

单词 impression
impression noun
effect (a strong impression) parody (do impressions of celebrities) sense (get an impression of sb) false impression illusion be under the impression think verb


 See also the entry for result 另见result条effect ♦︎ impact ♦︎ influence ♦︎ power ♦︎ force ♦︎ impression ♦︎ actionThese are all words for the changes in sb/sth that are caused by sb/sth else. 这些词均表示效应、影响。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an effect / impact / influence / impression on / upon sb / sthunder the effect / impact / influence of sth / sb(a) considerable / tremendous / great effect / impact / influence / power / force / impressiona profound / significant / strong / big / positive / lasting effect / impact / influence / impressiona / an cultural / economic / political / social effect / impact / influenceto have an effect / impact / influenceto make an impact / impressionto feel the effect / impact of sth effect [countable, uncountable] a change in sb/sth that is caused by sb/sth else 效应;影响Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects.尽管她备受折磨,但好像并未受到不良影响。Her criticisms had the effect of discouraging him completely.她的批评使他完全丧失了信心。It's not always easy to distinguish between cause and effect.分清因果并非总是那么简单。The management changes had little or no effect on output.管理层的变化对产量影响不大。 see also affect affect verb impact / /ˈɪmpækt/ / [countable, usually singular, uncountable] the powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth 巨大影响;强大作用Her speech made a profound impact on everyone.她的讲话对每个人都有深远影响。The programme examined the environmental impact of power generation.该项目考察了发电对环境的影响。We are trying to minimize the impact of price rises on customers.我们力求将涨价带给顾客的影响减到最低。 see also impact affect verb influence [uncountable, countable] the effect that sb/sth has on the way a person thinks or behaves, or on the way that sth works or develops (对思想、行为或事物发展变化的)影响,作用Children around the age of eight are especially vulnerable to the influence of television.八岁左右的儿童尤其容易受到电视的影响。The artists exerted a strong influence on a younger generation.这些艺术家对年轻一代产生了重大影响。They said she was a bad influence on the other children.他们称她对其他孩子产生坏影响。 see also influence affect verb power [uncountable] the influence of a particular thing or group within society (社会内部的)影响力,势力He talked about the enormous power of the mass media.他谈到了大众媒体的强大影响力。The government promised greater opportunities for parent power.政府允诺给予父母更多的施展影响力的机会。 force [uncountable] the strong effect of sb's arguments or personality (论点或人格的)强大效力She spoke with force and deliberation.她讲话铿锵有力,字斟句酌。He felt the full force of her criticism.他感受到了她的批评所产生的强大威力。He controlled himself by sheer force of will.他全凭意志力控制住了自己。 impression [countable, usually singular] the effect that an experience or person has on sb/sth, especially on the way that sb thinks or behaves in the future (尤指某种经历或某个人对思想或行为产生的)影响,效果The stillness and silence leave a deep impression on visitors.那一刻的静止无声给来访者留下了深刻的印象。You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire and remember you).你如果真想留下好印象,就得表演得更好。My words made no impression on her.我的话丝毫没有对她起作用。 see also impress impress , impressive impressive action [uncountable] (always followed by of 总是后接of) the effect that one substance or chemical has on another (一种物质或化学品对另一种所起的)作用Vitamin D can be made in the body by the action of sunlight on the skin.维生素D可以通过阳光对皮肤的作用在人体内产生。 see also act affect verb


parody ♦︎ caricature ♦︎ impersonation ♦︎ spoof ♦︎ impression ♦︎ imitationThese are all words for a performance, film, piece of writing, etc. that deliberately copies sb/sth else. 这些词均表示滑稽模仿作品。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a parody / a caricature / an impersonation / a spoof / an impression / an imitation of sb / stha brilliant parody / caricaturea grotesque parody / caricature / imitationa passable impersonation / impression / imitationa convincing impersonation / impressiona poor impersonation / imitationan Elvis Presley / Marilyn Monroe, etc. impersonation / impression / imitationto do a parody / an impersonation / a spoof / an impression / an imitationto write a parody / spoof parody / /ˈpærədi/ / [countable, uncountable] a piece of writing, music, acting, etc. that deliberately copies the style of sb/sth in order to be amusing 滑稽模仿作品(如文章、音乐、表演等)He's currently working on a parody of a horror film.他目前正仿作一部恐怖片。His personality made him an easy subject for parody.他的性格使他易于成为人们搞笑模仿的对象。 parody


[transitive] Her work parodies genres such as the thriller and the spy novel.她的作品对惊险和谍战一类小说进行夸张演绎。
caricature / /ˈkærɪkətʃʊə(r); NAmE ˈkærɪkətʃər, ˈkærɪkətʃʊr/ [countable] (sometimes disapproving) a description of a person or thing that makes them seem ridiculous by exaggerating some of their characteristics 夸张的描述He had unfairly presented a caricature of my views.他歪曲了我的观点。 caricature


[transitive, often passive] She was unfairly caricatured as a dumb blonde.她被丑化成一个傻头傻脑的金发女郎,这有失公平。
impersonation /ɪmˌpɜːsəˈneɪʃn; NAmE ɪmˌpɜːrsəˈneɪʃn/ [countable, uncountable] a performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or behaves in order to deceive people or to entertain them 冒充;假扮;扮演He did an extremely convincing impersonation of the singer.他模仿那位歌手维妙维肖。 see also impersonate pose spoof /spuːf/ / [countable] (informal) a humorous copy of a film or television programme that exaggerates its main features (对电影或电视节目的)滑稽模仿It's a spoof on horror movies.这是对恐怖片的滑稽模仿。They did a very clever game show spoof.他们巧妙地滑稽模仿了竞赛节目。 impression [countable] an amusing performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or acts (对某人言谈举止的)滑稽模仿She did her Marilyn Monroe impression.她滑稽地模仿了玛丽莲•梦露。 imitation [countable] an amusing performance in which sb copies the way a person speaks or acts (对某人言谈举止的)滑稽模仿He does a hilarious imitation of George W Bush.他模仿乔治•W.布什,滑稽可笑,令人捧腹。 see also imitate pose NOTE 辨析 Impersonation, impression or imitation?An impersonation of sb can be more serious than an impression or imitation. An impression or imitation (or a humorous impersonation) just copies the most obvious features of a person's voice, manner or behaviour, that people will instantly recognize, in order to be amusing. An impersonation can be a serious attempt to copy a person's whole appearance and character, either in order to deceive sb by really making them believe you are the person impersonated, or as part of a serious dramatic performance. An impression and an imitation are almost the same, but an impression may be more successful. * impersonation与impression或imitation相比,可以是对某人较认真的模仿。impression或imitation(或humorous impersonation)只模仿某人的声音、举止、行为中最明显的特征,使人能即刻辨认出来,达到滑稽的效果。impersonation可以是对一个人的整个外表和性格的认真模仿,目的要么是骗人相信你就是你假扮的那个人,要么是严肃的戏剧表演。impression和imitation两词几乎完全同义,只是impression可能更成功a convincing impression令人信服的模仿a poor imitation拙劣的模仿


sense ♦︎ feeling ♦︎ impression ♦︎ idea ♦︎ sensationThese are all words for sth that you feel or think through the mind or the senses. 这些词均表示感觉、感触、印象。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配a strong sense / feeling / impression / idea / sensationan overwhelming sense / feeling / impression / sensationa good / definite / distinct / vague sense / feeling / impression / ideaa strange sense / feeling / impression / idea / sensationa / an wonderful / warm / uncomfortable sense / feeling / sensationto have a sense / a feeling / an impression / an idea / a sensationto have the sense / feeling / impression / sensation that...to get / give sb / leave sb with / convey a sense / a feeling / an impression / an idea sense [countable] (often followed by of 常后接of) something that you feel, especially in your mind, about sth important (对重要事情的)感觉,意识He felt an overwhelming sense of loss.他感到非常失落。Doesn't she have any sense of guilt about what she did?她对自己所做的事就不感到丝毫的内疚吗?Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security.头盔能给骑车人一种虚假的安全感。I had the sense that he was worried about something.我感觉他有心事。 see also sense feel verb feeling [countable] something that you feel through the mind or the senses (内心或感官的)感觉,感触There was a feeling of sadness in the room.这个房间里有一种悲伤的感觉。You need to stop having these guilty feelings.你需要消除这些内疚感。I've got a tight feeling in my stomach.我觉得胃部胀痛。 (spoken) 'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling.'(= I know how you feel.) “他这样待我,我实在气愤。”“我理解你的感受。”Your feelings [plural] are also your emotions. 复数形式的feelings也可表示个人的情感。 see also feeling emotion , feel feel , feel seem impression [countable] a feeling or opinion that you get about sb/sth, or that sb/sth gives you 印象;感想My first impression of him was favourable.他给我的第一印象不错。I get the impression there are still a lot of problems.我的感觉是问题还挺多的。She gives the impression of being very busy.她给人的印象是特别忙。Try and smile. You don't want to give people the wrong impression (= that you are not friendly).要尽量微笑,不要让人误以为你很冷漠。Impression is used especially to talk about what you think when you first meet sb or experience sth. * impression尤指对某人的第一印象,或第一次体验某事的感觉。 idea [singular, uncountable] a picture or impression in your mind of what sb/sth is like 印象;概念The brochure should give you a good idea of the hotel.这本小册子会让你对这家旅馆有很好的了解。If this is your idea of a joke, then I don't find it very funny.如果你觉得这是开玩笑,那我觉得这一点也不好笑。I had some idea of what the job would be like.我对这份工作有了一些了解。 sensation / /senˈseɪʃn/ / [countable] (rather formal) a feeling that you get when sth affects your body 感觉;知觉You may get a tingling sensation in your fingers.你的手指可能会有刺痛的感觉。I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦里似的。NOTE 辨析 Feeling or sensationA feeling may be physical or mental; a sensation is a physical feeling. Sensation is used especially to talk about a feeling that you do not immediately recognize or understand. * feeling可表示身体或精神上的感觉,sensation表示身体上的感觉。sensation尤指不能立即识别或理解的感觉a sensation of falling / floating / movement / nausea / sinking坠落/漂浮/移动/恶心/下沉的感觉


illusion ♦︎ myth ♦︎ misunderstanding ♦︎ delusion ♦︎ misconception ♦︎ fallacy ♦︎ misinterpretation ♦︎ false impression ♦︎ the wrong ideaThese are all words for a mistaken or false idea about sb/sth. 这些词均表示错误的观念。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配an illusion / a myth / a misunderstanding / a delusion / a misconception / a fallacy / the wrong idea about sb / sththe illusion / myth / misunderstanding / delusion / misconception / fallacy / false impression that...under an illusion / a delusion / a false impressiona dangerous illusion / myth / delusion / misconception / fallacya common myth / misunderstanding / delusion / misconception / fallacya popular myth / misconception / fallacy(a) widespread misunderstanding / misconception / fallacyto have an illusion / a delusion / the wrong ideato be based on a myth / misunderstanding / misconception / fallacy / misinterpretationto give rise to a myth / (a) misunderstanding / a misconceptionto give sb a false impression / the wrong ideato correct a misunderstanding / misconception / false impression illusion / /ɪˈluːʒn/ / [countable, uncountable] a false idea or belief about sb/sth, especially an idea that sb/sth is good when it is not 错误的观念(或信念);幻想;错觉I have no illusions about her feelings for me (= I know that she does not love me).我并不幻想她会喜欢我。He's under the illusion that (= wrongly thinks that) he will get the job.他心存幻想,以为他会得到那份工作。They wanted to create the illusion of being a close, happy family.他们想制造一种假象,仿佛他们是亲密、幸福的一家人。He could no longer tell the difference between illusion and reality.他再也分不清幻想与现实之间的区别。 illusory / /ɪˈluːsəri/ /


(formal) Our new situation gave us an illusory sense of freedom.新的处境给了我们一种虚幻的自由感。Any power he may seem to have is purely illusory.他貌似有权,但他的权力纯属虚幻。
myth / /mɪθ/ / [countable, uncountable] something that many people believe but that does not exist or is false 迷思;错误的观念It is time to dispel the myth of the classless society (= to show that it does not exist).该消除那种无阶级社会的神话了。It's a myth that cats only swish their tails when they are angry.猫只有发怒时才会甩动尾巴的说法不靠谱。Contrary to popular myth, women are not worse drivers than men.都说女人开车比男人差,其实不然。 misunderstanding [countable, uncountable] a situation in which sth is not understood correctly, especially when this leads to problems 误解;误会The meeting is a final chance to clear up any misunderstandings.这次会议是消除误解的最后时机。There must be some misunderstanding-I thought I ordered the smaller model.一定是搞错了,我想我订的是更小型号的。OPP understanding understanding see also misunderstand misunderstand delusion / /dɪˈluːʒn/ / [countable, uncountable] a false belief or opinion about yourself or your situation; the act of making yourself believe sth that is not true 错觉;谬见;妄想;自欺Don't go getting delusions of grandeur (= a belief that you are more important than you really are).不要变得妄自尊大。My mother had a tremendous capacity for delusion.我母亲特别善于自欺欺人。 Delusions can sometimes be caused by a mental illness. * delusion有时可能是由精神疾病引起的Many people with this condition suffer from delusions.许多患有这种疾病的人会产生妄想。 see also delude mislead misconception / /ˌmɪskənˈsepʃn/ / [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a mistaken belief about sth, especially one based on incorrect information (尤指因信息有误导致的)错误认识,误解It's a widespread misconception that only women get breast cancer.只有女人才会得乳腺癌是个普遍存在的错误观念。Their views are based on misconception and prejudice.他们的观点基于误解和偏见。 fallacy / /ˈfæləsi/ / [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a false idea that a lot of people think is true; a false way of thinking about sth (普遍持有的)谬见,谬论;错误的思维方式It's a fallacy to say that the camera never lies.说照相机从不骗人,这是谬见。He detected the fallacy of her argument.他发现了她论据中的推理谬误。 misinterpretation /ˌmɪsɪntɜːprɪˈteɪʃn; NAmE ˌmɪsɪntɜːrprɪˈteɪʃn/ [uncountable, countable] (rather formal) a mistaken idea or belief caused by sb not fully understanding sth or understanding it in the wrong way (因理解不充分或有偏差导致的)误解,误读What he said could easily be open to misinterpretation.他说的话很容易被误解。Their conclusions were a result of a misinterpretation of the data.他们的结论是出于对数据的错误解读。 see also misinterpret misunderstand ˌfalse imˈpression [countable] a mistaken idea about sb/sth, especially one based on too little information (尤指因信息过少而产生的)假象,错误印象Their main headline gave a completely false impression.他们的大标题给人完全错误的印象。 see also false wrong adj. 1 the ˌwrong iˈdea


(rather informal) a mistaken idea about sb/sth, especially an idea that sb/sth is worse than it really is (尤指不好的)错误印象,误会Be careful about meeting him alone-you don't want people to get the wrong idea (= the idea that you are having a relationship with him).单独见他要慎重-你总不希望别人对你们的关系产生误会吧。The wrong idea is nearly always used with the verbs get, have (got) or give. * the wrong idea几乎总是跟动词get、have (got)或give连用。 see also wrong wrong adj. 1


 See also the entry for regard 另见regard条think ♦︎ believe ♦︎ feel ♦︎ hold ♦︎ reckon ♦︎ make sth of sb/sth ♦︎ be under the impressionThese words all mean to have an idea that sth is true or possible or to have a particular opinion about sb/sth. 这些词均表示认为、以为。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to think / believe / feel / hold / reckon / be under the impression that...It is thought / believed / reckoned that...to be thought / believed / felt / held / reckoned to be sthto think / believe / feel / make sth of sb / sthto think / believe / feel sth about sb / sthto sincerely / honestly think / believe / feel / holdto personally think / believe / feel / reckonto really / seriously / mistakenly think / believe / feelto firmly believe / hold / be under the impression think (thought, thought) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have an idea that sth is true or possible, although you are not completely certain; to have a particular opinion about sb/sth 认为;以为Do you think (that) they'll come?你认为他们会来吗?I didn't think you liked sports.我原以为你不喜好运动。I think this is their house, but I'm not sure.我想这是他们家,但不敢肯定。We'll need about 20 chairs, I should think.我看我们需要大约20把椅子。It was once thought that the sun travelled around the earth.人们一度认为太阳绕着地球转。What did you think about the idea?你原先认为这个想法怎么样?Well, I like it. What do you think?嗯,我觉得不错。你认为呢?'Will we make it in time?' 'I think so.'“我们能及时完成吗?”“我想可以。”'Is he any good?' 'I don't think so.'“他怎么样?”“我认为一般。” believe [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to think sth 认为;以为Police believe (that) the man may be armed.警方认为那个人可能携有武器。It is believed that the couple have left the country.据信那对夫妇已经离开了这个国家。The paintings are believed to be worth over $20 000 each.那些画作据估计每件价值都超过2万元。'Where does she come from?' 'Spain, I believe.'“她是哪里人?”“我想是西班牙人。”'Does he still work there?' 'I believe so / not.'“他还在那里工作吗?”“我想是的/不是。”She believes that killing animals for food or fur is completely immoral.她认为,为获取食物或皮毛而杀害动物是完全不道德的。 see also belief view 1 NOTE 辨析 Think or believe?When you are expressing an idea that you have or that sb has of what is true or possible, believe is more formal than think. It is used especially to talk about ideas that other people have; think is used more often for talking about your own ideas. 在表示自己或他人认为某事真实或可能时,believe比think正式。believe尤用于谈论他人的想法,think多用于谈论自己的想法Police believe...警方认为⋯I think...我觉得⋯If you say 'I believe...', you can suggest that this is what you have been led to believe by sb else and so you are not responsible if the information is wrong. When you are expressing an opinion, believe is stronger than think and is used especially to talk about matters of principle; think is used more to talk about practical matters or matters of personal taste. 如果说I believe ...,则可能意味着自己是被别人引导而有某种看法,因此对信息真确与否不承担责任。当表达意见时,believe语气较think强烈,尤用于谈论原则性问题;think更多用于谈论实际问题或个人喜好I believe that we have a responsibility towards the less fortunate in society.我认为我们对社会的弱势群体负有责任。I think we should reserve seats in advance.我想我们应该提前订位。I don't think he's funny at all.我一点儿都不觉得他有趣。 feel (felt, felt) [transitive, intransitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) to have a particular opinion about sth that has happened or about what you/sb ought to do (对发生的事或应做什么)有某种看法;认为;以为We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose.我们都认为我们输了是运气不好。I felt (that) I had to apologize.我觉得我得道歉。She felt it to be her duty to tell the police.她认为她有责任报警。I felt it advisable to do nothing.我觉得不采取任何行动才是明智的。This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake.我认为这个决定是个天大的错误。This is something I feel strongly about.这事令我感触颇深。 see also feeling view 1 hold (held, held) [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses 不用于进行时) (rather formal) to have an opinion or belief about sb/sth; to believe that sth is true 怀有,持有(意见或信念);认为;相信He holds strange views on education.他对教育有很不一样的看法。He has very firmly-held religious beliefs.他的宗教信仰极其坚定。She is held in high regard by her students (= they have a high opinion of her).学生对她评价很高。Parents will be held responsible (= will be considered to be responsible) for their children's behaviour.父母会被认为对孩子的行为负有责任。 reckon [transitive, intransitive] (especially BrE, informal, especially spoken) to think that sth is true or possible 认为,以为(某事为真或可能)I reckon (that) I'm going to get that job.我认为我会得到那份工作。He'll be famous one day. What do you reckon (= Do you agree)?总有一天他会成为名人的。你觉得呢?It's worth a lot of money, I reckon.我想这值很多钱。'They'll never find out.' 'You reckon?'(= I think you may be wrong about that.) “他们永远不会发现。”“你真的这么认为?” Reckon is also used in the passive in the phrase It is reckoned that.... * reckon亦可用于被动语态,出现在短语It is reckoned that ...中It is generally reckoned that about half of all job vacancies are never advertised publicly.人们普遍认为,所有职位空缺中约有一半从未公开刊登广告。This passive use is not as informal as I reckon... and is used more in writing, but it is still slightly informal. 这种被动用法比I reckon ...正式,更多用于书面语,但仍略显不太正式。 see also reckon regard ˈmake sth of sb/sth

phrasal verb

(made, made) (usually used in negative statements and questions 通常用于否定陈述和疑问句) to understand the meaning or character of sb/sth; to have an opinion about sb/sth 领会;理解;认为I can't make anything of this note from Petra.我根本不懂佩特拉这张便条的意思。I don't know what to make of the new manager.我不知道怎么说这位新经理才好。
be ˌunder the imˈpression that...


to have an idea that sth is true especially when it later proves not to be true 以为;(尤指)误认为I was under the impression that the work had already been completed (= but I have just learnt that it had not).我还以为已经完工了呢。




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