

单词 lay down
lay down phrasal verb
rule2 (lay down rules) lay down the law dictate to sb


rule a country 统治国家The court/judge ruled that... 法庭/法官裁定⋯ See also the entry for order verb 1 另见order动词词条第1义rule ♦︎ prescribe ♦︎ lay sth down ♦︎ decree ♦︎ order ♦︎ legislate ♦︎ dictateThese words all mean to give an official decision about sth or officially say that sth should happen. 这些词均表示正式决定、裁定、命令。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to rule / legislate on / against sthto rule / prescribe / lay down / decree / order / legislate / dictate that...to rule / prescribe / lay down / decree / order / dictate how / what / who...It is prescribed / laid down / decreed / ordered that...to do sth as prescribed / laid down / ordered / dictatedto officially rule / prescribe / lay down / decree / order / legislate (that...) rule [intransitive, transitive](especially of a judge or court) to give an official decision about sth (尤指法官或法庭)决定,裁定,判决The high court will rule on the legality of the action.高等法院将裁定此举是否合法。The judge ruled in favour of the plaintiff.法官判原告胜诉。The court ruled that the women had been unfairly dismissed.法院裁定这些妇女是被不公平地开除的。The deal may be ruled illegal.这笔交易可能会被判定为非法。 see also ruling conclusion prescribe / /prɪˈskraɪb/ / [transitive] (rather formal) (especially of rules) to say what should be done or how sth should be done (尤指规章、条例)规定,命令,指示The syllabus prescribes precisely which books should be studied.教学大纲明确规定了必读书目。 ˌlay sth ˈdown

phrasal verb

(laid, laid)to state officially that people must obey a particular rule, law or principle 规定,制订(条例、法规或原则)You can't always lay down hard and fast rules.规则不能总是定得太死。You should follow the regulations as laid down in the handbook.你应该遵守手册中的规定。
decree / /dɪˈkriː/ / [transitive] to decide sth officially, using your authority and without discussing it with other people (掌权者自行)裁定,判决,颁布The government decreed a state of emergency.政府下令进入紧急状态。It was decreed that the following day should be a holiday.法令宣布第二天为休假日。 see also decree order noun order [transitive] to use your position of authority to say that sth must happen 命令;指示;要求They ordered that for every tree cut down two more be planted.他们要求每砍伐一棵树就要补栽两棵。The Justice Minister has ordered an investigation into the matter.司法部长已下令对此事进行调查。 legislate / /ˈledʒɪsleɪt/ / [intransitive] (formal) to make a law affecting sth 制定法律;立法The government has been urged to legislate against discrimination in the workplace.人们敦促政府制定法律禁止职场歧视。The King restricted Parliament's power to legislate.国王限制议会的立法权。 see also legislation law dictate /dɪkˈteɪt; NAmE ˈdɪkteɪt/ [transitive] to tell sb what to do or what should happen, especially in an annoying way (尤指以令人不快的方式)指使,强行规定What right do they have to dictate how we live our lives?他们有什么权利强行规定我们该怎样生活?I refuse to be dictated to.我拒绝受人摆布。They are in no position to dictate terms.他们没有资格发号施令。
dictate to sb

phrasal verb

dictate to sb ♦︎ push sb around/about ♦︎ tyrannize ♦︎ order sb around/about ♦︎ lay down the lawThese words all mean to tell sb what to do in a rude or forceful way. 这些词均表示以粗鲁或强迫的方式支使人做事。SYNONYM SCALE 词义标尺 下图显示这些词所表达支使的专横程度
push sb about/arounddictate to sbtyrannize
order sb about/aroundlay down the law
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配sb will not be dictated to / pushed around / tyrannized (by sb)to allow yourself to be dictated to / pushed aroundsb thinks they can push sb around / order sb around dicˈtate to sb

phrasal verb

[often passive] to give orders to sb, often in a rude and aggressive way 任意支使某人;向某人发号施令She refused to be dictated to by anyone.她拒绝受任何人摆布。
ˌpush sb aˈround ˌpush sb aˈbout

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to keep telling sb what to do in a rude and aggressive way 任意摆布某人;不断支使某人She's wrong if she thinks she can push me around.如果她以为可以任意摆布我,那她就错了。
tyrannize (BrE also tyrannise) / /ˈtɪrənaɪz/ / [transitive, intransitive] (rather formal, written) to use your power to give orders to sb and treat them in a cruel and unfair way (利用权势)专横地对待;对⋯施行暴政After years of obeying her own husband's mother, she felt that she was now entitled to tyrannize her daughter-in-law.在多年对婆婆俯首帖耳之后,她觉得自己现在有资格专横地对待儿媳妇了。Since he took power five years ago, he has tyrannized over the people of this small nation.自从五年前掌权后,他一直对这个小国的人民施行暴政。 ˌorder sb aˈround ˌorder sb ˈaˈbout

phrasal verb

(rather informal) to keep telling sb what to do in a rude or annoying way (不断地)支使某人,使唤某人How dare he order her around like that?他怎么竟敢那样支使她?NOTE 辨析 Dictate to sb, push sb around or order sb around?If sb dictates to sb else, they say what they should do, without listening to them or taking their opinions into account, especially because they believe they are in a strong position to do so. If sb pushes sb about/around they tell them what to do, often using threats or violence, especially over a period of time. The person who is being pushed around is often in a weaker position and cannot say no. If sb orders sb around/about, they give them orders because they believe that they are more important or powerful. The person who is being ordered around may or may not do what they are told. * dictate to sb表示任意支使别人做事而不聆听或考虑他们的想法,尤其是因为觉得自己处于强势地位,可以这么做。push sb about/around表示常使用威胁或暴力手段支使别人做事,尤指这种行为持续一段时间,而被支使者常处于弱势,不得不从。order sb around/about则表示因觉得自己比别人重要或有权势而向别人发号施令,被支使者可能服从,也可能不服从。
lay down the ˈlaw


(laid, laid)to tell sb what they should and should not do, in a forceful way 强行规定;严格规定My dad started laying down the law about what time I should come home.我爸爸开始规定我必须什么时候回家。




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