

单词 cash
cash verb
cash noun
money1 (your hard-earned cash) money2 (pay in cash)


cash ♦︎ exchange ♦︎ cash sth in ♦︎ change ♦︎ clearThese words all mean to exchange money in one form for the same value of money in a different form. 这些词均表示兑换货币。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to cash / change traveller's chequesto cash / clear a chequeto exchange / change your currency / pounds / dollars for / into pounds / dollars / the local currency cash [transitive] to exchange a cheque for the amount of money that it is worth 兑现(支票)The company cashed my cheque but then failed to send the goods I'd ordered.那家公司兑现了我的支票,之后却没按我的订单发货。 see also cash money noun 2 exchange [transitive] to give an amount of money and get back the same value in the money of another country 兑换(货币)You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel.可以在旅馆将钱兑换成美元。 ˌcash sth ˈin

phrasal verb

to exchange sth, such as an insurance policy, for the amount of money which it is then worth, before the date on which you would normally receive the full amount of money 把(保险单等)提前兑现It's not a good idea to cash in your bonds before the five years are up.提前兑现你的五年期债券并不明智。
change [transitive] (especially spoken) to exchange money into the money of another country; to exchange money for the same amount in different coins or notes 兑换(成另一国货币);将⋯换成零钱Where can I change my traveller's cheques?我可以到哪里兑换旅行支票?Can you change a £20 note?你能把一张20英镑的钞票换成零钱吗? see also change money noun 2 clear [intransitive, transitive] if a cheque that you pay into your bank account clears, or a bank clears it, the money is available for you to use 兑现(支票)Cheques usually take three working days to clear.兑现支票通常需要三个工作日。


make money 赚钱count the money 点钞the family's money 家产money ♦︎ cash ♦︎ funds ♦︎ capital ♦︎ finance ♦︎ meansThese are all words for money that can be used to buy things. 这些词均表示钱、资金。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配government / public money / cash / funds / capital / financeto have / lack (the) money / cash / funds / capital / finance / the means ( to do sth)to be short of money / cash / funds / capitalto raise / provide / put up money / cash / funds / capital / finance (for sth)to get / obtain money / cash / funds / finance (for sth)to spend / borrow / invest money / cash / funds / capitalto lend money / cash / fundsto pay / save money / cash money [uncountable] what you earn by working or by selling things, and use to buy things 钱;薪水;收入He hoped the project would make money.他希望这个项目能赚钱。He returned the new TV to the store and got his money back.他将新电视机退还给商店,拿到了退款。This desk is worth a lot of money.这张书桌值很多钱。The money (= the pay) is great in my new job.我的新工作薪水很高。 See also the entry for income 另见income条 cash [uncountable] (informal) money that is available to be spent 金钱;资金She refused to part with her hard-earned cash.她拒绝交出辛苦挣来的钱。The company is strapped for cash (= without enough money).公司现在缺钱。 funds [plural] money that is available to be spent 金钱;资金The hospital is trying to raise funds for a new kidney machine.医院正设法筹钱购买一台新的血液透析器。 see also fund fund noun , fund fund verb , funding investment NOTE 辨析 Cash or funds? Cash is more informal than funds but both words can be used in both a personal and a business context. * cash不如funds正式,但二者均可用于个人语境和商务语境I'm / The government is short of cash / funds.我/政府缺钱。 Cash, but not funds, can be used like an adjective before other nouns. * cash可像形容词一样用在其他名词前,但funds不能这样用The company is having cash flow problems.公司的资金周转出现了问题。The company is having funds flow problems. capital [uncountable, singular] money or property that is owned by a business or person; money that is invested in a business 财富;财产;资本;资金We don't have enough capital to buy new premises.我们没有足够的资金来购置新的营业场所。Our capital is all tied up in property.我们的资金全都投在了房地产上,无法动用。capital assets / goods / stock (= wealth in the form of buildings, equipment, etc.) 资本资产/货物/存量 finance [uncountable] (rather formal) money used to run a business, activity or project 资金Finance for education comes from taxpayers.教育经费来自纳税人。 Finances [plural] are the money available to a person, organization or country or the way this money is managed. 复数形式的finances指个人、组织或国家的财力或财务管理Moving house put a severe strain on our finances.搬家使我们的经济十分紧张。The firm's finances are basically sound.公司的财务状况大体上还不错。 see also finance finance noun , finance fund verb means [plural] the money or income that a person has and can use to pay for things (个人的)财富,钱财People should pay according to their means (= according to what they can afford).人应该依据自己的负担能力来消费。Private school fees are beyond the means of most people (= more than they can afford).私立学校的费用是大多数人无力支付的。Try to live within your means (= not spend more money than you have).要尽可能量入为出。


make money 赚钱count the money 点钞the family's money 家产money ♦︎ cash ♦︎ changeThese are all words for money in the form of coins or paper notes. 这些词均表示钱币、钞票。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to draw out / get out / take out / withdraw money / cashready money / cash (= money that you have available to spend immediately) money [uncountable] money in the form of coins or paper notes 钱币;钞票I counted the money carefully.我仔细点过这笔钱。Where can I change my money into dollars?什么地方能把我的钱兑换成美元?paper money (= money that is made of paper, not coins) 纸币 cash [uncountable] money in the form of coins or paper notes 钱币;钞票How much cash do you have on you?你身上带着多少现金?Payments can be made by cheque or in cash.支票或现金付款均可。Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash.顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠。petty cash (= a small amount of money kept in an office for small payments) 办公室的小额备用现金 see also cash cash verb NOTE 辨析 Money or cash?If it is important to contrast money in the form of coins and notes and money in other forms, use cash. 强调现金而非其他形式的货币时用cashHow much money / cash do you have on you?你身上带着多少现金?Payments can be made by cheque or in money. Customers are offered a discount if they pay money. change [uncountable] the money that you get back when you have paid for sth giving more money than the amount it costs; coins rather than paper money 找给的零钱;找头;辅币;硬币That's 40p change.这是找给您的40便士。The ticket machine doesn't give change.自动售票机不找零。Do you have any change for the ticket machine?你有可以在自动售票机购票的硬币吗?a dollar in change (= coins that together are worth one dollar) 总值一元钱的硬币Can you give me change for a ten pound note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)?你能换给我10英镑的零钱吗?I didn't have any small change (= coins of low value) to leave as a tip.我没有零钱留下来付小费。 see also change cash verb




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