例句 |
blanchesverbpresent tense third-person singular of blanch to make white or whiter by removing colora good washing with bleach should blanch these yellowed sheets bleaches, blenches, decolorizes, dulls, fades, pales, snows, washes out, whitens brightens, lightensdims, mats(also mattes or matts)etiolateswhitewashesfrosts, silvers darkens, deepens, embrowns blackensblotches, checkers, dapples, daubs, discolors, flecks, marbles, mottles, patterns, polychromes, shades, speckles, specks, splotches, spots, streaks, striates, stripes, tarnishes, variegatescolors, dyes, paints, pigments, stains, tinctures, tinges, tintsburnishes, polishes, shines |