

单词 ideal
ideal adj.
ideal noun
example2 (sb's ideal of what sth should be) principle1 (political ideals)


 See also the entries for best and favourite 另见best条和favourite条ideal ♦︎ perfect ♦︎ optimum ♦︎ just right ♦︎ tailor-madeThese words all describe sb/sth that is the best or most suitable for a particular person or purpose. 这些词均表示最理想的、最合适的。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配ideal / perfect / just right / tailor-made for sb / sthan ideal / a perfect opportunity / solution / candidateabsolutely ideal / perfect ideal / /aɪˈdiːəl/ / exactly right for sb/sth 最合适的;理想的;完美的This beach is ideal for children.这片海滩是孩子的理想去处。His apartment would be an ideal place to stay.他的公寓会是个理想的住处。As a solution to the problem it was far from ideal.那远非解决这个问题的最佳办法。 ideally


They're ideally suited to each other.他们俩最为般配。Ideally, I'd like to live in New York, but that's not possible at the moment.按理想来说,我希望住在纽约,但目前是不可能的。
perfect exactly right for sb/sth 最合适的;理想的;完美的It was a perfect day for a picnic.那天是野餐最理想的天气。The location of the cottage makes it perfect for touring.这间村舍的位置很适合观光。'Will 2.30 be OK for you?' 'Perfect, thanks.'“两点半对你合适吗?”“正合适。谢谢。”NOTE 辨析 Ideal or perfect?These words have the same meaning but they have some different collocations. An ideal day for sth is a very convenient day; a perfect day for sth is one with very good weather conditions. Perfect is also slightly more informal than ideal. 这两个词意义相同,但搭配有些不同。an ideal day for sth 指这一天在时间安排上很方便,a perfect day for sth指这天天气条件很好。perfect的语气较之ideal亦略显随意。 optimum /ˈɒptɪməm; NAmE ˈɑːptɪməm/ [only before noun] the best possible; producing the best possible results 最佳的;最适宜的We aim for optimum efficiency in all our operations.我们的所有行动都力求最高效。 the optimum


[singular] For efficient fuel consumption a speed of 60 mph is about the optimum.时速60英里节油效果大致最佳。
ˌjust ˈright


(spoken) exactly right for sb/sth 最合适的;理想的;完美的That coat should be just right for Jenny.那件外套珍妮穿应该最合适不过了。She adjusted the seasoning until it was just right.她调节作料直到味道最佳为止。
ˌtailor-ˈmade made for sb/sth in particular, and therefore very suitable 特制的;专门设置的;量身打造的We can offer you a tailor-made financial package to suit your needs.我们可以为您量身打造切合您需要的金融产品组合。


give an example of sth 举例Her courage is an example to us all. 她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。example ♦︎ model ♦︎ ideal ♦︎ role model ♦︎ embodiment ♦︎ epitome ♦︎ inspiration ♦︎ archetypeThese are all words for a person or thing that is considered to be a good example of sth. 这些词均表示榜样、楷模。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an example / a model / the embodiment / the epitome / the archetype of sthan example / inspiration to sb example [countable] (approving) a person or their behaviour that is thought to be good for others to copy 榜样;楷模;模范Her courage is an example to us all.她的勇气是我们大家的榜样。She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve.她为残疾人能有所作为树立了光辉典范。He is a captain who leads by example.他是个以身作则的队长。 see also example influence noun , exemplify represent 2 model [countable] (approving) a person or thing that is considered an excellent example of sth 模范;典型Her essay was a model of clarity.她的文章是明白晓畅的范例。He's a model student.他是模范生。 Model is always used in the phrase a model of sb/sth or like an adjective before another noun. * model总是用在短语a model of sb/sth中,或像形容词一样置于另一名词前a model farm (= one that has been specially designed to work well) 模范农场 see also model model noun ideal / /aɪˈdiːəl/ / [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that you think is perfect 完美的人(或事物)It's my ideal of what a family home should be.这是我心目中完美的家庭住宅。Ideal is often used with possessive pronouns such as my, his or her. * ideal常与my、his、her等物主代词连用。 ˈrole model [countable] a person that you admire and try to copy 楷模;行为榜样We need positive role models for young men to aspire to.我们要树立正面典型人物,激励年轻人有志效仿。 embodiment / /ɪmˈbɒdimənt; NAmE ɪmˈbɑːdimənt/ [countable, usually singular] (formal) a person or thing that represents or is a typical example of an idea or quality (体现一种思想或品质的)典型,化身He is the embodiment of the young successful businessman.他是成功青年企业家的典型。Embodiment can be used to talk about a positive or a negative idea. * embodiment可以指正面的典范,也可以指负面的典型。 see also embody represent 2 epitome /ɪˈpɪtəmi/ / [singular] (formal, especially written) a perfect example of a person or quality (人或品质的)典型,典范Her clothes are the epitome of good taste.她的衣着体现了高品味。Epitome is almost always used in the phrase the epitome of sb/sth. It is often used to talk about how people look or behave. Although many examples of epitome show good qualities, this is not always the case: a common phrase is the epitome of evil. * epitome几乎总是用于短语the epitome of sb/sth中,常指外表或行为的典范。尽管许多epitome的例句显示为好品质的典范,但是也有例外,常用的短语the epitome of evil就是一例。 see also epitomize represent 2 inspiration / /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ / [countable, usually singular] a person or thing that makes you want to be better or more successful 鼓舞人心的人(或事物)Her charity work is an inspiration to us all.她的慈善工作激励着我们大家。 see also inspire inspire archetype / /ˈɑːkitaɪp/ / [singular] (rather formal, written) the most typical or perfect example of a particular kind of person or thing 典型She is the archetype of an American movie star.她是典型的美国影星。Archetype is not usually used with words that describe qualities, like kindness or style: it is more often used with concrete nouns to talk about how people and things match what we expect from a person or thing of a particular class, profession or type. * archetype通常不与kindness或style等表示品性的词连用,而较常与有实在意义的名词连用,指某人或某事物符合人们对某一阶层、职业或类型的认识。


a matter of principle 原则问题the principle that education should be available to all 所有人都应有权受教育的观念 See also the entries for morality and values 另见morality条和values条principle ♦︎ ethics ♦︎ ideal ♦︎ standards ♦︎ morals ♦︎ moralityThese are all words for a moral rule or strong belief that influences people's actions. 这些词均表示道德规范、道德意识。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配high principles / ideals / standardspersonal principles / ethics / standards / moralitypublic ethics / morals / moralitymoral principles / ideals / standardsreligious principles / ideals / moralitypolitical principles / ethics / ideals / moralityprofessional ethics / standardshave (no / high etc.) principles / ideals / standards / moralscompromise your principles / ideals / standardsbetray your principles / idealsa matter / question of principle / ethics / morality principle [countable, usually plural, uncountable] a moral rule or strong belief that influences your actions 道德原则;行为准则;规范I refuse to lie about it-it's against my principles.我绝不就此事说谎-那样做违背我的原则。Stick to your principles and tell him you won't do it.要恪守自己的原则,告诉他你是不会干的。He doesn't invest in the arms industry on principle.他有自己的原则,不投资军火工业。 see also unprincipled corrupt ethics / /ˈeθɪks/ / [plural] moral principles that control or influence sb's actions; the degree to which sth is right or wrong according to these principles 道德准则;伦理标准;道德水平Their professional body is drawing up a code of ethics (= a statement of acceptable principles for a particular group).他们的专业组织正在拟订一套职业道德规范。He began to question the ethics of his position.他开始质疑自己的立场是否符合道德准则。Ethics is used especially about the principles that control a particular area of activity, especially business or professional life. Collocates include professional, business and medical. * ethics尤指商业道德或职业道德,与之搭配的词有professional、business和medical。 see also ethical good 5 , ethical moral , ethic values ideal [countable] an idea or standard that seems perfect and worth trying to achieve or obtain 理想;看似完美的思想(或标准)His followers sometimes found it hard to live up to his high ideals.他的追随者有时觉得很难达到他的高标准。Is true love an unattainable ideal (= one that can never be achieved)?真爱是渺不可得的吗? standards [plural] a level of behaviour that sb considers to be morally acceptable 行为标准;道德水准Standards aren't what they used to be.现在的行为标准跟以前不一样了。We intend to uphold standards of behaviour throughout the college.我们希望维护整所大学的道德水平。 morals [plural] standards or principles of good behaviour, especially in sexual matters (尤指性方面的)品行,道德He thinks that young people these days have no morals.他觉得现在的年轻人根本不讲道德。The play was considered an affront to public morals.人们认为这出戏有辱公德。 see also amoral corrupt , moral good 5 , moral moral morality / /məˈræləti/ / [uncountable] a system of moral principles followed by a particular person or group of people; the degree to which sth is right or wrong according to these principles 道德规范;道德体系;道德水平Whatever her personal morality, she has no right to judge others.不管她的个人品行如何,她都没有权利去评判他人。There is a continuing debate on the morality of abortion.关于堕胎是否道德的辩论持续不休。 see also moral good 5 , moral moral




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