

单词 leave your/its/a mark
leave your/its/a mark phrase


 See also the entry for influence verb 另见influence动词词条affect ♦︎ involve ♦︎ concern ♦︎ influence ♦︎ work ♦︎ impact ♦︎ take (a) hold ♦︎ leave a mark ♦︎ act ♦︎ colourThese words all mean to have an effect on sb/sth. 这些词均表示对某人或某事物有影响。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to impact / act / leave a mark on sthto be involved / concerned in sthto affect / influence what happensto affect / influence how / why / when / where sth happensto affect / influence / colour sb's judgement / attitudeto directly / indirectly affect / involve / concern / influence / impact on / act on sb / sthto adversely / inevitably affect / influence / impact on sth affect [transitive, often passive] to have an effect on sb/sth 影响How will these changes affect us?这些变化会对我们有什么影响?Your opinions will not affect my decision.你的意见不会影响我的决定。The south of the country was worst affected by the drought.该国南方旱情最严重。The type of audience will affect what you say and how you say it.听众的类型会影响你讲话的内容和方式。 see also effect effect noun , bias influence verb involve [transitive] to be a situation, event or activity that sb takes part in or is affected by 牵涉;牵连;影响There was a serious incident involving a group of youths.有一起严重事件涉及一群年轻人。How many vehicles were involved in the crash?这起撞车事故涉及多少辆汽车? concern [transitive, often passive] (rather formal) (of an issue, situation or event) to involve sb because they have a particular reason to be interested in it or a particular part to play in it (问题、状况或事件)涉及,牵扯(某人)Don't interfere in what doesn't concern you.不要插手跟你无关的事情。The meetings were often embarrassing for all concerned.这些会面常常让所有相关人员觉得尴尬。The individuals concerned will have some explaining to do.涉及的每个人都要作些解释。NOTE 辨析 Involve or concern? Involve suggests a greater degree of physical activity, when sb is actually doing sth or sth happens to them. * involve较为强调实际活动。某人与此相关,是因为他的所作所为,或因为事情发生在他身上an incident concerning a group of youths the vehicles concerned in the crash Concern suggests a greater degree of interest or responsibility, when an issue particularly affects sb, or a situation is caused by sb. * concern较为强调利益或责任。某人与此相关,是因为受到特定影响,或导致某种局面。 influence [transitive] to have an effect on a particular situation and the way it develops 影响;对⋯起作用A number of social factors influence life expectancy.诸多社会因素影响人的预期寿命。The local climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream.当地气候受湾流影响。At college she met the two people who most influenced her career.上大学时,她遇到两个人,对她的事业影响最大。 see also influence influence verb , influence effect noun work [intransitive] (always used with an adverb or preposition 总是与副词或介词连用) to have a particular effect on sb/sth, especially either a positive or negative effect 产生(正面或负面)作用Your age can work against you in this job.你的年龄会不利于你做这份工作。Speaking Italian should work in his favour.会说意大利语应该对他有好处。 impact / /ˈɪmpækt/ / [intransitive, transitive] (especially journalism 尤用于新闻 or business 商业) to have an effect on sth, especially a bad one 有(坏的)影响;有(坏的)作用The border dispute could impact on the work of aid agencies.边界争端有可能影响援助机构的工作。The company's performance was impacted by the high value of the pound.公司业绩受到了英镑升值的冲击。 see also impact effect noun take (a) ˈhold


to begin to have a strong effect on sth or have complete control over sb/sth; to become very strong 开始有巨大影响;开始完全控制;变得十分强大Panic took hold of him and he couldn't move.他惊恐万分,动弹不得。It was in the sixties that the cult of the teenager first took hold.正是在上世纪60年代,青少年的狂热崇拜开始蔚然成风。
leave your ˈmark leave a ˈmark leave its ˈmark


to have an effect on sb/sth, especially a bad one, that lasts for a long time 留下久远的(坏)影响Such a traumatic experience is bound to leave its mark.这样的痛苦经历肯定会留下烙印。
act [intransitive](especially of a drug, chemical or physical force) to have a physical effect on sth (药物、化学品或外力)有影响,起作用Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.酒精可以对大脑迅速产生影响。It took a few minutes for the drug to act.几分钟后药物才起作用。 see also action effect noun colour (BrE) (NAmE color) [transitive] to have an effect on sth, especially sb's opinion or attitude, often in a negative way (尤指消极地)影响(观点或态度)The experience moulded and coloured her whole life.这次经历影响了她一生。Don't let your judgement be coloured by personal feelings.不要让你的判断受到个人感情的影响。




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