

单词 cast about/around for
cast about/around for phrasal verb


Look at that! 瞧那个东西!look for a job/your passport 找工作;寻找护照look ♦︎ search ♦︎ seek ♦︎ hunt ♦︎ forage ♦︎ scout ♦︎ cast about/around for sthThese words all mean to try to find sth. 这些词均表示寻找、寻求、寻觅。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配to look / search / seek / hunt / forage / scout for sthto look / search / hunt / forage / scout around (for sth)to look / search / hunt through sthto look / search / hunt / forage in sthto look for / search for / seek / cast around for a / an alternative / wayto look / search / hunt for cluespolice / detectives look for / search for / seek / hunt sb / sthto look / search / seek / hunt / cast around desperately (for sth)to look / search / seek / cast around in vainto look / search / hunt everywhere look [intransitive] to try to find sth 寻找;寻求I can't find my book-I've looked everywhere.我找不到我的书-到处都找遍了。Are you still looking for a job?你还在找工作吗?We're looking for someone with experience for this position.我们正在物色一个有经验的人来担任这个职位。We're looking around for a house in this area.我们正在这个地区四处找房子。I was just about to come looking for you.我正要过来找你呢。 see also look search noun search [intransitive, transitive] to look carefully to try to find sb/sth; to examine a particular place when trying to find sb/sth; (especially of the police) to examine sb's clothes, etc. in order to find sth that they may be hiding 搜索;搜寻;查找;(尤指警察)搜身She searched in vain for her passport.她翻找自己的护照,但没找着。The customs officers searched through her bag.海关官员搜遍了她的行李。I found out more about the company by searching online.我在网上搜索到了更多有关这家公司的信息。Firefighters searched the building for survivors.消防队员在大楼里搜寻幸存者。Visitors are regularly searched as they enter the building.参观者进入大楼时要接受例行的搜查。 see also search search noun seek (sought, sought) [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to try to find sb/sth 寻找;寻求Drivers are advised to seek alternative routes.建议驾车者另寻其他路线。Police are seeking witnesses to the accident.警察正在寻找事故的目击证人。He admired her ability to seek out bargains (= to look for and find them).他佩服她淘便宜货的能力。 (BrE) They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.他们没能找到一个藏身的地方。 see also seek ask 2 , seek try 1 hunt [transitive, intransitive] to try to find sth that is difficult to find; to try to find sb in order to catch them or harm them 搜寻,搜索(难找之物);追踪;追捕I've hunted everywhere, but I can't find it.我到处都搜遍了,可就是找不到它。She was hunting through her bag for her keys.她正在翻包找钥匙。Police are hunting an escaped criminal.警察正在追捕一名逃犯。 see also hunt search noun forage / /ˈfɒrɪdʒ; NAmE ˈfɔːrɪdʒ, ˈfɑːrɪdʒ/ [intransitive] (written) (especially of animals) to try to find food; (of a person) to try to find sth, especially using your hands (尤指动物)觅食;(尤指人用手)搜寻东西The female only leaves the young to forage for food.母兽只在觅食时才离开幼崽。Her assistant was foraging in a drawer for some envelopes.她的助手正在抽屉里找一些信封。 scout /skaʊt/ / [intransitive, transitive] to search an area or various areas in order to find or discover sth 侦查;搜寻(某处)The kids were scouting around for wood for the fire.孩子们在四处捡柴火。They scouted the area for somewhere to stay the night.他们四处察看,想找个过夜的地方。 ˌcast aˈbout for sth ˌcast aˈround for sth

phrasal verb

(cast, cast) (written) to try hard to think of or find sth, especially when this is difficult 苦苦思索;四处寻找She cast around desperately for a safe topic of conversation.她绞尽脑汁寻找一个稳妥的话题。The authorities are clearly casting about for someone to blame.当局显然在忙着找人来承担责任。




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