed an arm around her shoulder, and spoke in a soothing voice.他用胳膊搂着她的肩,以安慰的语气说起话来。


'There's no need to worry,' he said soothingly.“不必担忧。”他宽慰道。
appease / /əˈpiːz/ / [transitive] (formal, usually disapproving) to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want 安抚;抚慰The move was widely seen as an attempt to appease critics of the regime.普遍认为,这一举措是试图安抚批评政权的人。Even dismissing them had not appeased his anger.即便开除了他们都没能平息他的怒气。 placate / /pləˈkeɪt; NAmE ˈpleɪkeɪt/ [transitive] to make sb feel calmer and less angry about sth 安抚;平息(怒气)The concessions did little to placate the students.这些让步根本没能平息学生的愤怒。 placatory /pləˈkeɪtəri; NAmE ˈpleɪkətɔːri/


(formal) a placatory remark / smile / gesture抚慰的话/微笑/姿态
pacify /ˈpæsɪfaɪ/ / [transitive] to make sb who is angry or upset become calm and quiet 使平静;平息;抚慰The baby could not be pacified.怎么也不能让婴儿安静下来。The announcement was designed to pacify the irate crowd.这个通告的目的是安抚愤怒的群众。NOTE 辨析 Placate or pacify?Both these verbs suggest that you bring peace to a person or situation, but pacify can emphasize a person's angry behaviour, while placate emphasizes their angry feelings. 这两个词均指安抚某人或平息局势,但pacify强调安抚愤怒的行为,而placate强调平复愤怒的情绪。 ˌcalm sb ˈdown

phrasal verb

to make sb become calm 使平静;使镇静;使安静I put my arm around her and tried to calm her down.我搂着她,试图让她平静下来。He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.他深呼吸了几下,使自己平静下来。




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