例句 |
mow (down)verb to kill on a large scalemachine guns mowed down the advancing troops without mercy butcher, massacre, slaughter assassinate, croak(slang), dispatch, do in, execute, fell, murder, slay, smite, snuffannihilate, blot out, decimate, demolish, destroy, devastate, eradicate, exterminate, waste, wipe out to strike (someone) so forcefully as to cause a fallthe crowd rushing in for the sale mowed down the poor clerks standing at the front entrance bowl (down or over), down, drop, fell, floor, knock down, knock over, level, prostrate kayo, knock out, KOoverthrow, throw down, topplebang, bash, belt, bludgeon, clobber, hammer, hit, jab, paste, poke, pound, punch, slam, slap, slog, slug, smack, smite, sock, swat, swipe, thump, thwack, wallop, whack, whale |