例句 |
clinksnounpl. of clinkslang a place of confinement for persons held in lawful custodyI once spent a night in the clink, and it's an experience I don't want to repeat bastilles, big houses(slang), bridewells, brigs, calabooses, cans, coolers, coops, guardrooms, hocks, holds, hoosegows, jailhouses, jails, joints(slang), jugs, lockups, nicks(British slang), penitentiaries, pens, pokeys(slang), prisons, quods(British slang), slammers, slams, stirs(slang), stockades, tolbooths(Scottish) bull pens, cages, cells, holes, tanksblocks, wardsglasshouses(British), guardhouses, hulksconcentration camps, gulags, labor camps, prison camps, stalags, work campsdungeons, keeps, oubliettesreformatories, reform schools, training schools outsides clinksverbpresent tense third-person singular of clinkto make a repeated sharp light ringing soundcoins clinking in his pocket as he traipsed down the street chinks, jingles, tingles, tinkles clangors, clangs, clanks, clashes, crashesclacks, clatters, rattleschimes, ding-dongs, dings, gongs, jangles, pings, plinks, rings |