

单词 impel
impel verb


force ♦︎ make ♦︎ oblige ♦︎ compel ♦︎ drive ♦︎ impelThese words all mean to put sb in a situation where they have to do sth, especially sth that they do not want to do. 这些词均表示迫使、强迫。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to drive / impel sb to sthto force sb / be made / be obliged / compel sb / drive sb / impel sb to do sthto feel obliged / compelled / impelled to do sth force [transitive, often passive] to put sb in a situation in which they have to do sth that they do not want to do 迫使;强迫Ill health forced him into early retirement.他由于健康欠佳不得不提前退休。I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left.最后一班公共汽车已经开走,我只好打车。She forced herself to be polite to them.她对他们强装客气。Public pressure managed to force a change in the government's position.公众的压力迫使政府改变了立场。He didn't force me- I wanted to go.他没有逼我,是我自己想去的。 see also force pressure noun 2 make (made, made) [transitive] to put sb in a situation in which they have to do sth whether they want to or not 迫使;强迫They made me repeat the whole story.他们非让我把整个事件再说一遍。His snoring was so bad, she made him sleep on the sofa downstairs.他鼾声如雷,她只好让他睡在楼下的沙发上。We were made to work very hard.我们被迫卖力工作。NOTE 辨析 Force or make? Make is slightly more informal and is used especially in conversation. It is usually a person who makes sb else do sth, especially by ordering or telling them in a firm way. 跟force相比,make略微非正式,尤用于交谈中。make表达此义时主语通常是人,尤指命令或坚决地吩咐他人去做某事Mum makes us eat lots of vegetables.妈妈要求我们吃很多蔬菜。 Force often suggests strong persuasion or threats from sb, or describes a situation in which there is no choice about what to do. * force 常意味着某人措辞强硬地劝说或威胁,或描述某种别无选择的情况The hijackers forced the passengers to lie on the ground.劫机者强迫乘客躺在地上。The plane was forced to make an emergency landing because of bad weather.飞机因恶劣天气被迫紧急着陆。In the passive both verbs are followed by the infinitive with to 这两个动词用于被动语态时后面均接带 to 的不定式to be forced / made to do sthbut note the difference between the two verbs in the active. 但要注意用于主动语态时二者的区别to force sb to do sthto make sb do sth oblige / /əˈblaɪdʒ/ / [transitive, usually passive] (always followed by to + infinitive 总是后接带to的不定式) (rather formal) to force sb to do sth, for example by law or because it is a duty (以法律或义务)迫使,强迫Parents are obliged by law to send their children to school.法律规定父母必须送子女上学。Suppliers aren't legally obliged to provide a warranty.法律上没有规定供应商必须提供商品保修。 Oblige is used especially in official contexts to describe sth that sb is required to do by law or because it is their responsibility. * oblige尤用于正式语境,指法律规定或以职责、义务要求某人做某事The landlord is obliged to give tenants 24 hours' notice of a visit.房东来访必须提前24小时通知房客。It can also be used to describe a moral or social obligation, but in this context it is formal. * oblige亦指以道德或社会义务(obligation)要求某人做某事,但这一用法很正式We felt obliged to sit with them.我们觉得应该同他们坐在一起。 see also obligation responsibility compel / /kəmˈpel/ / (-ll-) [transitive] (formal) to use your authority to force sb to do sth; to make sth necessary (利用威权)强迫,迫使;使必须The law can compel fathers to make regular payments for their children.这项法律可强制父亲定期支付子女费用。Last year ill health compelled his retirement.去年他因健康欠佳被迫退休了。 see also compulsion pressure noun 2 drive (drove, driven) [transitive] to force sb to act in a particular way, often an extreme way 迫使,驱使(某人做出极端的事)The urge to survive drove them on.求生的欲望驱使他们继续下去。It's the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.这个故事讲的是成人世界的虚伪如何将一名少年逼入绝境。 impel / /ɪmˈpel/ / (-ll-) [transitive, often passive] (formal) to be forced to do sth by a feeling or idea, especially one that seems to be beyond your control (尤指无法控制的感情或想法)驱使,促使He felt impelled to investigate further.他觉得有必要作进一步调查。There are various reasons that impel me to that conclusion.有各种原因促使我得出那个结论。




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