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handlesnounpl. of handle a part by which an implement is heldwas given a set a steak knives with wooden handles a word or combination of words by which a person or thing is regularly knownlikes to go by the handle "Champ" appellations, appellatives, cognomens(or cognomina), compellations, denominations, denotations, designations, monikers(also monickers), names, nomenclatures, titles baptismal names, Christian names, first names, forenames, given namesfamily names, maiden names, middle names, surnamesmatronymics, patronymicsbynames, diminutives, epithets, hypocorisms, nicknames, sobriquets(also soubriquets)banners, rubrics, tagsaliases, cryptonyms, noms de guerre, noms de plume, pen names, pseudonymsbinomials, monomialstrivial names, vernacularsmisnomersbrand names, labels, trademarks, trade names a descriptive or familiar name given instead of or in addition to the one belonging to an individualsince it seemed decreed that every new firefighter have a handle, his was soon "Hulk" aliases, bynames, cognomens(or cognomina), epithets, monikers(also monickers), nicknames, sobriquets(also soubriquets), surnames appellations, denominations, denotations, designations, labels, tags, titlesanonyms, noms de guerre, noms de plume, pen names, pseudonyms handlesverbpresent tense third-person singular of handleto deal with (something) usually skillfully or efficientlyas host of a live TV talk show, she must handle any situation that comes up addresses, contends (with), copes (with), fields, grapples (with), hacks, manages, maneuvers, manipulates, negotiates, plays, swings, takes, treats engineers, finesses, jockeysbrings off, carries off, carries out, gets off, pullscommands, directs, guides, steerscontrols, micromanages, regulates, runsreacts (to), responds (to) comes to grips with, has a grip on botches, bungles, foozles, fumbles, goofs (up), louses up, messes (up), mishandles, muffs, scamps to behave toward in a stated wayhandles all requests professionally, even when customers are rude acts (toward), deals (with), is (to), serves, treats, uses considers, esteems, rates, reckons, regards, viewsengages (with), reacts (to), responds (to) does by to control the mechanical operation oflearned how to handle basic woodworking power tools operates, runs, works usesmaneuvers, manipulates, plies, wieldscommands, controls, directs, drives, guides, pilots, steers to look after and make decisions aboutshe takes care of the flower beds, and he handles all the lawn care administers, administrates, carries on, conducts, controls, directs, governs, guides, keeps, manages, operates, overlooks, oversees, presides (over), regulates, runs, stewards, superintends, supervises, tends cares (for), minds, watchesleads, pilots, steersguards, protects, safeguardsmicromanages, stage-managescodirects, comanages watches over to put up with (something painful or difficult)I can't handle much more of this foul weather abides, absorbs, accepts, bears, bides(chiefly dialect), brooks, countenances, endures, goes, hacks, meets, pockets, stands, sticks out, stomachs, supports, sustains, sweats out, takes, tolerates, wears(British) allows, permits, suffers, swallowsreconciles (to)acquiesces, agrees (with or to), assents (to), capitulates, consents (to), respects, submits (to), yields (to) lives with, lumps (it), stands for, toughs it out declines, dismisses, refuses, rejects, repudiates, spurns, turns downcombats, contests, fights, opposes, resistsavoids, bypasses, circumvents, dodges, eludes, escapes, evades, missesabstains (from), forbears, refrains (from) to be in charge ofI'll be handling the team's workouts while the leader is on vacation bosses, captains, heads, overlooks, oversees, quarterbacks, superintends, supervises administers, commands, controls, directs, guides, manages, orders, runs, shepherds, shows, steersmonitors, presides (over)governs, reigns, rules calls the shots (of), calls the tune (for), rides herd on, watches over |