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formalizeverb to make agree with a single established standard or modelwe'll need to formalize our research results before we submit our study for review homogenize, normalize, regularize, standardize codify, marshal(also marshall), methodize, order, organize, systematize, systemizeaverage, equalize, evensquareaccredit, certifycontrol, govern, regulate, ruleconciliate, conform, coordinate, harmonize, integrate, reconcile, synthesize customize, individualize, tailor to give official acceptance of as satisfactorythe plan has yet to be formalized by the city council accredit, approbate, approve, authorize, clear, confirm, finalize, homologate, OK(or okay), ratify, sanction, warrant accept, acknowledge, affirmcertify, endorse(also indorse), validatebless, canonize, sanctifyinitial, rubber-stamp, sign, sign off (on)allow, enable, legalize, license(also licence), pass, permitreapprove decline, deny, disallow, disapprove, negative, reject, turn down, veto ban, enjoin, forbid, illegalize, interdict, prohibit, proscribedisregard, ignore, neglect, overlookrebuff, rebut, refuse, spurn in 1646 |