idea noun ⇨idea1 (That's a good idea.)⇨idea2 (I've an idea where it might be.)⇨purpose (the whole idea of doing sth)⇨sense (get an idea of what sth is like)⇨view1 (He had some very strange ideas about education.)⇨the wrong idea⇨illusion
That's a good idea.那是个好主意。I've an idea where it might be.我想到它可能在哪儿了。illusionthe wrong ideapurposethe whole idea of doing sthsenseget an idea of what sth is likeview1He had some very strange ideas about education.idea ♦︎ thought ♦︎ concept ♦︎ notion ♦︎ image ♦︎ prospect ♦︎ abstraction ♦︎ pictureThese are all words for sth that you think or sth that comes into your mind.这些词均表示想法、概念、设想。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an idea / a thought / a concept / a notion about sth◆the idea / thought / concept / notion that...◆an interesting idea / thought / concept / notion / picture◆an exciting idea / thought / concept / prospect / picture◆a clear idea / thought / concept / notion / image / picture◆a / an new / original idea / thought / concept / notion◆a basic idea / concept / notion / image / picture◆an abstract idea / concept / notion / image◆to have an idea / a thought / a concept / a notion / an image / a picture◆to give sb an idea / a thought / a notion◆to conjure up an idea / an image / a picture◆to understand / grasp an idea / a concept / a notion / an abstraction◆to discuss / consider / explore an idea / a concept / a notion◆an idea / a thought / a notion strikes sb◆an idea / a thought / an image / a picture forms■idea [countable] a plan or suggestion that is created or experienced in your mind想法;构想;主意◆That's a brilliant idea!那是个绝妙的主意!◆The party was Jane's idea.那次聚会是简的主意。◆The idea never crossed my mind.我从没起过这个念头。◆It seemed like a good idea at the time.那在当时似乎是个好主意。◆I like the idea of living in a boat.我喜欢住在船上这个想法。◆He already had an idea for his next novel.他已经构思好了下一部小说。◆Her family wanted her to go to college, but she had other ideas.她的家人希望她上大学,但她另有打算。◆The latest big idea is to get more women into the construction industry.最近的流行思想是让更多女性从事建筑业。■thought [countable] something that you think of想法;看法;主意◆I don't like the thought of you walking home alone.我不赞成你一个人走路回家。◆I've just had a thought.我刚想到一个主意。◆What a horrible thought!多么可怕的想法!◆All kinds of thoughts raced through her mind.各种念头在她的脑海中闪过。◆I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on the matter.我很想听听你对这个问题的看法。◆She tried to put the thought out of her mind.她尽量把这个想法抛到脑后。■concept /ˈkɒnsept; NAmEˈkɑːnsept/ [countable] (ratherformal) an idea or principle that is related to sth abstract rather than physical things or actual events概念;观念◆We discussed concepts such as 'democracy' and 'equality'.我们讨论了“民主”、“平等”等观念。◆The concept of infinity is almost impossible for us to comprehend.我们几乎无法理解无限这个概念。 see also conceptual ⇨ intellectualadj.1■notion /ˈnəʊʃn; NAmEˈnoʊʃn/ [countable] (ratherformal) an idea, a belief or an understanding of sth观念;信念;理解◆Our political system is based on notions of justice and equality.我们的政治体制建立在公正和平等观念的基础上。◆I had only the vaguest notion of what he was like.对于他是什么样的人我那时所知甚少。ⓘ A notion is usually about sth abstract or factual, rather than sth imaginative. You can have a clear notion of sb/sth, but not◆a vivid/imaginative notion * notion通常指关于抽象或真实事物的观念,而非关于想象中事物的观念。可以说a clear notion of sb/sth,但不说a vivid/imaginative notion。 see also notional ⇨ supposed■image [countable] an idea of what sb/sth is like that appears as a picture in your mind(心目中的)形象,印象◆I always had an image of her standing by that window gazing out.我一直记得她站在那个窗口向外凝望的样子。◆Do human beings think in words or in images?人类的思维是借助于词语还是形象?■prospect [singular] an idea of what might or will happen in the future前景;展望;设想◆Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect.只身走遍世界是个令人生畏的想法。◆The prospect of becoming a father filled him with alarm.一想到将为人父他就感到惊慌。■abstraction [countable, uncountable] (formal) a general idea that is not based on any particular real person, thing or situation抽象概念◆Ideological abstractions are never going to attract many voters.空洞的说教绝不会吸引很多选民。◆The increasing abstraction of modern art has tended to make it increasingly difficult to interpret.现代艺术日益抽象,阐释起来也越加困难。 see also abstract ⇨ intellectualadj.1■picture [countable, usually singular] an idea of what sb/sth is like or how sth might happen, that appears as a picture in your mind(头脑中的)形象,想象◆She had formed a picture of what the place would look like and was very disappointed.她事先构想了那个地方会是什么样子,所以很失望。NOTE辨析 Image or picture?In many cases you can use either word. However, image often suggests a mental picture of one person or thing at one moment in time; picture often suggests a more complete imagining of a whole scene, including a number of different details and/or events that take place over a short period of time.在许多情况下这两个词可以通用。不过,image常表示人或事物在某一时刻在人心目中的形象;picture常表示对整个情景更为完整的想象,包括各种细节、短期内发生的事件等。
That's a good idea.那是个好主意。I've an idea where it might be.我想到它可能在哪儿了。illusionthe wrong ideapurposethe whole idea of doing sthsenseget an idea of what sth is likeview1He had some very strange ideas about education.idea ♦︎ instinct ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ hunch ♦︎ inkling ♦︎ suspicion ♦︎ intuition ♦︎ premonition ♦︎ forebodingThese are all words for a feeling that you have that sth is true or that sth is happening, even though you do not have any evidence.这些词均表示感觉、预感、直觉。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an idea / an instinct / a feeling / a hunch / an inkling / a suspicion / an intuition / a premonition / a foreboding about sth◆an idea / an instinct / a feeling / a hunch / an inkling / a suspicion / an intuition / a premonition / a foreboding that...◆sb's first idea / instinct / inkling / suspicion◆a vague idea / feeling / inkling / suspicion◆a gut instinct / feeling / intuition◆to have an idea / an instinct / a feeling / a hunch / an inkling / a suspicion / an intuition / a premonition / a foreboding◆to get the idea / the feeling / an inkling / a premonition◆to give sb the idea / the feeling / an inkling◆to follow / go with your instinct / hunch / intuition◆to confirm sb's instinct / feeling / hunch / suspicion / intuition■idea [singular] a feeling that you have about where sth is, who sb is, or what is happening, even though you are not completely sure(认为某物可能在哪儿、某人可能是谁或可能发生什么事的)感觉◆I had an idea of where it might be.我想到了它可能在哪儿。◆What gave you the idea that he'd be here?是什么让你想到他会在这里?◆I have a pretty good idea who might have said that.我心里很明白说那话的人可能是谁。◆He hadn't had the slightest idea about what had been going on.他对所发生的事情毫不知情。■instinct [countable] a feeling that makes you believe that sth is true, even though it is not based on facts or reason直觉◆Her instincts about him had been right.她对他的直觉是正确的。◆Marshall's gut instinct(= basic instinct) was to turn and run.马歇尔当时的本能反应是转身就跑。 see also instinctive ⇨ natural■feeling [singular] an idea that makes you believe that sth is true, especially sth unpleasant, based on what you feel rather than on facts or reason(尤指对不祥之事的)感觉◆I had a nasty feeling that she was lying to me.我有个不好的感觉:她在对我说谎。◆He suddenly had the feeling of being followed.他突然觉得有人在跟踪自己。NOTE辨析 Instinct or feeling?A feeling in this meaning is usually a feeling that one particular unpleasant thing is true; your instincts may be more general-all the feelings you have about a particular person or situation-and they may be positive or negative. * feeling表达此义时通常指对特定事物的不祥之感;instinct 可能较为笼统,指对特定的人或情况的整体感觉,可好可坏◆Her instincts had been right-he was someone who could be trusted.她的直觉是对的,他是个可以信赖的人。◆Her feelings about him had been right.■hunch [countable] (ratherinformal) a feeling that sth is true even though you do not have any evidence to prove it预感;直觉◆My hunch is that the burglars are still in the area.我有一种直觉,那些入室窃贼还在此地没走。◆I didn't know for certain-I was just going on a hunch.我也拿不准,我只是凭直觉行事。ⓘ Hunch is used especially when you are talking about the solution to a crime or mystery. * hunch尤在探讨如何侦破罪案或解开谜团时使用。■inkling [countable, usually singular] a slight knowledge of sth that is happening or about to happen(对正在或即将发生之事的)略知◆He didn't have the slightest inkling of what was going on.他对正在发生的事一无所知。■suspicion [countable] a feeling or belief that sth is true, especially sth unpleasant, even though you do not know for certain(尤指对不祥之事的)感觉,看法◆I had a horrible suspicion that we'd come to the wrong station.我感觉不妙:我们可能找错车站了。 see also suspect ⇨ suppose■intuition / /ˌɪntjuˈɪʃn; NAmEˌɪntuˈɪʃn/ [countable] an idea or strong feeling that sth is true even though you cannot explain why直觉◆I had an intuition that something awful was about to happen.我直觉,要出乱子了。 see also intuitive ⇨ natural■premonition /ˌpriːməˈnɪʃn, ˌpreməˈnɪʃn/ / [countable] (ratherformal, especiallywritten) a feeling that sth is going to happen, especially sth unpleasant(尤指不祥的)预感◆a premonition of disaster大祸临头的预感◆He had a premonition that he would never see her again.他有一种将再也见不到她的预感。■foreboding /fɔːˈbəʊdɪŋ; NAmEfɔːrˈboʊdɪŋ/ [uncountable, countable] (ratherformal, especiallywritten) a strong feeling that sth unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen(对不祥或危险之事的)强烈预感◆The letter filled him with foreboding.那封信让他充满了不祥的预感。◆He knew from her face that his forebodings had been justified.他从她的脸上看出,自己不祥的预感应验了。NOTE辨析 Premonition or foreboding?A premonition is usually a feeling that a particular unpleasant thing is going to happen; foreboding is a general sense that sth bad is going to happen, although you do not know exactly what. * premonition通常是对某件不祥之事将要发生的预感;foreboding指笼统的不祥的预感,并不确知将要发生什么事。
➡ See also the entry for ⇨ target另见target条purpose ♦︎ aim ♦︎ intention ♦︎ plan ♦︎ point ♦︎ idea ♦︎ intentThese are all words for talking about what sb/sth intends to do or achieve.这些词均表示意图、目标。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆with the purpose / aim / intention / idea / intent of doing sth◆sb's purpose / aim / intention / plan / intent that...◆sb's intention / plan / intent to do sth◆sb / sth's original purpose / aim / intention / plan / idea / intent◆a specific purpose / aim / intention / plan / intent◆the whole point / idea◆to have a purpose / an aim / an intention / a plan / a point / an intent◆to state your purpose / aim / intention◆to declare your aim / intention / intent◆to achieve / fulfil a purpose / an aim■purpose [countable] what sth is supposed to achieve; what sb is trying to achieve意图;目的;目标◆The main purpose of the campaign is to raise money.这次活动的主要目的是募集资金。◆A meeting was called for the purpose of appointing a new treasurer.为任命新的财务主管召开了一次会议。◆ (ratherformal) He did not want anything to distract him from his purpose.他不想让任何事情转移他的注意力,使他偏离自己的目标。■aim [countable] what sb is trying to achieve; what sth is supposed to achieve目的;目标;意图◆She went to London with the aim of finding a job.她抱着想找份工作的目的去了伦敦。◆Our main aim is to increase sales in Europe.我们的主要目标是增加欧洲的销售额。◆She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech.她在讲话中阐明了公司的目标和宗旨。 see also aim ⇨ intendverbNOTE辨析 Purpose or aim?Your purpose for doing something is your reason for doing it; your aim is what you want to achieve. Aim can suggest that you are only trying to achieve sth; purpose gives a stronger sense of achievement being certain. Aim can be sb's aim or the aim of sth. Purpose is more usually the purpose of sth: you can talk about sb's purpose but that is more formal. * purpose指做某事的原因,aim指想取得的成果。aim可能表示“只是努力想做到”,而purpose则意味着更强的达成目标的信心。可以说sb's aim,也可以说the aim of sth。the purpose of sth较常见,也可以说sb's purpose,但较正式。■intention [countable] what you intend to do意图;计划;打算◆I have no intention of going to the wedding.我无意去参加婚礼。◆He has announced his intention to retire.他宣布了退休的打算。◆I have every intention of paying her back what I owe her.我一心想把我欠她的还给她。◆She's full of good intentions but they rarely work out.她虽然处处出于善意,但往往事与愿违。 see also intend ⇨ intend■plan [countable] what you intend to do or achieve计划;打算◆Do you have any plans for the summer?这个夏天你有什么打算吗?◆There are no plans to build new offices.没有建新办公楼的计划。◆There's been a change of plan.计划有变。◆We can't change our plans now.我们现在不能改变计划了。 see also plan ⇨ plannoun1, plan ⇨ intendverbNOTE辨析 Intention or plan?Your intentions are what you want to do, especially in the near future; your plans are what you have decided or arranged to do, often, but not always, in the longer term. * intention指想要做的事,尤指近期打算;plan指已经决定或安排去做的事情,常常是长期的计划,但是也有例外。■point [uncountable, singular] (ratherinformal, usuallydisapproving) the purpose or aim of sth意图;目的;理由◆What's the point of all this violence?这一切的暴力行为有什么意义?◆There's no point in getting angry.发火是没有用的。◆I don't see the point of doing it all again.我就不明白,再做一次有什么意义。■idea [singular] (ratherinformal) the purpose of sth; sb's aim意图;目标◆The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend.去的唯一目的是我们能见到她的新男友。◆What's the idea of all this?这一切的目的是什么?◆My original idea was to use amateur actors.我原本打算用业余演员。NOTE辨析 Point or idea?Point is a more negative word than idea. If you say What's the point...? you are suggesting that there is no point; if you say What's the idea...? you are genuinely asking a question. Point, but notidea, is used to talk about things you feel annoyed or unhappy about. * point比idea多几分否定意义。What's the point ...?表示做某事毫无道理,What's the idea ...?则是真正的询问。point用于描述让人生气或不快的事情,但idea则不行◆There's no idea in...◆I don't see the idea of...You might miss the point of sth(= fail to understand)but get the idea(= understand). You can talk about the point/idea of sth or sb's idea but notsb's point. * miss the point of sth意为“不明白”,get the idea意为“理解”。可以说the point/idea of sth,也可以说sb's idea,但不能说sb's point◆My original point was to use amateur actors.■intent / /ɪnˈtent/ / [uncountable] (formalorlaw法律) what you intend to do意图;目的◆She denies possessing the drug with intent to supply.她否认藏有毒品是为了供他人使用。◆He was charged with wounding with intent.他被指控故意伤人。
sense ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ impression ♦︎ idea ♦︎ sensationThese are all words for sth that you feel or think through the mind or the senses.这些词均表示感觉、感触、印象。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆a strong sense / feeling / impression / idea / sensation◆an overwhelming sense / feeling / impression / sensation◆a good / definite / distinct / vague sense / feeling / impression / idea◆a strange sense / feeling / impression / idea / sensation◆a / an wonderful / warm / uncomfortable sense / feeling / sensation◆to have a sense / a feeling / an impression / an idea / a sensation◆to have the sense / feeling / impression / sensation that...◆to get / give sb / leave sb with / convey a sense / a feeling / an impression / an idea■sense [countable] (often followed by of常后接of) something that you feel, especially in your mind, about sth important(对重要事情的)感觉,意识◆He felt an overwhelming sense of loss.他感到非常失落。◆Doesn't she have any sense of guilt about what she did?她对自己所做的事就不感到丝毫的内疚吗?◆Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security.头盔能给骑车人一种虚假的安全感。◆I had the sense that he was worried about something.我感觉他有心事。 see also sense ⇨ feelverb■feeling [countable] something that you feel through the mind or the senses(内心或感官的)感觉,感触◆There was a feeling of sadness in the room.这个房间里有一种悲伤的感觉。◆You need to stop having these guilty feelings.你需要消除这些内疚感。◆I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.我觉得胃部胀痛。◆ (spoken) 'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling.'(= I know how you feel.)“他这样待我,我实在气愤。”“我理解你的感受。”ⓘ Your feelings [plural] are also your emotions.复数形式的feelings也可表示个人的情感。 see also feeling ⇨ emotion, feel ⇨ feel, feel ⇨ seem■impression [countable] a feeling or opinion that you get about sb/sth, or that sb/sth gives you印象;感想◆My first impression of him was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。◆I get the impression there are still a lot of problems.我的感觉是问题还挺多的。◆She gives the impression of being very busy.她给人的印象是特别忙。◆Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong impression(= that you are not friendly).要尽量微笑,不要让人误以为你很冷漠。ⓘ Impression is used especially to talk about what you think when you first meet sb or experience sth. * impression尤指对某人的第一印象,或第一次体验某事的感觉。■idea [singular, uncountable] a picture or impression in your mind of what sb/sth is like印象;概念◆The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel.这本小册子会让你对这家旅馆有很好的了解。◆If this is your idea of a joke, then I don't find it very funny.如果你觉得这是开玩笑,那我觉得这一点也不好笑。◆I had some idea of what the job would be like.我对这份工作有了一些了解。■sensation / /senˈseɪʃn/ / [countable] (ratherformal) a feeling that you get when sth affects your body感觉;知觉◆You may get a tingling sensation in your fingers.你的手指可能会有刺痛的感觉。◆I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦里似的。NOTE辨析 Feeling or sensationA feeling may be physical or mental; a sensation is a physical feeling. Sensation is used especially to talk about a feeling that you do not immediately recognize or understand. * feeling可表示身体或精神上的感觉,sensation表示身体上的感觉。sensation尤指不能立即识别或理解的感觉◆a sensation of falling / floating / movement / nausea / sinking坠落/漂浮/移动/恶心/下沉的感觉
sb's political views某人的政治观点a delightful sea view宜人的海景➡ See also the entries for ⇨ attitude and ⇨ values另见attitude条和values条view ♦︎ opinion ♦︎ point ♦︎ belief ♦︎ idea ♦︎ point of view ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ judgement ♦︎ conviction ♦︎ sentimentThese are all words for what you think about a particular issue.这些词均表示看法、意见、观点。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆sb's view / opinion / point / beliefs / ideas / feelings / judgement / conviction / sentiments about sb / sth◆sb's view / opinion / ideas / point of view / feelings on sb / sth◆sb's view / opinion of sb / sth◆in sb's view / opinion / judgement◆the view / opinion / point / belief / idea / point of view / feeling / judgement / conviction that...◆different views / opinions / beliefs / ideas / points of view / convictions / sentiments◆a general view / opinion / belief / point of view / feeling / conviction / sentiment◆a popular view / opinion / belief / feeling / sentiment◆a strong view / opinion / belief / feelings / conviction / sentiment◆a firm view / opinion / belief / conviction◆a personal / private view / opinion / belief / point of view / feeling / judgement / conviction / sentiment◆a political / religious view / opinion / belief / idea / feelings / conviction / sentiment◆to have / hold a view / an opinion / a belief / a point of view / a conviction◆to be of the view / opinion / belief (that...)◆to express your view / opinion / beliefs / ideas / point of view / feelings / conviction / sentiments◆to hear sb's views / opinion / ideas / point of view◆to change your view / opinion / beliefs / ideas / point of view / judgement◆to support a view / opinion / belief / an idea / a point of view / a conviction■view [countable] what you think about sb/sth; your attitude towards sb/sth(个人的)看法,意见,见解;态度◆We have widely differing views on how to raise children.我们在怎样抚养孩子的问题上意见分歧很大。◆We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere.我们所持的态度是:干涉是错误的。◆In my view it would be a complete waste of time.依我看,这完全是浪费时间。■opinion [countable, uncountable] what you think about sb/sth; advice from a professional person about sth; the thoughts or feelings of a group of people about sb/sth意见;看法;专家建议;(群体的)观点◆I've recently changed my opinion of her.我最近改变了对她的看法。◆You can always ask for a second opinion(= the opinion of another professional person) if you're not sure.你要是拿不准,总还可以征求别人的意见。◆You need to be able to distinguish between fact and opinion.你要能够区分事实与想法。◆Public opinion(= what most people think) is shifting in favour of change.公众舆论正转向支持变革。◆Opinion is divided about whether to join the new currency.大家对是否采用这种新货币有意见分歧。◆'I think she's great.' 'Well, that's a matter of opinion(= other people may disagree).'“我认为她很棒。”“哦,见仁见智吧。”■point [countable] a thing that sb says or writes giving their opinion or argument for sth论点;观点;见解◆I take your point(= I understand and accept what you are saying).我赞同你的看法。◆He's just saying that to prove a point(= to show his idea is right).他那样说只是为了证明他的看法。◆OK, you've made your point!好了,你已经把话说清楚了!ⓘ Points can be facts as well as opinions or arguments. * points不仅可指观点或论点,也可指事实。 see also point ⇨ factor■belief [countable, uncountable] sth that you believe to be true about sb/sth看法;信念◆She acted in the belief that she was doing the right thing.她这么做是因为她认定自己做的事是正确的。◆Contrary to popular belief(= despite what most people think) he was not involved in the affair.与大家的看法相反,他没有卷入这件事情。 see also believe ⇨ think■idea [countable, usually plural] an opinion or belief about sth意见;看法;信念◆He has some very strange ideas about education.他对教育有非常奇怪的看法。◆The idea that I was only interested in making money is ludicrous.认为我只对赚钱感兴趣是荒谬的。■ˌpoint of ˈview(pluralpoints of view) [countable] the particular opinion that sb has about sth观点;意见;看法◆You have to try to see your opponent's point of view.你必须设法了解你的对手持什么观点。◆He has always taken the opposite point of view.他总是持相反意见。■feeling [countable, uncountable] (ratherinformal) an opinion or attitude about sb/sth意见;态度◆I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or another.我对此既不特别喜欢,也不特别讨厌。◆My own feeling is that we should go for the cheaper option.我个人的意见是我们应该选比较便宜的那个。◆She had mixed feelings about giving up her job.她对辞去工作感到又喜又忧。◆The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision.会议上普遍的意见是反对这个决定。 see also feel ⇨ thinkNOTE辨析 Idea or feeling?An idea is based more on principles or beliefs; a feeling is based slightly more on emotions. * idea多建立在准则或信念的基础上,feeling较多建立在情感的基础上。■judgement ( judgment, especially in NAmE) [countable, uncountable] an opinion that you form after thinking carefully about sth; the act of making this opinion known to other people(深思熟虑后的)看法,意见;评价◆It's not for me to make any judgements about the situation.我没有资格对形势作出任何评价。◆He's always very ready to pass judgement on others.他总是喜欢对别人说三道四。◆I'd like to reserve judgement until I see the report(= not form an opinion until I have seen it).我还是想看到报告后再发表意见。◆I gave him the money against my better judgement(= even though I knew it was probably the wrong thing to do).我违心地给了他钱。 see also judge ⇨ judgeverb1■conviction / /kənˈvɪkʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] (ratherformal) a strong opinion or belief坚定的看法(或信念)◆We were sustained by the conviction that all would be well in the end.那时候是最终一切都会好起来的坚定信念给了我们力量。◆She was motivated by deep religious conviction.她的行动是出于虔诚的宗教信仰。■sentiment [countable, uncountable] (formal) a feeling or opinion, especially one based on emotions(尤指基于情感的)观点,看法,情绪◆This is a sentiment that I totally agree with.这种态度我完全赞同。◆Nationalist sentiment spread quickly, especially in the cities.民族主义情绪传播得很快,尤其是在城市中。
illusion ♦︎ myth ♦︎ misunderstanding ♦︎ delusion ♦︎ misconception ♦︎ fallacy ♦︎ misinterpretation ♦︎ false impression ♦︎ the wrong ideaThese are all words for a mistaken or false idea about sb/sth.这些词均表示错误的观念。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆an illusion / a myth / a misunderstanding / a delusion / a misconception / a fallacy / the wrong idea about sb / sth◆the illusion / myth / misunderstanding / delusion / misconception / fallacy / false impression that...◆under an illusion / a delusion / a false impression◆a dangerous illusion / myth / delusion / misconception / fallacy◆a common myth / misunderstanding / delusion / misconception / fallacy◆a popular myth / misconception / fallacy◆(a) widespread misunderstanding / misconception / fallacy◆to have an illusion / a delusion / the wrong idea◆to be based on a myth / misunderstanding / misconception / fallacy / misinterpretation◆to give rise to a myth / (a) misunderstanding / a misconception◆to give sb a false impression / the wrong idea◆to correct a misunderstanding / misconception / false impression■illusion / /ɪˈluːʒn/ / [countable, uncountable] a false idea or belief about sb/sth, especially an idea that sb/sth is good when it is not错误的观念(或信念);幻想;错觉◆I have no illusions about her feelings for me(= I know that she does not love me).我并不幻想她会喜欢我。◆He's under the illusion that(= wrongly thinks that) he will get the job.他心存幻想,以为他会得到那份工作。◆They wanted to create the illusion of being a close, happy family.他们想制造一种假象,仿佛他们是亲密、幸福的一家人。◆He could no longer tell the difference between illusion and reality.他再也分不清幻想与现实之间的区别。▸illusory / /ɪˈluːsəri/ /
(formal) ◆Our new situation gave us an illusory sense of freedom.新的处境给了我们一种虚幻的自由感。◆Any power he may seem to have is purely illusory.他貌似有权,但他的权力纯属虚幻。■myth / /mɪθ/ / [countable, uncountable] something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false迷思;错误的观念◆It is time to dispel the myth of the classless society(= to show that it does not exist).该消除那种无阶级社会的神话了。◆It's a myth that cats only swish their tails when they are angry.猫只有发怒时才会甩动尾巴的说法不靠谱。◆Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men.都说女人开车比男人差,其实不然。■misunderstanding [countable, uncountable] a situation in which sth is not understood correctly, especially when this leads to problems误解;误会◆The meeting is a final chance to clear up any misunderstandings.这次会议是消除误解的最后时机。◆There must be some misunderstanding-I thought I ordered the smaller model.一定是搞错了,我想我订的是更小型号的。OPPunderstanding ⇨ understanding see also misunderstand ⇨ misunderstand■delusion / /dɪˈluːʒn/ / [countable, uncountable] a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation; the act of making yourself believe sth that is not true错觉;谬见;妄想;自欺◆Don't go getting delusions of grandeur(= a belief that you are more important than you really are).不要变得妄自尊大。◆My mother had a tremendous capacity for delusion.我母亲特别善于自欺欺人。ⓘ Delusions can sometimes be caused by a mental illness. * delusion有时可能是由精神疾病引起的◆Many people with this condition suffer from delusions.许多患有这种疾病的人会产生妄想。 see also delude ⇨ mislead■misconception / /ˌmɪskənˈsepʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] (ratherformal) a mistaken belief about sth, especially one based on incorrect information(尤指因信息有误导致的)错误认识,误解◆It's a widespread misconception that only women get breast cancer.只有女人才会得乳腺癌是个普遍存在的错误观念。◆Their views are based on misconception and prejudice.他们的观点基于误解和偏见。■fallacy / /ˈfæləsi/ / [countable, uncountable] (ratherformal) a false idea that a lot of people think is true; a false way of thinking about sth(普遍持有的)谬见,谬论;错误的思维方式◆It's a fallacy to say that the camera never lies.说照相机从不骗人,这是谬见。◆He detected the fallacy of her argument.他发现了她论据中的推理谬误。■misinterpretation /ˌmɪsɪntɜːprɪˈteɪʃn; NAmEˌmɪsɪntɜːrprɪˈteɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (ratherformal) a mistaken idea or belief caused by sb not fully understanding sth or understanding it in the wrong way(因理解不充分或有偏差导致的)误解,误读◆What he said could easily be open to misinterpretation.他说的话很容易被误解。◆Their conclusions were a result of a misinterpretation of the data.他们的结论是出于对数据的错误解读。 see also misinterpret ⇨ misunderstand■ˌfalse imˈpression [countable] a mistaken idea about sb/sth, especially one based on too little information(尤指因信息过少而产生的)假象,错误印象◆Their main headline gave a completely false impression.他们的大标题给人完全错误的印象。 see also false ⇨ wrongadj.1■the ˌwrong iˈdea
(ratherinformal) a mistaken idea about sb/sth, especially an idea that sb/sth is worse than it really is(尤指不好的)错误印象,误会◆Be careful about meeting him alone-you don't want people to get the wrong idea(= the idea that you are having a relationship with him).单独见他要慎重-你总不希望别人对你们的关系产生误会吧。ⓘ The wrong idea is nearly always used with the verbs get, have (got) or give. * the wrong idea几乎总是跟动词get、have (got)或give连用。 see also wrong ⇨ wrongadj.1