例句 |
acrimonious adj. ⇨ bitter 2bitter2 adjective a bitter taste 苦味bitter feelings 痛苦的感情bitter ♦︎ sour ♦︎ resentful ♦︎ acrimonious ♦︎ embitteredThese words all describe people feeling angry and unhappy after a bad experience. 这些词均表示因糟糕的经历而感到愤愤不平、闷闷不乐。PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONS 句型和搭配◆bitter / resentful about sth◆bitter / resentful towards sb◆a bitter / a sour / an embittered man◆a sour / resentful expression◆a bitter / an acrimonious debate / dispute / divorce■ bitter (of people) feeling very angry and unhappy because you feel that you have been treated unfairly; (of situations) full of angry feelings and words (人)愤愤不平的;(状况)怨声载道的◆He is very bitter about losing his job.他丢了工作,心里很不服气。◆She bit her lip hard to stop the rush of bitter words.她使劲咬着嘴唇,把到嘴边的刻薄话咽回去了。◆They are locked in a bitter custody battle over their three children.他们为三个孩子的监护权陷入了一场激烈的争夺之中。 see also bitterness ⇨ resentment ▸ bitterly adverb ◆They complained bitterly.他们气愤地抱怨。■ sour feeling or expressing bitterness or disappointment 阴郁的;闷闷不乐的;沮丧的◆She was a sour and disillusioned old woman.她是一个心灰意冷、幻想破灭的老女人。◆The meeting ended on a sour note with several people walking out.数人退场,会议不欢而散。◆As time went by the marriage turned sour.时日推移,这桩婚姻逐渐产生问题。ⓘ Sour is not usually followed by a preposition. * sour后通常不接介词◆She was sour about it. see also sour ⇨ influence verb ▸ sourly adverb ◆'Who asked you?' he said sourly.“谁问你了?”他没好气地说。■ resentful / /rɪˈzentfl/ / (especially written) feeling bitter or angry about sth that you think is unfair 感到气愤的;憎恨的;愤慨的◆She was resentful at having been left out of the team.她对于被摈出团队感到气愤。◆They seemed to be resentful of our presence there.他们好像对我们出现在那里很生气。 see also resent ⇨ resent , resentment ⇨ resentment ▸ resentfully adverb ◆He looked at me resentfully.他满怀怨恨地看着我。NOTE 辨析 Bitter, sour or resentful? Bitter feelings are the strongest and most openly expressed. * bitter所表达的感情最强烈、最公开◆feeling extremely / intensely / very bitter感到极其/非常/十分痛苦◆a bitter laugh / smile苦笑If you feel sour or resentful it may be less obvious. * sour或resentful所表达的感情也许没那么明显◆vaguely / silently resentful略感气愤;生闷气◆resentful eyes满含怨愤的眼神◆a sour face阴郁的脸色 Sour especially describes relationships which may go/turn sour. * go/turn sour尤指关系变坏、恶化。 ■ acrimonious /ˌækrɪˈməʊniəs; NAmE ˌækrɪˈmoʊniəs/ (rather formal) (of a situation) angry and full of strong bitter feelings and words (状况)怨声载道的,恶言相向的◆His parents went through an acrimonious divorce.他的父母在激烈争吵中离了婚。 see also acrimony ⇨ resentment ▸ acrimoniously adverb ◆The relationship ended acrimoniously.这段关系在怨愤中结束了。■ embittered (rather formal, especially written) feeling angry and unhappy about sth over a long period of time (长期)怨愤的,沮丧的,苦恼的◆He died an embittered man.他含怨而终。 |