

单词 courage
couragecourage /ˈkɚɪdʒ/ noun courage
the quality of not being afraid or showing your fear:
  • He finally found the courage to ask her for a date.
  • Standing up to the bullies took a lot of courage.
  • bravery
    courage and brave actions in a very dangerous or frightening situation, especially when you are fighting in a war:
  • He was given a medal for his bravery, after he risked his life to help an injured soldier.
  • heroism
    a lot of courage and very brave actions, especially to save other people:
  • The mayor praised the heroism of the firefighter who saved the little girl.
  • nerve
    courage or confidence to do something difficult or frightening. Nerve is more informal than courage:
  • I didn’t agree with my boss, but I didn’t have the nerve to tell him.
  • ➔ see dare (1) for “have the courage to do something” ➔ see brave




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