

单词 behavior
behaviorbehavior /bɪˈheɪvyɚ/ noun behavior
the way that a person behaves:
  • The prisoners can leave prison early if their behavior is good.
  • After taking the drug, the patients’ behavior changed. They went from being calm to being anxious.
  • conduct AWL (formal)
    the way someone behaves, especially in a job or at school. Conduct sounds more formal or official than behavior:
  • You will be graded on your work and your conduct in class.
  • manner
    the way someone talks to or deals with other people. Manner sounds fairly formal:
  • Her manner was always polite and professional.
  • treatment
    the things that a person or organization does that have an effect on people they have power over:
  • The treatment of prisoners at the women’s prison has improved.
  • ➔ see misbehavior for words meaning “bad behavior”




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