

单词 carry out
carry out phrasal verb
do1 (carry out tests) follow3 (carry out orders) keep5 (carry out a threat)


do the washing/some research 洗衣服;做研究do well at school 在学校学习好do ♦︎ carry sth out ♦︎ conduct ♦︎ undertake ♦︎ perform ♦︎ implement ♦︎ commit ♦︎ practise ♦︎ go through sthThese words all mean to work at an activity or task. 这些词均表示从事、执行、操作。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to do / carry out / conduct / undertake / perform the workto do / carry out / conduct / undertake / perform a / an activity / analysis / investigation / review / assessment / evaluationto do / carry out / conduct / undertake businessto do / carry out / conduct / perform / go through a testto do / carry out / undertake / perform a task / jobto do / carry out / perform / go through a manoeuvreto do / carry out / perform / practise surgeryto do / carry out / implement a plan / policy / strategyto do / carry out / conduct / undertake / perform / implement sth effectively / efficiently / properly / successfullyto do / conduct / perform / implement sth well / poorly do (does, did, done) [transitive] to work at an activity, task or job 从事(工作);进行(活动);执行(任务)I do aerobics once a week.我每周做一次有氧健身运动。I'm doing some research on the subject.我正就这一课题进行研究。I have a number of things to do today.我今天有几件事要做。What do you do (= what is your job)?你是做什么工作的?What did she do for a living?她过去以什么谋生? Do is often used to refer to actions that you do not mention by name or do not know about. * do常指做一些没有言明或不甚了解的事情What are you doing this evening?今晚你打算做什么?There's nothing to do (= no means of passing the time in an enjoyable way) in this place.这地方没什么好玩的。The company ought to do something about the poor service.这公司应该采取点措施解决服务差的问题。There's nothing we can do about it (= we can't change the situation).我们对此毫无办法。What can I do for you (= how can I help)?我能为您做点什么? Do is often used with nouns for activities or tasks such as shopping or cleaning. * do常与表示活动或工作的名词如shopping或cleaning连用 (BrE) I like listening to the radio when I'm doing the ironing.我喜欢边熨衣服边听收音机。She did a lot of acting when she was at college.她上大学时演过很多戏。You could help me by doing (= washing) the dishes.你可以帮我洗碗。I like the way you've done your hair.我喜欢你梳的发式。 ˌcarry sth ˈout

phrasal verb

(rather formal) to do and complete a task or action 执行,完成(任务);开展(活动)We carry out routine maintenance of the equipment.我们对设备进行日常维护。The company has just carried out a major cost-cutting exercise.这家公司刚刚实行了一次重要的削减成本举措。The pilot has to carry out a series of complex manoeuvres.飞行员必须完成一系列复杂的机动动作。The massacre was carried out by enemy troops.那次大屠杀是敌军干的。Carry out is used to talk about work, tasks or crimes; but even in the case of crimes, they are often crimes that have been carefully planned or ordered. * carry out指从事工作、任务或犯罪活动,但即使表示从事犯罪活动,也指精心策划或组织的犯罪。
conduct / /kənˈdʌkt/ / [transitive] (formal) to organize and/or do a particular activity 组织;安排;实施We conducted the experiment under controlled circumstances.我们是在严格控制的情况下进行那次实验的。The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.那几次谈判是以一种积极的方式组织安排的。The interrogation was conducted by senior police officers.担任审问工作的是一些高级警官。Conduct is often used with words like enquiry, inquest, interview, interrogation, investigation, survey and study, in which people are trying to get answers to questions. * conduct常与enquiry、inquest、interview、interrogation、investigation、survey和study连用,表示设法给问题找到答案。 undertake / /ˌʌndəˈteɪk; NAmE ˌʌndərˈteɪk/ (undertook, undertaken) [transitive] (formal) to make yourself responsible for sth and start doing it 承担;从事;负责The directors of the company refused to undertake such a risky venture.公司董事拒绝承担这样一个高风险的经营项目。A group of enthusiasts has undertaken the reconstruction of a steam locomotive.一群热心者已经承担起一台蒸汽机车的复原工作。Undertake is usually used to talk about an important job that a person or group of people takes responsibility for. * undertake通常指承担或负责重要的工作。 see also undertaking project perform [transitive] (rather formal, especially written) to do sth, such as a piece of work, task or duty 做;履行;执行A computer can perform many tasks at once.电脑能同时做多项工作。She performs an important role in our organization.她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。He performed miracles to get everything ready in time.他及时把一切都准备妥当,创造了奇迹。NOTE 辨析 Carry out or perform? Carry out places emphasis on the amount of work, especially when this lasts a period of time and is done according to a plan. Perform often emphasizes the skill involved. * carry out强调工作的量,尤其是须持续一段时间和按计划完成的工作;perform常强调工作所涉及的技能carry out miracles/an important role perform inquiries/a cost-cutting exercise Carry out, but not perform, can be used to talk about negative actions such as attack, abuse, assault, assassination and killing. * carry out可用于attack、abuse、assault、assassination和killing之类的有害行为,perform则不能。 implement /ˈɪmplɪment/ / [transitive] (rather formal) to make sth that has been officially decided start to happen or be used 实施;贯彻;执行We have not yet begun to implement the changes.我们尚未实行这些变革。We are implementing a new system of stock control.我们正在实施一种新的库存管理系统。 commit (-tt-) [transitive] to do sth wrong or illegal 做(错误或非法的事);犯(罪或错等)What leads someone to commit murder?导致人犯谋杀罪的原因是什么?We heard of some of the appalling crimes committed against innocent children.我们听到一些对无辜儿童犯下的骇人听闻的罪行。Commit collocates with crime, offence, atrocity, outrage and sin and some words for different crimes and sins, including murder, assault, robbery, adultery and blasphemy. To commit suicide is to kill yourself deliberately. * commit与crime、offence、atrocity、outrage和sin搭配,也与表示不同罪行或罪过的词如murder、assault、robbery、adultery和blasphemy搭配。commit suicide指自杀。 practise (BrE) (NAmE practice) [transitive] (rather formal) to do sth regularly as part of your normal behaviour 经常做(某事);养成⋯的习惯A lot of couples now practise safe sex.许多夫妻现在实行安全性行为。Do you still practise your religion?你还奉行你的宗教信仰吗?Train yourself to practise self-restraint.对自己进行训练以培养自制力。 see also practice use noun go through sth

phrasal verb

(went, gone)to perform a series of actions; to follow a method or procedure 执行某行动;实行某方法;履行某程序Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate.必须办理一定的手续方能移居他国。We go through the same old routine every morning.每天早上我们都要做一遍同一套的例行程序。


You lead, I'll follow. 你带路,我跟着。A news report will follow shortly. 接下来是新闻报道。follow instructions/sb's advice/the rules 遵循指示;听从某人的忠告;遵循规则follow the fashions/sb's example 追随潮流;以某人为榜样follow ♦︎ comply ♦︎ obey ♦︎ act on/upon sth ♦︎ adhere to sth ♦︎ abide by sth ♦︎ observe ♦︎ carry sth out ♦︎ respectThese words all mean to accept advice, instructions or rules and do what you have been told or shown to do. 这些词均表示接受、遵循、遵从。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to follow / comply with / obey / adhere to / abide by / observe / respect the conventions / rules / regulations / lawto follow / comply with / obey / abide by / respect sb's will / wishesto follow / comply with / adhere to / abide by / carry out a policyto follow / obey / act on / carry out instructions / ordersto follow / act on / carry out a recommendationto comply with / carry out / respect an obligationto follow / obey / adhere to / observe / carry out sth faithfullyto comply with / adhere to / observe / carry out / respect sth fullyto follow / comply with / adhere to / abide by / observe sth strictly follow [transitive] to accept advice or instructions and do what you have been told or shown to do 接受,遵循,听从(忠告或指示)I didn't really follow the recipe.我其实不太按食谱的规定去做。He has trouble following simple instructions.简单的指示他都难以照办。Follow is often used to talk about acting according to written instructions such as a recipe, timetable or syllabus, as well as orders or commands. * follow常指根据书面说明操作,后接recipe、timetable、syllabus等词,也可后接order、command等。 comply / /kəmˈplaɪ/ / [intransitive] (rather formal) to act according to a rule or the law 遵从,服从,遵守(规定或法律)They refused to comply with the UN resolution.他们拒绝遵守联合国的决议。What sanctions can they take against us if we fail to comply?如果我们不遵守,他们能对我们采取什么制裁措施?Comply is usually used in contexts relating to law and diplomatic situations. * comply通常用于跟法律和外交相关的语境。 OPP breach break 3 see also compliant passive compliance / /kəmˈplaɪəns/ /


[uncountable] to ensure full compliance with the law确保严格遵守法律
obey [transitive, intransitive] to do what you are told or expected to do 服从;遵守;顺从He consistently refuses to obey rules.他一贯拒绝守规矩。He had always obeyed his parents without question.他对父母一向绝对服从。'Sit down!' Meekly, she obeyed.“坐下!”她乖乖地顺从了。The object of obey can be a person (for example a parent) or a thing (for example rules). Using obey often emphasizes the relationship of power between people. * obey的宾语可以是人(如parent),也可以是事物(如rules)。obey常用以强调人与人之间的权力关系。 OPP disobey oppose , break break 3 see also obedient good 7 ˈact on sth ˈact upon sth

phrasal verb

to take action as a result of advice, information or a feeling 根据(建议、信息或感觉)行事Acting on information from a member of the public, the police raided the club.警方根据市民的举报,突击搜查了这家夜总会。Why didn't you act on her suggestion?你为什么没有按照她的建议去做呢?Acting on impulse, he picked up the phone and dialled her number.凭着一时冲动,他拿起电话拨了她的号码。
adˈhere to sth

phrasal verb

(formal) to act according to a law, rule or set of instructions; to follow a particular set of beliefs or a fixed way of doing sth 坚持,遵守,遵循(法律、规章、指示、信念或惯例)For ten months he adhered to a strict no-fat low-salt diet.十个月来他严格坚持无脂低盐饮食。She adheres to teaching methods she learned over 30 years ago.她依照的是30多年前所学的教学法。 adherence


[uncountable] strict adherence to the rules严格遵守规章制度
aˈbide by sth

phrasal verb

(formal) to accept and act according to a law, agreement or decision 遵守,遵循(法律、协议或决定)You'll have to abide by the rules of the club.你必须遵守俱乐部的规定。We will abide by their decision.我们愿意遵从他们的决定。
observe /əbˈzɜːv; NAmE əbˈzɜːrv/ [transitive] (formal) to act according to a law, agreement or custom 遵守(法律、协议或习俗)Will the rebels observe the ceasefire?叛乱者会遵守停火协议吗?We observed a two-minute silence for the victims of the bombing.我们为轰炸的罹难者默哀两分钟。 ˌcarry sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to do sth that you have been asked to do 执行;履行;落实He made it clear that they must carry out orders immediately.他明确表示,他们必须立即执行命令。 see also carry sth out keep 5
respect [transitive] to not break a law or principle 遵守,不违背(法律或原则)The new leader has promised to respect the constitution.新的领导人承诺遵守宪法。Respect is often used to talk about people who have the power to break the rules without being punished, but choose or are encouraged not to do so as a matter of principle. * respect常用于有权力违反规则而不用受惩罚的人,但原则上他们情愿或人们期望他们不这么做。 OPP violate break 3 see also respect respect noun


Where do you keep the sugar? 你把糖放哪儿了?I've kept all her letters. 我保留着她的所有来信。keep a diary 记日记keep chickens/bees 养鸡;养蜜蜂keep a promise/an appointment 遵守承诺;按时赴约continue2Keep smiling!hold sb/sth upYou're an hour late-what kept you?maintain1keep sth goingpersistkeep goingkeep ♦︎ deliver ♦︎ honour ♦︎ carry sth out ♦︎ follow through ♦︎ stand by sthThese words all mean to do what you have promised to do. 这些词均表示遵守诺言。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to deliver / follow through / carry through on sthto keep / deliver on / honour / carry out / follow through on / stand by a promiseto keep / honour / follow through on / stand by your wordto keep to / honour / follow through on / stand by an agreementto keep to / carry out / follow through on / stand by a planto carry out / follow through on a threatto honour / carry out / stand by a commitment keep (kept, kept) [transitive] to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,信守,恪守(诺言)She kept her promise to visit them.她遵守诺言去看望了他们。He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic.他未能如约去诊所。If we all keep to the agreement there won't be any problems.只要我们都恪守协议,就不会出什么问题。OPP break break 4 deliver [intransitive, transitive] (rather informal, especially journalism 尤用于新闻 or business 商业) to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to 履行诺言;不负所望;兑现He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will deliver.他答应6月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。She always delivers on her promises.她总是信守诺言。If you can't deliver improved sales figures, you're fired.要是你不能兑现提高销售额的承诺,就会被解雇。The team delivered a stunning victory last night.昨晚这个队不负众望,大获全胜。 Deliver is usually used to talk about producing what is expected in business or sport. * deliver通常指经营业绩或体育成绩达到预期to deliver a (high-quality) service / product / range of benefits / left hook / victory提供(优质)服务/产品;不负众望取得一系列收益/打出一记左钩拳/取得胜利 honour (BrE) (NAmE honor) [transitive] (formal) to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守,信守,恪守(承诺或协议)I have every intention of honouring our contract.我非常愿意履行我们的合约。She is determined to honour her husband's dying wish.她决心实现丈夫的遗愿。The bank refused to honour the cheque (= to pay it).银行拒绝承兑这张支票。NOTE 辨析 Keep or honour?You can keep or honour a promise, agreement or your word: in these collocations honour is much more formal than keep. You can also keep an appointment or engagement or honour sb's wishes. * keep和honour都可与promise、agreement或one's word搭配,但这些搭配中honour比keep正式得多。此外,keep还可与appointment或engagement搭配,honour则可与wish搭配He failed to honour his appointment. She is determined to keep her husband's dying wish. ˌcarry sth ˈout

phrasal verb

to do what you have said you will do or what you have decided to do 履行;实施;付诸行动He carried out his threat after being released from prison.他出狱后把威胁付诸行动。
ˌfollow ˈthrough

phrasal verb

(NAmE, rather informal) to do what you have said you will do or what you have decided to do 履行;实施;付诸行动It's up to you to follow through with the plan.你有责任实施这个计划。You've vowed to stay in shape during your pregnancy-but will you follow through?你曾发誓要在怀孕期间保持体形-可你做得到吗?NOTE 辨析 Carry sth out or follow through?You can carry out or follow through on a promise or threat. Follow through is more informal, but is used mostly in American English. Carry sth out is used with a wider range of collocates, including plan, resolution, commitment, responsibility and engagement. You can also carry out what sb else has asked you to do. * carry out和follow through on都可与promise或threat搭配,但follow through不太正式,主要用于美式英语。carry sth out的搭配范围更广,搭配词有plan、resolution、commitment、responsibility和engagement。carry out也可指完成别人要求的事情。 see also carry sth out follow 3
ˈstand by sth

phrasal verb

(stood, stood)to still believe or agree with sth you said, decided or agreed earlier 仍然遵守诺言(或协议等)She still stands by every word she said.她依然恪守她说过的每一句话。Other typical collocates of stand by sth are findings, opinion, decision and story. * stand by sth其他一些常见的搭配词有findings、opinion、decision和story。




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