例句 |
maulverb to abuse physicallydemonstrators who claimed that they had been mauled by the police maltreat, manhandle, mishandle, rough (up) abuse, ill-treat, ill-use, mistreat, misuseroughhouse, wrestlebash, batter, beat, buffet, drub, lambaste(or lambast), lick, pommel, pound, pummel, slap, thrashharm, hurt, injure, woundoppress, persecute, wrongambush, assail, attackclobber, fight, gang up (on), hit, jump, knocktorment, torture caress, fondle, petcoddle, mollycoddle, pampercare (for), foster, nurture to strike repeatedlythe irate store owner was mauling the shoplifter when the police showed up bash, baste, bat, batter, beat, belabor, belt, birch, bludgeon, buffet, bung up, club, curry, do, drub, fib(British), flog, hammer, hide, lace, lambaste(or lambast), lash, lather, lick, mess (up), paddle, pelt, pommel, pound, pummel, punch out, rough (up), slate, slog, switch, tan, thrash, thresh, thump, tromp, wallop, whale, whip, whop(or whap), whup, work over assail, assault, attack, beset, box, bust, chop, clobber, clout, crack, cudgel, cuff, descend (on or upon), hit, jump (on), knock, lam, lay on, paste, pounce (on or upon), punch, raid, rush, slam, slap, smack, smash, sock, spank, storm, swat, swipe, thwack, whack, wham, whompblackjack, cane, cowhide, flagellate, fustigate, horsewhip, leather, pistol-whip, rawhide, scourge, strapgore, lacerate, woundmaim, mangle, mutilate beat up on in the 13th century |