例句 |
moxienoun knowledge gained by actually doing or living through somethingit was old-fashioned military moxie that got medical supplies to the disaster site in record time chops, experience, expertise, know-how, proficiency, savvy, skills backgroundcommand, masteryacquaintance, conversance, familiarity, intimacy inexperience ignorance, unawareness, unfamiliarity strength of mind to carry on in spite of dangera fearless journalist who denounced McCarthyism when few had the moxie to do so bottle(British slang), bravery, courage, courageousness, daring, daringness, dauntlessness, doughtiness, fearlessness, gallantry, greatheartedness, guts, gutsiness, hardihood, heart, heroism, intestinal fortitude, intrepidity, intrepidness, nerve, pecker(chiefly British), prowess, stoutness, valor, virtue backbone, fiber, fortitude, grit, gumption, mettle, pluck, pluckiness, spunk, temperdetermination, perseverance, resolutionendurance, stamina, stomach, tenacityaudacity, boldness, brazenness, cheek, cojones(slang), effrontery, gall, temerity cowardice, cowardliness, cravenness, dastardliness, poltroonery, spinelessness cold feet, faintheartedness, fearfulness, mousiness, timidity, timorousnessfeebleness, softness, weaknessimpotence, ineffectualnesshesitation, indecision, indecisiveness, irresolution active strength of body or mindsay, you're full of moxie this morning! beans, bounce, brio, dash, drive, dynamism, energy, esprit, gas, get-up-and-go, ginger, go, gusto, hardihood, juice, life, oomph, pep, punch, sap, snap, starch, verve, vigor, vim, vinegar, vitality, zing, zip animal spirits, animation, briskness, jauntiness, liveliness, snappiness, spirit, spiritedness, sprightliness, spunk, spunkiness, vibrance, vibrancy, vivaciousness, vivacityardor, élan, fervor, fire, passion, zealmain, metal, mettle, might, muscle, potency, power, puissance, stamina, strengthbrawniness, fitness, hardiness, huskiness, sturdiness, virilityhealth, healthiness, soundness, verdure, wellness lethargy, listlessness, sluggishness, torpidity indolence, lazinessdebilitation, debility, delicacy, disablement, enfeeblement, faintness, feebleness, frailness, frailty, impotence, impotency, infirmity, powerlessness, puniness, slightness, softness, tenderness, weaknessenervation, exhaustion, inanition, prostration in 1930 |