

单词 blatant
例句 blatantadjective

engaging in or marked by loud and insistent cries especially of protesta blatant clamor for the impeachment of the scandal-plagued governor

caterwauling, clamant, clamorous, obstreperous, squawking, vociferant, vociferating, vociferous, yawping(or yauping), yowling

clangorous, dinning, discordant, noisyloudmouthed, outspoken, vocalboisterous, rackety, raucous, robustious, rowdy, uproariouscacophonous, dissonant, earsplitting, grating, shrill, stridentblaring, blustering, booming, brassy, brazen

noiseless, quiet, silent, soundless, stillcalm, hushed, subdued

very noticeable especially for being incorrect or badI take off points for blatant spelling errors

conspicuous, egregious, flagrant, glaring, gross, obvious, patent, pronounced, rank, striking

arresting, clear, distinct, dramatic, emphatic, evident, eye-catching, marked, notable, noticeable, outstanding, plain, prominent, remarkable, salient, showy, splashyabsolute, arrant, downright, out-and-out, outright, sheer, stark, utterdetectable, discernible(also discernable), observable, perceptible, visibleabominable, atrocious, awful, deplorable, execrable, heinous, lousy, monstrous, outrageous, preposterous, shameful, shocking, terrible, wretched

imperceptible, inconspicuous, unnoticeable, unobtrusiveinconsequential, inconsiderable, insignificant, slight, small, trifling, trivialconcealed, hidden, invisible

vociferous, clamorous, blatant, strident, boisterous, obstreperous mean so loud or insistent as to compel attention.vociferous implies a vehement shouting or calling out.vociferous cries of protest and outrageclamorous may imply insistency as well as vociferousness in demanding or protesting.clamorous demands for prison reformsblatant implies an offensive bellowing or insensitive loudness.blatant rock musica blatant clamor for impeachmentstrident suggests harsh and discordant noise.heard the strident cry of the crowboisterous suggests a noisiness and turbulence due to high spirits.a boisterous crowd of party goersobstreperous suggests unruly and aggressive noisiness and resistance to restraint.the obstreperous demonstrators were arrested

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