例句 |
prefersverbpresent tense third-person singular of prefer to show partiality towardI generally prefer chocolate ice cream over vanilla cares (for), favors, leans (toward or towards), likes adores, cottons (to), delights (in), digs, enjoys, fancies, grooves (on), relishes, revels (in)chooses, culls, handpicks, names, picks, selects, singles (out), takescovets, craves, desires, hankers (for or after), wants, wishes (for)biases(or biasses), prejudicesinclines (toward), tends (to)admires, appreciates, cherishes, prizes, treasures, values goes in for, is partial to disfavors, dislikes, mislikesabhors, abominates, detests, hates, loathesdeclines, refuses, rejects, turns downdiscards, jettisons, throws away, throws out to decide to accept (someone or something) from a group of possibilitiesmost buyers of that vehicle have preferred the model with four-wheel drive cherry-picks, chooses, culls, elects, handpicks, names, opts (for), picks, selects, singles (out), tags, takes preselectsappoints, designates, fixes, marks, nominates, sets, tabs, tapsaccepts, adopts, embraces, espousessettles (on or upon) declines, refuses, rejects, turns down disapproves, negatives, repudiates, spurnsdiscards, jettisons, throws away, throws out |