例句 |
fountainheadsnounpl. of fountainhead a point or place at which something is invented or providedhistorically, California has served as the fountainhead of that eclectic group of self-actualization movements known as the New Age cradles, fonts, fountains, origins, roots, seedbeds, sources, springs, wells, wellsprings beginnings, commencements, dawns, day ones, geneses, get-goes(also git-goes), inceptions, incipiences, incipiencies, kickoffs, launches, mornings, nascences, nascencies, onsets, outsets, starts, thresholdsbaselines, first bases, ground zeros, square ones the source from which something grows or developsa collection of lyrical ballads that became the fountainhead of a literary revolution germs, origins, roots, seed(or seeds), seedbeds fonts, fountains, springs, wellheads, wells, wellspringsbeginnings, births, commencements, dawns, geneses, inceptions, incipiencies, launches, mornings, onsets, outsets, starts, thresholdscreations, inaugurations, originations |